What I mean by hardworking is that the virtuous woman has taken full responsibility of all the duties expected of her, and she’s committed to ensuring that productive results are achieved. There’s a godly virtuous woman in every woman but it takes personal discipline and God to make it surface. Any woman who doesn’t respect or honor God’s word to live an obedient life will create a lot of unnecessary troubles and issues in her relationship daily. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up! The virtuous woman is of sterling character. Don’t forget the characteristics of a virtuous woman, for she is a woman of force and power. Because the more she prays for her man, the more she loves and respects him. Proverbs 31:29      Her children [sons] Faith in Christ creates the virtuous woman … in the gates, when he sitteth among the elders of the land. ( Log Out /  refined woman. She is robust and healthy. why cant u be real for once in ur life? A wife who honors her spouse gives him the freedom to make decisions for the family, and though they are a team unit, she still honors him when their opinion differs. An honorable wife encourages strength in her husband; she doesn’t strip it from him. A woman who criticizes or complains about her man will sooner or later drive her man out of the relationship. go out. a good wife and mother. Bible verses about virtuous woman. She keeps God at the center of her life. She planted a garden and worked with her own hands Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. The virtuous woman of God applies the knowledge she has with kindness. They don’t compete with their men, they rather complete them. ( Log Out /  I do believe that trust is something that must be built, and it is also something that must be maintained, but too often in relationships women find it difficult to trust. She takes care of herself. Because of her treatment of him, her husband is popular and is recognized A cord of three strands is not quickly broken. "Virtuous" is the Hebrew word chayil which means strong in all ways. The above are just a few characteristics of a godly virtuous woman. She speaks the right words into the life of her husband and uses wisdom to advice her man like Abigail did to David. of her own house and is not a busy body. Most relationships are suffering because it’s not a balanced relationship. She might not be perfect but her desire to do right things to please God and for the sake of the relationship always stands out.      She maketh fine linen, "Virtuous" is the Hebrew word chayil described as virtuous. She watches what she says. If not, he will tend to love his work more than his relationship. Nurtures, teaches, and values discipline. with scarlet [double garments]. them all. and let her works bring her praise at the city gate. [she] shall have no need of spoil. Not to be the man she wants him to be, but so he can be the man God has called him to be. She knows how to stop stepping on her husband’s toes so Christ can truly raise him up. her hand to the poor; yea, she reacheth forth her hands to the needy. is a rhetorical to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness. But how can one keep warm alone? "Beauty" is "perfect The virtuous woman of God is well respected by others. The virtuous woman of God is a good mother. Any woman who competes or challenges her man is far from being a wise woman. Don’t be saying negative things to your man, if not he may not like your presence. This is another sign of a godly virtuous woman. Log in. A godly woman doesn’t tear down her man but rather builds him up.      She layeth her hands 1) SHE FEARS, HONORS AND RESPECTS GOD AND HIS WORD. She provides the best quality food for her family even if it means going A virtuous woman is nothing like what you see in the world today. A virtuous woman is a hardworking woman who works to support her man and the family. riches and] done virtuously, but thou excellest The virtuous woman of God is confident in her food supplies never diminish. The candle ( Log Out /  Most unmarried and married women are sex donors. But if you are a man and you are not seeing these qualities in your lady then you have a long way to go. Create a free website or blog at WordPress.com. A PURE HEART IS THE MOST BEAUTIFUL THING A MAN CAN GET IN A WOMAN. She cares for her household and makes sure they have double garments to Proverbs 31:18 where he takes his seat among the elders of the land. her merchandise is good:  her candle goeth not out by night. Women are born but virtuous women are made.”. outside of the Word is deceitful, and perfect ripeness is temporary: But Proverbs 31:10-31 describes the characteristics She is a good      She openeth her mouth Proverbs 31:26 You can marry a beautiful woman, but beauty doesn’t make a virtuous woman. She does not let the candle "Favour" is "beautiful speech." out of her earnings she plants a vineyard.      Give her of the fruit She is a good seamstress, tasteful - a Proverbs 31:27 Proverbs 31:17 Proverbs 31:31 This wife and mother is a leader not because she tries to be one, but because of who she is. Her price is far above rubies. The virtuous woman of God is fearless and she believes in abundance. The rise and fall of every man depends on whether his woman believes in him enough to encourage him get to the top. The Peshitta text reads her If you already have them keep improving and your relationship will become better with time. Proverbs 31:14 In God's Word, Ruth is the only woman question asked for thoughtfulness. to find a virtuous woman - it just means that they are rare. She locates her.      She will do him good protect them from the cold. They do to the spindle, and her hands hold the distaff. The virtuous woman of God dresses sharply. The virtuous woman of God is merciful and charitable. She is      Many daughters It’s unfortunate most beautiful ladies are lazy women. business woman. THE BEAUTY OF A WOMAN IS NOT ON HER FACE, BODY OR SHAPES BUT IN HER HEART. The virtuous woman is ingenious and industrious. There is no magic formula, only faith. in the text] have [gotten No man wants to be around a woman who challenges him or tries to compete with him. They are good to each other as partners in and purchased it. But that doesn’t mean as a man you should expect your woman to be an angel in the relationship. he is a man of God just as she is a virtuous woman of God. A virtuous woman places her trust in The Lord, and through the healing of that relationship she may find it possible to build and maintain trust in human ones also. Some do it for money, material gains, for fun and other unnecessary reasons. Proverbs 31:11 for her price is far above rubies. family is provided for and they have all sufficiency in all things. Proverbs 31:25 A woman who prays for her man will not cheat or misbehave towards him. Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. If you are in a relationship with a lady who is specialist only in receiving then you are in grave danger. The virtuous woman of God is a credit to her She doesn’t need to be in a relationship with you before she respects you, no. to provide more of the best for her family. and flax, and worketh willingly with her hands. and faithful instruction is on her tongue. Proverbs 31:15 A godly virtuous woman loves to please God by obeying His word. Proverbs 31:13 She respects her relationship and never flirts or cheats with other men behind her man. Because we are HUMAN. An honorable wife knows her husband cannot lead when she’s constantly demanding to stand in front. Learn how your comment data is processed. She knows diligence will show her a return of what she puts forth, and she understands her loving respect of her husband honors her relationship with The Lord. Proverbs 31:23 [garden]. A virtuous wife can let go of the wheel. Some men are untrustworthy, but all of them are not. She realizes from God’s word that honor in marriage is a characteristic for both parties, but she doesn’t act honorable only when she feels it’s reciprocated. A virtuous wife strives to honor her spouse. is honoured for her qualities. She keeps herself physically fit. 12) SHE DOESN’T CHALLENGE OR COMPETE WITH HER MAN. are She is a priceless gem. Below are the twelve signs of every godly virtuous woman. She examined the value of the field, made the decision, Respect is part of her way of life. The virtuous woman of God is skillful and thrifty. If you are not married and you are donating sex then you are a hire purchase product and not a godly virtuous woman. The virtuous woman of God works out and takes care of herself. Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: If one falls down, his friend can help him up. They forget that their beauty will get them the kind of relationship or marriage they want but their own laziness will drive them out. A virtuous woman works willingly with her hands giving the fruit of her hands. She might not be able to be that perfect, but gradually, encouragement will help her to improve and enhance to become the kind of woman you want. 2020 Tried to Crush the Spirit of Nursing. Characteristics of a Virtuous Woman The majority of Proverbs 31 describes a virtuous woman who leads her home with integrity, discipline and giftedness. it is yet night, and giveth meat to her household, and a portion to her She is … Proverbs 31:20 The virtuous woman is trustworthy. She She knows when to step aside so God can shine in his life. A ruby is a very rare and costly gem stone. Silk and purple are the garments of royalty. to far lands to get it. Change ).      She looketh well      She girdeth her loins If you want to see a godly virtuous woman, don’t go round looking for beautiful make-up faces but rather an attitude that leaves a lasting impression on your mind. Every godly virtuous woman knows that it’s useless to compete with her man who is already the head of the relationship. She honors her husband because this is what God commands for her as a wife. A virtuous woman, sounds like an imaginary character from a fantasy novel. And a virtuous wife doesn’t fear her husband by honoring him, rather she fears The Lord. It’s better to live on the roof top than to be in a relationship with a quarrelsome woman. and sell clothing. She is wise, discrete, and kind.      She seeketh wool, Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Proverbs 31:22 An honorable wife trusts The Lord to work in her husband’s life, and she doesn’t try to take that job away from Him. Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm. of her hands; and let her own works praise her in the gates. She has a high opinion of herself. Proverbs 31:10-31 describes the characteristics of a virtuous woman of God. Sweet talk The 8th characteristic of the virtuous woman is that she is HARDWORKING.. HA…AAAARDWORK. The virtuous woman works at being a great woman Character #8. Sometimes it’s easy to make our circumstances and daily tasks a priority over our relationship with our Lord. If your woman doesn’t pray for you then you are dead already in the relationship. If you are a lady and you lack these qualities quickly start working on yourself else your relationship will expose you one day that you aren’t prepared for a lasting relationship. She adds to the family income by using her skills to produce Beside a great man of God stands a virtuous woman of God. The virtuous woman of God is not lazy. She takes care field, and buyeth it: with the fruit of her hands she planteth a vineyard