How much information am I required to submit as part of my submission? APEGS mandates this process. If you apply online, you must pay the GST. Part one consisted of a list of 15 work performance areas that may be negatively affected by a person's level of stress. Application processing time depends on your particular situation. and the closer you are to registration, the more substantive the experience should be. Second would be to develop good relationships in your work due to the effective information and communication that has been transmitted by the report example. *exception – academic review cases only require two Validators and they do not need to be professional engineers or equivalent (but if you have more than two Validators including any professional engineers or equivalent, that is fine).Do I need to be supervised by a professional engineer/geoscientist?Not necessarily. The statements made in any application to APEGS must be true and correct. Your Work Experience Record #1 would cover that time period (all of 2010) and talk about your experience on ABC Bridge project in the 5 different competencies (Application of Theory, Practical Experience, etc). ontact Shawna Argue, Director of Registration, Inter-Association Mobility – member-in-training application. International engineering graduates who do not require the detailed academic assessment can expect a shorter processing time (approximately two months). Please ensure that the domain name “” is not blocked. See Section 4 of Experience Guideline 1 explains what you need to do. You application will be denied if there are more than six deficiencies identified in your academic studies and it is deemed that you require further education, however, a roadmap to complete the deficiencies is provided, if applicable. For the paper-based system, click here and scroll down to "How do I submit completed experience reports to APEGS?" If experience outside Canada or the United States must be verified, additional referees are required. The APEGS address is 300 - 4581 Parliament Avenue, Regina, SK S4W 0G3.How can I pay my annual fees?Once your application is approved, you have six weeks to pay annual membership and licence fees. These are called syllabus descriptions. Do I need to use a different project for each Key Competency?It is acceptable to reference the same major project in multiple Key Competency examples as long as you describe the specific actions that you took to demonstrate each Key Competency. Do I have to have my academic documents sent directly from my university? This is called the Master List check. If you are paying by cheque, send your cheque and paper application form by mail or drop them off at the APEGS office during regular office hours. You have a bachelor level university program of study in engineering (bachelor degree or equivalent) and a PE designation in the United States. See the Reporting Frequency guidelines to help decide appropriate reporting periods for each of your reports. APEGS does not waive membership fees. The mobility application type you are eligible for with APEGS is either engineer-in-training or geoscientist-in-training. COVID-19: Need help staying in Canada? Hello friends , I have applied to APEGS_ EIT , Please can any one of you share with me the work experience report you have made . If a Validator was not given a specific competency to rate, they will see only some general feedback types of questions.How long should my Competency Self-Assessment example description be?While there is no required minimum number of characters required, examples must be sufficiently detailed to provide the Assessor with a clear picture of the nature and level of the work performed and how it pertains to the Key Competency being addressed. This will greatly increase the chance of success and reduce the risk of being required to re-submit. Note that although all APEGS Assessors are bound by confidentiality, it is wise not to disclose proprietary or confidential information because Assessors may work in the same industry or sector as you.I have only worked on two major projects over my four years of experience. All information available in alternate formats upon request, Student Electrical/Biomedical Report (4 months), EIT Post-Graduate Student Progress Report #3, Budgeting and Risk Assessment Report (Extra report requested), EIT Biosystems - Academic Report (16 months), EIT Electrical/Instrumentation Report (50 months), EIT Electrical/Communications Report (8 months), EIT Industrial/Postgraduate Report (14.5 months), EIT Civil/Project Management Report (29 months). We appreciate your patience, and we apologize for the inconvenience. Point form is optional in all three sections and is recommended for the "Action" section. Obtaining a licence waiver (and maintaining your membership) allows you to reinstate your licensee at any time without having to re-apply. Go to the Annual Fees, Licence Waiver web page to find out if you qualify. Any false or misleading statement on an application or relating to any document in support of this application, including concealment of any material fact, may be found to be contrary to the APEGS Good Character Guideline  and lead to denial or revocation of your registration. The Notary Public must do the following: apply their seal, sign, date, and include the text "Certified true copy of the original document" on EACH page of the documents. The statements made in any application to APEGS must be true and correct. These are samples of actual progress reports: Where interns and supervisors have given their permission, we have left the names of both on the report. If you are already registered as an engineer-in-training or geoscientist-in-training in another province or territory of Canada, and you have completed the academic requirements for registration, you can find your application instructions under Inter-Association Mobility – member-in-training application. You are a faculty member at the University of Regina or University of Saskatchewan, and you have a bachelor level university program of study in engineering (bachelor degree or equivalent) and a PhD (any discipline). We accept Visa, MasterCard and American Express in the on-line application system. What are the requirements for references for Licensee applicants?How many years of experience do I need to be able to apply as a Licensee? What are the Engineers Canada Syllabus descriptions? Where can I find the experience report submission cut-off dates? How does the APEGS application process work for international engineering graduates? For all other inquiries, contact How do I get around this in submitting my Competency Self-Assessment? However, you can submit all reports at the same time (although not recommended because there is no opportunity for feedback with interim submissions and you risk getting all reports denied due to insufficient content). Unless you meet the Registrar's Acceptance List, at a minimum, you will be assigned confirmatory exams. Retaining your membership at a cost of $85 per year (plus GST) is a quick and easy option to have your licence available to be reinstated by a phone call and credit card number. For Permission to Consult applications, contact Judy Brinkhurst Ensure that you have read thoroughly and understand all experience reporting guidelines and the experience reporting form before attempting to write experience reports. “Official” course descriptions means that the description is published by the institution. For engineer-in-training applicants, the only situations where the academic assessment form, fee and self-assessment are NOT required for international graduates are: ** IMPORTANT: Not all degrees from these countries are accredited. These terms have the same meaning and are used interchangeably in engineering and geoscience licensee registration. For full detail on the Agreement on Internal Trade, refer to the Engineers Canada web site: the link does not work, look under Programs, Mobility, National Mobility on the Engineers Canada Web site.Information about mobility applications to APEGS can be found under the Inter-Association Mobility web page. What if my bachelor level education is not in engineering or geoscience? However there are a number of factors and requirements to consider when selecting Validators. In general, the longer the reporting period, the more detail we require, We will prorate your licence fee for the remainder of the year and you must pay the licence fee before you can start practicing engineering or geoscience on projects or properties located in Saskatchewan. This answer pertains to the paper-based experience reporting system:You can submit all reports at the same time and even out of chronological order (most recent report submitted first, for example). The new online Compentency-Based Assessment system for engineers-in-training is online only. The applicant is responsible for ensuring that all the information entered is correct. ... please identify which supervisor each example pertains to. Note that your APEGS Central account is not created until you sign up. CanadaVisa is here for you. Hello friends , I have applied to APEGS_ EIT , Please can any one of you share with me the work experience report you have made . See the International Geoscience Graduates web page for details. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. However, if your bachelor degree is in a related field and you have a graduate degree in engineering or geoscience you might meet the academic requirements for member-in-training. Do I need a mentor? See the CBA information for details. For those people who do not need a WES assessment completed:Notarizing documents: You may submit a copy of original documents notarized as being a true copy of the original by a Notary Public.