Made this today. And it’s true. It was still amazingly delicious. Perfect. Toss it in some pasta, as a savory dipping sauce, and even bake it into something sweet. Smells good though. Top a sixth layer of noodle. I didn’t have any ricotta on hand so I made a half batch of bechemel from Deb’s bechemal lasagna recipe and it was just perfect! I always felt like not-having a go-to lasagna recipe was a big hole in my repertoire of meals, but no more! We used shiitake mushrooms and a rather large eggplant and it made a heaping 4 cups. Thank you for making our Valentine’s Day dinner so wonderful! It stretches the meat filling that way, too. Thank you! Absolutely, but it’s not much of an investment. Deb, just when I thought I couldn’t possibly love you more, you perfectly described my feelings about lasagna AND food fussiness. I’d like to make this ahead of time and freeze it. Did you sign up to bring a main dish to a potluck feast? She takes a can of white beans and whizzes the whole lot with some olive oil and lemon zest (including the liquid) and uses it in lieu of bechamel in one of her recipes – will see if I can find it. Thank you so much for this recipe! With the amounts given, if I made it again, I would cut the number of layers in half. Having done 1/3 of the total amount, due to the ambiguity you mention and my own follow-up failure to do math on the repeated layers, I can confirm that it’s 1/3 cup of sauce in the bottom on the pan. Steam the spinach for 2 to 3 minutes above an inch of boiling water, just until it wilts. We want this. Last night’s dinner and 2 more in the freezer. But, there’s also an easy side-step: heat cold tapwater until about 120-125 degrees F (maybe the point at which it starts to steam vigorously? You will have a little tomato sauce left (about 1 cup). I usually recommend on pasta bakes freezing it before, but since these noodles are uncooked (vs. pasta bakes with already cooked noodles), it might be a little awkward and the noodles might break. Even in 2020, plumbing fixtures can still contain lead. You have a good memory! Ooooh, that first photo of square brick of lasagna is so enticing! If you live in Europe then a good substitute for the cheesy part of this is fresh mozzarella cooked in crème fraiche until the mozzarella breaks down and you have a (somewhat) uniform white sauce. Preheat oven to 375 degrees. For 4 layers, I was left with 2 unused noodles out of the 1-lb box. Was best tomato based lasagna I have ever made! Anyway – this is wordier than I meant. This was really good – thank you for the recipe. Celery instead of fennel? I believe you should eat delicious food every day! Must. I made this yesterday and it was a huge hit! Thank you Deb :). Mix in 1/2 of the spaghetti sauce and all of the cottage cheese. Think back to high school chemistry (or dissolving sugar in water when you make simple syrup); solute dissolves more readily at higher temps. My dish was only 2″ deep so I made 4 layers instead of 5 and adjusted the ratio of ingredients per layer. My lasagna noodles must have been much thicker than yours, because once I put the second layer down on the first lasagna, I realized I already used more than half. now that I’ve found perfection. Have 700 other people already commented about using hot tap water? I don’t want to go back to the store. We need this. Fill pot with cold water, drain again, and repeat rinse once more. Home Dinner Vegetarian lasagna with zucchini and spinach. Highly recommend! Calories count = 1/5 of the recipe. Genius!!! The crunchy top. And, unless you’re regularly consuming hot tapwater, the risk from a single steep here is rather minute. I’m making it again tomorrow (definitely have a one-pound box this time) and I’ll even out the filling layers to compensate for only four noodle layers. But I don’t use the oven-ready lasagna it suggests, blah. I used mushrooms and bell peppers. Your email address will not be published. Agree about the ricotta- love this and will have it on regular rotation! This is the last veggie lasagna recipe you will ever need! – I’ve never liked the texture of baked ricotta. I would like to make this for my birthday party! Thank you! Be smart and stay safe! Was it definitely a 1-pound box? . This fresh and easy lasagna recipe has the healthy qualities of a vegetarian dish without sacrificing the depth and flavor of lasagna for everyone to enjoy! It's PACKED with good for you veggies, and it can be made well in advance and frozen for an easy make-ahead meal! Oh wow. Thank you for also not committing the cardinal sin of vegetarian lasagnas, REPLACING THE PASTA WITH ZUCCHINI. So, this is where the story was supposed to end: me muttering under my breath about the burning smell, chalking the lasagna up to a failure. Anything that feels hot to your fingers will do. Just FYI, the Instagram link was not working for me…took me to sports highlights for some reason? Copyright © 1995-2020 . Smell in the kitchen was wonderful when it was baking Took me FOREVER to figure this one out, but now that I have, I can move on to trying to figure out whatever it is I actually like about some other dish. I really want to revisit that because I love it so much but I think the recipe needs a tune-up. Once hot, add the chopped onion, celery and carrots and dried spices (if you’re using fresh basil leaves, you can skip dried basil). Your email address will not be published. Place on a baking sheet. So, I just made this, and while I had to be a little creative with getting the lasagna noodles into my Corningware oval bakers, it tastes *perfect* and it helped me use up all of these leftover vegetables. Used a pound of mushrooms (half button /half baby portobellos) for the vegetables. When I make it, I’ll split the difference and cut Deb some slack — posting great recipes all the time earns her a few missed words here and there when they don’t affect the end result. meatless lasagna, vegetarian lasagna, vegetarian lasagne, zucchini and spinach lasagna, Oven-roasted corn on the cob with herb and chili butter, The best pierogi dough recipe + how to make perfect pierogi, Puff pastry strudel with vegetables and cheese, Sweet and sour chicken with noodles and vegetables, Roasted duck with apples + how to roast a whole duck, Fluffy banana oat omelette – 3-ingredient, super easy breakfast, Authentic potato and cheese pierogi (pierogi ruskie) + video, Privacy policy + Cookie policy + Disclosure policy. 2. This really was perfect! Cover dish tightly with aluminum foil. I serve mine with a blop of pureed cottage cheese and mozzarella melted over each serving. Stir in the garlic. Finely chop the onion and celery stalk, grate the carrot on the small holes of a box grater. I like how you adapted it from 101 cookbooks…I want to say I appreciate the simplicity of it, but that seems an odd claim given the homemade noodles and sauce. For veggies, I used mushrooms and spinach, and also threw in some zucchini.