It is necessary that the talks broadcast over the air must be interest­ing, intelligible and informative. This is a theory that plays an important role for public administrators to consistently implement because it values the credibility of any institution that is serving the public. Public administrators must develop effective means of sharing information with each other and with stakeholders, especially the public. In India the system of Public Relations organization has been borrowed from England. It should, therefore, be the endeavour of every public employee to so conduct himself that his work and organisation should have a favourable public opinion. The word communication is derived from the Latin word communis and communis is derived from communo. Those who deal with the press on behalf of the government must shape their speech and demeanour so as to win the confidence of the press. Surprisingly little attention has been paid to this aspect of public relations in India. Such exhibitions make use of all kinds of visual mate­rial, mural paintings, diagrams, photographs, physical objects, etc. Free essay sample on the given topic "Dream Family". Let us quote another definition: Communication is the process of establishing commonness through the move­ment of ideas, thoughts and feelings etc. The aim is not to reach the public outside but to achieve the understandings of the organizational objectives and policy within the organization itself. Written by academic experts with 10 years of experience. Modern age is called the age of globalisation. White says by showing courtesy and sympathy to the people. The communication will end with the death of organisation. The Importance of Public Administration in Community Development Scholarship and Practice By William Hatcher. It publishes only those things which have some news value. Today even in autocratic political system the importance of communication has not declined at all. Often, the term ‘publicity’ is confused with propaganda. The material so collected is circulated to the Ministries and Departments concerned. Sometimes important administrative personages like the Prime Minister also hold press conferences with press correspondents wherein they explain the policy of the Government or clarify the position of the Government on some matter of local, national or international importance. TOS 7. Besides there are some techniques of dealing with public, which should be borne in mind by the officials in their day-to-day contact with the people. All the employees of the organisation are involved in this affair. Accordingly, government publicity in our country pres­ents certain features which require corrections. It gives an unbiased impres­sion of what the people think about the government and its administrators. The two terms ‘Public Relations’ and ‘Publicity’ are very often confused. Free essay sample on the given topic "Advantages Of Studying Locally". Role and Importance of Public Administration. Advertisement is paid for by the government to attract public attention to its contents. It is, therefore, quite natural that the influence of environment will fall on public administration and, at the same time, it will activate the system of communication. Free essay sample on the given topic "Effects Of The Russian Revolution". Brebner observes, “the simplest way of describing the function of public relations and publicity in modern administra­tion is to say that they are concerned with the study of the human factor in industry and, to an increasing degree, in government”. Fourth, the attitude of civil servants towards the public lacks cordiality and humane ap­proach. If it breaks down, democracy will face severe problems. They not only provide entertainment but also instruction. Brebner, the difference between public relations and publicity lies in the technique of their approach. people or by the organizers of the meeting themselves by passing a resolution or putting up a “charter of their demands”. 4. What happens now is that the citizen goes from pillar to post and fails to find out the office or officer he wants. The films are granted ‘U’ certificates for unre­stricted exhibition or ‘A’ certificate for adults only. The waiting of deputations on the government and negotiations are better substitutes. It is a stabilising force in the society as it provides continuity. An administration cannot be efficiently managed only by formal communication. The films are today recognized as a very powerful instrument of popular edu­cation. There are various stages in public administration and what the executive of one section will do and what he cannot do are clearly stated and, normally, he cannot violate their rule. Satisfac­tory conducting of Press relations is a very responsible and highly specialized job and should be entrusted only to properly trained and highly competent officials. It has launched an extensive campaign through documentaries, advertisements, telefilms, and other publicity material for family planning and controlling the menace of communalism and terrorism in India. 7. Essay, Public Administration, India, Management, Public Relations, © 2017 PoliticalScienceNotes - All rights reserved Terms of Service Privacy Policy Contact Us, © 2017 PoliticalScienceNotes - All rights reserved, Essay on Policy-Making in India | Government | Public Administration, Public Relations: Meaning and Functions | Hindi | Public Administration, Essay on Central-Local Relations | Public Administration, Essay on Corruption in Public Services | India | Public Administration, Supervision of Employees | Term Paper | Public Administration, Essay on Village Panchayats | India | Political Science, Essay on Communalism | India | Political Science, Directive Principles of State Policy | Essay | India | Political Science, Essay on Justice | India | Political Science, Essay on the Introduction to Public Relations, Essay on the Definitions of Public Relations, Essay on the Features of Public Relations in India, Essay on the Public Relations Machinery in India. It is an instrument for executing laws, policies, programmes of the state. The Government maintains its own studios and prepares documentary films and news-reels for free display. Communication also takes place between public administrators and members of special interest groups. The burden of carrying out these social changes in a planned and orderly way rests upon the Public Adminstration of the country. Apart from the regular programmes of news, music, drama, etc. It helps people to know how the decision-making process works. The important agencies are the following: The network of broadcasting stations in India is known as the All India Radio. They are handed out predigested press notes and releases leaving little initiative to the correspondents, some­times, undue censor is imposed in the name of public peace. It also brings from time to time special reference papers on subjects of topical interest. Among techniques of ascertaining public opinion, following are the most common: The press is a very important medium for the expression of views of the public. The modern state cannot confine its field of activities to merely maintenance of law and order, dispensation of justice, collection of revenue and taxes and participation in welfare activities. (Essay Sample), Role Of Technology In Economic Development (Essay Sample), American Psycho (An Analysis Essay Sample), Teamwork And Collaboration In Nursing (Essay Sample), Magical Realism In Literature (Essay Sample). This general information does not relate to the activities of the government or administration. Report a Violation, Leadership: Meaning, Nature and Functions | Public Administration, Difference between Public Administration and Private Administration. In this way the political system works. Both these relations are present and active. It is, therefore, essential that the officials should realize the importance of their contacts with the people. It acts as the sales and distrib­uting agency for some publications of the National Museum, the Lalit Kala Academy, the Na­tional Book Trust and the All India Handicrafts Board. That is why this method was adopted in the past by the great monarchs, among them being Asoka and Akbar of India also. The documentaries and advertisements relating to family planning, for example, are not well-conceived in the context of Indian cultural ethos. True public opinion can be best known through the medium of informal chats of the people in public places such as in a railway train, in a bus, in the market place, etc. The employees give importance to these two relations. They should, therefore, be conscious not to utter a word which should give an impression to the public of their being partisan or their subscribing to the policy of one political party or the other. Besides, the Government publishes books, booklets, pamphlets and other handbills giving information about the policies, programmes and activities of its administrative agencies. For developing good public relations all the civilized coun­tries have set up public relations agencies both at national and state levels. The receptionists should be persons of pleasing personality and of ami­able and cheerful disposition. 6. The Bureau is headed by the Principal Information Officer who is assisted by Deputy Principal Information Officers, Information Officers, Deputy Information officers and Assistant Information officers. The Ministry of Information and Broadcasting consists of a Secretariat, five Attached and seven Subordinate offices. Use our samples but remember about PLAGIARISM! This is one of the reasons why the importance of media in public relations has only enhanced with time. 2. Administration has evolved its own jargon variously nicknamed as ‘officials’ ‘gobbledygook.’ It is desirable that the letters from the public should be duly ac­knowledged and the reply should be couched in plain, simple and straightforward language. Their complaints are not even acknowledged and dealt with in a satisfying manner. The Press Commission (1954) pointed out that there was an excessive tendency on the part of the government to consider the press as a means of publicity for certain selected activities of the state and individuals. A relationship has been playing an important role in our society because it provides a new way of interacting whenever it seeks to accomplish certain tasks. Changes are taking place continuously in the environment and the impact of these changes simultaneously reacts upon the administration political system. Importance of Public Relations in an Organisation Medium of Communication.