A form of Celtic could well be one of the earlier manifestations of the Indo-European tongues. These early Celts were known as the ‘Urnfield people’ and they probably spoke a proto-Celtic language. Many of the ancient sources, however, were written by Greeks, Romans and other non-Celts.Evidence indicates that the Celts were spread out across a vast area of continental Europe. The exact geographic spread of the ancient Celts is disputed; in particular, the ways in which the Iron Age inhabitants of Great Britain and Ireland should be regarded as Celts have become a s… Celtic is a member of the Indo-European language family. The Celts are a collection of Indo-European peoples in parts of Europe and Anatolia identified by their use of the Celtic languages and other cultural similarities. Most scholars agree that the Celtic culture first appeared in the Late BronzeAge in the area of the upper Danube sometime around the 13th century BCE. They lived as far east as modern-day Turkey and even served as mercenaries for the Egyptian queen Cleopatra. Ancient writers gave the name Celts to various population groups living across central Europe inland from the Mediterranean coastal areas. Celtic groups existed throughout central Europe, on the fringes of the classical world, from the 4th century BC. They were never politically united as a single people but consisted of d… By the 8th century BCE, iron had replaced b… Certainly in the centuries post 1000 BC Celtic in one or other of its two main forms spread from Scotland to Turkey, Iberia to Switzerland. Today, people think of the Celtic culture as being … The history of pre-CelticEurope and the exact relationship between ethnic, linguistic and cultural factors in the Celtic world remains uncertain and controversial. The Celts were first referenced in texts about 2,500 years ago. Celt, also spelled Kelt, Latin Celta, plural Celtae, a member of an early Indo-European people who from the 2nd millennium bce to the 1st century bce spread over much of Europe. The ‘Celts’ were not, in fact, a single race, but a series of distinct tribes, albeit bound by common ties of art, custom and religion. The Celts Did Not Originate in Ireland or Scotland.