North America (Minus Mexico and Caribbean), Mysterious Creatures: A Guide to Cryptozoology, Creatures and Beings of China Folklore and Lower Mythology, Cumberland Spaceman (Solway Firth Spaceman), Pterosaurs and Pterodactyls in Cryptozoology, The Buru, Giant Lizards and Giant Crocodiles, The Death Dealing Tree of the Phillippines, The Mysterious Giant Snake Of North-Africa, Titanoboa and largest snakes of the world, Regardless of what it may or may not be, Ogopogo is protected by federal law under the fisheries act. Although the lake contains numerous lacustrine terraces, it is not uncommon for the lake to be 100 m deep only 10 m offshore. Ogopogo has been allegedly seen by First Nations people since the 19th century. 1926 was a busy year for Ogopogo who made an appearance at Mission Beach to at least thirty witnesses, who claimed they saw a large unknown serpent-like animal in the lake while they were traveling in their cars. It’s even the mascot of the region’s hockey team! It will surely continue to do so for generations to come. One day, in a fury of rage the man attacked and killed Kan-He-Kan on the short of the lake. He called to his spotter boat and quickly climbed into the boat. 1926 was also the year that Ogopogo caught the attention of various media publications. In 1992 while vacationing with her family near Okanagan Lake, Jane Thomas from Pennsylvania claims to have seen a large snake like creature on three separate occasions over the period of a week. According to the legend, while Chief Basket and his family were crossing the lake near the water demon’s home, the monster appeared from the depths stirring up the water with its long tail. It's also possible that it's a plesiosaur, mosasaur or pliosaur. According to some, it’s home to … A tissue sample of the creature will be sent to a researcher in Ontario for DNA testing, and the carcass itself will be examined by a scientist in Alberta. Ogopogo reminded everyone again with an appearances in 1978 when Bill Steciuk was crossing over Okanagan Lake in his car and spotted something in the lake. In 1989 while standing on the banks of the lake, hunting guide Earnie Giroux and his wife claim to have seen, and had a good look at a fifteen foot long creature that swam gracefully through the water. Later as he swam near Okanagan Lake’s floating bridge, another creature appeared within nine meters of him which he said had a large eye the size of a grapefruit. The Camel-Riding Robot Jockeys Of The U.A.E. In 2000 a husband and wife who were boating near Rattlesnake Island claim to have watched a creature with a large head and neck swimming through the water for several minutes. Kelowna, British Columbia’s Daily Courier is reporting two scientists have agreed to analyze the remains of a mysterious-looking specimen found along the shore of Okanagan Lake. Throughout 1980 and 1981 several water skiers at different places across the Lake witnessed Ogopogo and a D. Jones claimed that Ogopogo followed him for several seconds while he was on his water skis. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. They didn’t cross the lake again for a long time. Host, Alex Trebek. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. A First Nation’s Chief, Tim Basket and his family had come to visit their neighboring tribe of The Westbank First Nations. Nevertheless, modern-day smartphones and other equipment bring us far higher quality images than ever before. Another new video has re-kindled the age-old debate about B.C.’s legendary lake creature. The gods however, witnessed his crime and captured him. This event was supposedly witnessed by about thirty cars of people who all claimed to have seen the same thing. Andy described the creature as being as big around as a telephone pole, dark in color and fish like with a head more like a cow than a horse. He had learned that his hosts were going to appease the creature by making a sacrifice to it while he and his family traveled through the area around Squally Point. She estimated that it was 50 feet long and about 3 feet wide. Unlocking The Life Of The King Of Handcuffs, Harry Houdini, Deadly Dentures Created By The Megalo Dentist. Danger! He shot the video as he was driving along Okanagan Lake and happened to look over at the lake and see a large object in the water. Each of the creature sightings occurred early in the morning when the water was calm and there were just a few boats on the lake. Your email address will not be published. Hydrography. Okanagan's resident 'monster' Ogopogo has been sighted for generations Valley's resident monster. Right behind them was the head and neck of a huge creature, it caught one of the gulls in mid air pulling down into the water. In July of 1934, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (R.C.M.P.) However, the name Ogopogo was used over 10 years before this alleged beginning, leading many to believe the song actually got it's name from the monster, rather than the other way around. She said that on one of their trips to Kelowna, there were three Ogopogo’s that tried to turn over their boat, they of course turned the boat around as quickly as possible and headed back to shore. The water began to swirl and his horses started being pulled under, MacDougal realizing that he was about to pulled down with his horses, grabbed a knife and cut the ropes barely escaping the sad fate of his horses. Ogopogo or Naitaka (Salish: n'ha-a-itk, "lake demon") is the name given to a cryptid lake monster reported to live in Lake Okanagan in British Columbia, Canada. The first documented sighting reportedly took place in 1926 when over thirty witnesses claimed to have seen the creature at the Okanagan Mission beach. Perhaps one day we’ll see true proof of these legendary animals in the flesh? The most common description of Ogopogo is a 40 to 50-foot-long (12 to 15 m) sea serpent. Well, yes, they can. James Earl and his son David were working close to the lake in 1941 when Earl looked up at the water a saw the creature moving across the water with three humps, his son exclaimed “It’s Ogopogo”. A computer analysis of the footage concluded it was a solid, three-dimensional object. First Nations call the lake monster N’ha-A-itk, which means “the lake demon”. In 2011, a cell phone video captured two dark shapes in the water. He quickly pulled over, grabbed his video camera and began to film the creature. Like Loch Ness, Okanagan is a vast and murky body of water—the biggest in the valley. She brings to the table a background in social housing, multi-family, indigenous design and local knowledge. The film shows a large object in the water that appears to dive in and out of the surface of the water until it submerges into deeper water. They called the creature N’ha-a-itk, meaning "sacred spirit of the waters" and their Native superstitions demanded certain traditions before entering N’ha-a-itk’s domain. In 1968 Art Folden filmed what is claimed to be footage of the alleged creature, showing a large wake moving across the water. The creature didn’t appear to pay any attention to the onlookers as it dove and re-surfaced several times before it finally disappeared. An Okanagan man says he has hard evidence that Okanagan lake’s “Ogopogo” is more than just a myth. Before the monster had the iconic name, it was known as N’ha-a-itk, the spirit of the lake. In memory of their beloved wise man they named the lake Kan-He-Kan (Okanagan). When a local Canadian tourist board offered a one million dollar reward for a proven sighting of the Ogopogo in the 1980s, they were clearly asking for trouble…and a heap of attention that endures to this day. Nevertheless, sightings continue to persist. While it may not be a physical animal, perhaps it was never meant as such. and hoping to catch even a glimpse of the elusive lake demon Ogopogo. It was later settlers who took the concept of the n ̓x̌ax̌aitkʷ (the sacred spirit of the lake in the syilx language of nsyilxcən) and interpreted it as a legendary creature that physically lived in the lake. In that same area, later the same year, a Mr. Ken Chaplin reported seeing a similar creature in the lake. Both Loch Ness’s Nessie and Okanagan Lake’s Ogopogo are local fixtures—stars of countless movies, ill-fated ‘hunts,’ and more. Kan-He-Kan was a revered and much loved wise man of his tribe, so fearful of how the people of his tribe would react to Kan-He-Kan’s murder, and what they might do to him for his crime, he ran away and hid. Gaal is making arrangements to send the tissue sample and carcass to the two researchers, who she declines to identify. Impossible as it may seem, some very plausible sightings have been made in recent years. However, because the physical evidence for the beast is limited to unclear photographs and film, it has also been suggested that the sightings are misidentifications of common animals, such as otters, and inanimate objects such as floating logs.