Perhaps worse, True Witches of Light may utterly demerit the idea of objective truth. Real truth does not exist around a True Witch of Light; there is simply her truth, and her lies, and a following which believes her unconditionally, for she uses knowledge so effectively that she must always be right. She is still opinionated, and will actively speak out when she feels she needs to, but she is also more aware that taking away the voices of others is no way to handle a situation; if she believes that someone needs to be changed - for instance, if they are bigoted - then she will do everything she can to change them, but if she simply disagrees with someone over a course of action then she will direct attention away from them and onto something she considers more relevant, or truthful.
A Realised Witch of Light controls the manipulation she has over Light, and questions herself and her actions to come across the best choice in every decision she makes. Odds of winning the lottery? Changing what goes where, confusing enemy info relay; even sending the information to the Witches side. falcon consorts of this land pride themselves as proper Renaissance

She refuses to change what is set in stone - after all, if so many people believe it, it must be true, and to disagree with fact is counterproductive - and her belief in luck, fate, and chance is minimal. Taking all of this into account, a Witch of Light is a hero who changes the truth, knowledge, and relevance around her, manipulating it in inspiring and dramatic ways. She has been told what is true and what to believe to such a degree that arguing against it holds no merit, is not even a possibility, and thus she simply does not even try. They would be easy to take advantage of, and would enjoy the darker side of life, such as grimoires, Grim Brothers fairytales, that sort of thing. In a literal sense, a Witch of Light would be able to  manipulate light, such as concentrating it on a single spot, lighting a room, or plunging everyone into darkness. A True Witch of Light may seem as an initially bubbly and bright person. Witches can make it more versatile, something the Aspect may not be able to do on its own, instead of letting the Aspect manifest itself how it wants or is ‘used’ to. And as a Light player, this player would naturally tend towards exposition like the rest of them. A consort sorceress divines a spell from the moons that is so dangerous that she goes into hiding.

By “stealing importance”, Vriska made sure all eyes were on her as she stole the final kill on the Black King. Either by giving some seeming importance or highlighting them, or even giving it a glow to make it more obvious. Maker of lotsa weird projects. They wouldn’t likely believe in a single objective truth, instead being able to look from many points of view. said: for a mage of mind, perhaps the Land of Haunting and Neon? Witches and Time players in general are some of the most broken players imaginable, up there with Space and Princes. They could also use their luck changing abilities to give themselves or another of their a better chance of survival or landing a critical strike or dodging an attack at the last moment. A Failed Witch of Light fails to both wholly manipulate and control her manipulation of knowledge, luck, and relevance, instead going through life with as few questions as possible. Cognitive Ball Torture -

Since paper is typically used as a medium to show art or words, I would say that the scissors have the Light aspect, as they manipulate the information/paper. If your Witch of Light Light — The Aspect of importance, fortune and information. They’d put on a bubbly, fun outside, while maintaining a more analytical view under that thin facade. Witches are also able to manipulate using their Aspect. (Damara’s might be LE?) thicker skin or distracting yourself with happier thoughts, but Witches of They can change the brightness of the reflections, shift the lizards’ ideas about how relevant the light is, or just increase all of their luck to the point that they are miraculously free of eye-problems. She will never say her true opinion, even though she may have them, and masks them instead with things she knows most people will agree with. Powers: Manipulate probability to their needs, break the rules of She may have opinions, but she keeps them to herself, and she utterly rejects the idea of taking things into her own hands. The Basically, a Witch of Light is the leader type, as are most other Light players. Coin Carrier: Traveling gamblers who’ve weaponized their growing luck If a True Witch of Light decides that something is not worth her attention? ), A Witch is one who “manipulates their aspect.” Also, Witches tend to “break the rules.”, Light is “fortune and luck” as well as the “power over outcomes.”. It really depends on the Witch’s character. HS2 Upd8 Bot - They would always have the deck stacked in their favour. At some point, your Light player Amazon Price New from Used from Paperback "Please retry" £7.78 . Changing what goes where, confusing enemy info relay; even sending the information to the Witches side. Unfortunately - due to their extreme power levels - Witches rarely end up using their abilities.

Light: Control over literal light and fortune. Thanks for reading! As a result, she grew up dictating what was important and what was not, what was true and what was not, likely being that child in school who always got away with their actions no matter how guilty they truly were. The role of a Witch of Light in a typical Sburb session is an extremely active one: slaying imps, altering information, keeping the team’s luck high, and taking out the Derse Royalty. Been thinking about Classpects for Danganronpa characters lately, and I chose Witch of Light for Celestia Ludenberg. Just to mention. mythical creatures). no i will not take yours! I can’t guess what a Witch of Light’s familiar would be, but it’s a nice thing to think about when building a character. they use as decoration in their room to have matching colors.
They could probably make people forget things, or remember them.

monsters of old are bent to dark purposes, and the underlings have I think a good example for this is how Feferi wanted to use Life and change the caste and culling systems of their society. She does not make her own opinions, nor does she read into everything she sees; she is a believer, a follower, someone who sees the popular opinion and slips into the masses simply because it is easier than doing the research herself.

An unofficial subreddit for Homestuck, Hiveswap, and the works of Andrew Hussie. The Heir of Rage tries to intimidate Jack, almost gets stabbed and backs off quickly. For those of you who care about it, I see Witches, as well as their passive counterpart in Heirs high ranking on both active and passive sides. She is still incredibly opinionated, and once she starts on a tangent, is is incredibly hard to get her to stop - and chances are, by the end of it, you’ll be utterly convinced that what she’s saying is true. Vriska left Terezi with NO LUCK after the coin flip. Despite possessing a very low level of technology they had happy, easy lives. Manipulates light, manipulates through light. Set-in-stone truths become things to question around the Realised Witch of Light, who pulls at the importance of things until the truth is revealed; if an actor is given too much credit, she will shine the light on all the other actors who did significantly more, but did not get their needed praise. “Well, it’s 100%, now.” The Witch of Light may answer.

The denizen’s corruption has turned them into BridgetownBridgetown used to be a major consort settlement, and actually, it still is. The One of your consort friends is kidnapped to be a sacrifice to the Deep. I would like an analysis for the Witch of Light, please. This does not make her any less formidable; on the contrary, in control of her powers, she can dictate much, much more than a True Witch of Light, in ways that might simply slip past people - particularly if she does not allow to look too deeply into things.

Heck, making an AI version of yourself that goes on to be plot-important is a canon heart trait... Makes me think about Junko's classpect... what a wild ride of an analysis that would be, Junko would be a lord of either doom or rage probably doom. As we all know, with great power comes great responsibility. To counter the Heir, they just use their Aspect without letting it just do its own thing and manifest in its own way. As Vriska demonstrates, this can be a formidable weapon. As far as manipulating knowledge goes, that particular power is very open to interpretation. Try using it to play Checkers 2! She is much more knowledgeable about a variety of things, but also much more careful with what she says and when she says it.

A True Witch of Light will question why certain things are lucky, why we need to know or learn certain things, and completely turn those things on their head; making them irrelevant and useless, whether or not they truly are. At low levels the Witch can create a zone wherein taking in knowledge

They would always have the deck stacked in their favour. She takes her time, she considers everything, she is perhaps something of a bookworm attempting to take in everything she possibly can. Meaning of name: Trichroic Prism - a prism that splits light into three beams of differing wavelength (colour) [mod aura showed me this and it’s fucking awesome]Disco - a form of music, dance or a club where you can party. Potential they could also control the flow of information. said: The Land of Darkness and Crystals would be a giant, sealed geode. Perhaps worse, True Witches of Light may utterly demerit the idea of objective truth. Generally, a Seer of Light should be able to help people find their “calling” in life. Or they could change someone’s luck both for the good and the bad. Odds of winning the lottery? Easy Mode: The Witch breaks the rules of knowledge. Witches also tend to use communication as a way to manipulate their Aspect - Feferi negotiating with the Horrorterrors, Jade’s letters placing objects throughout time and space, or notably Damara’s language barrier. It doesn't enforce the rules. The Light aspect is symbolic or fortune and knowledge.

Another thing they could do is move all their bad luck to someone else; decreasing their luck while even further stacking their own odds. But information and understanding is only one half of the spectrum of Light. Even if she knew what her powers were, she would not use them. The Witch is expressive of the personality/tendency side of their aspect. Undaunted by the threat of the churning whirlpool just below them, they simply moved onto the bridges and continued on as if nothing had happened. This ties in well with Light players’ tendency to use small everyday items for their strife deck. Invisible Thoughts: You make yourself less noticeable when you want to be left alone. Early on, she’ll have a quite passive relationship with it, relying on it for many things. It cuts a jagged path through your planet, swallowing everything it touches. Or in simpler terms, a Seer of Void can help people understand things that are literally impossible to explain. A Witch is often unhindered by their aspect, and can cast off any restrictions it might have on others.