They agree and pick him up from prison and bring him to the clubhouse. Despite all the club's wrongdoings, Otto remained faithful. Trammel then shows them the burned corpses of the people hidden beneath the building, who were illegal immigrants. He is shown to be held in Stockton prison on parole violation for the gun he had when he was arrested, as well as for being a suspect for Tara and Eli’s deaths. After the ceremony, Jax goes with Clay and the Russians to shoot a gun given to Opie as a wedding gift from the Russians. After interrogating the officers it discovered that someone not only called them, but also paid them to deport SAMCRO. Jax later meets with Juice stating that if Juice wants to make sure the Club never finds out, he will find some legal documents that would confirm Clay set the Nomads in motion. The next morning Tara walked in on him and Ima. They have sex, but are caught by Tara who attacks Colette and smacks Jax. Unlike the other members of the club who wear boots and biker clothing, Jax wears more stylish clothing and white Nike Air Force One sneakers throughout the run of the series. Jax manages to save her, but her hand is injured as a result. Jax has another meeting with Pope, who offers him a new deal; to double their muling fee from Galindo by cutting his gang in on moving the cocaine. At the deal, Jax learns that Clay has set it up for SAMCRO to mule cocaine for the cartel and the Mayans. Jax is calm and collected most of the time but is easily angered and has no remorse in killing. He is trying to continue to move from guns to legitimate businesses. The "Men of Mayhem" patch is a generic patch awarded to a club member when they have gone above and beyond for the club, regardless of what charter they are currently allied with. Jackson Nathaniel "Jax" Teller is a fictional character and the protagonist on the FX television series Sons of Anarchy, played by English actor Charlie Hunnam. Weston by killing him in a tattoo parlor bathroom. After the patch-over party, Jax goes for a ride and attracts the attention of a group of Mayans. This is a setup, however, to punish him for not having his SOA tattoo removed after being disowned by the club. The gun is revealed to be Clay's; given to Jax by Juice. Jax confronts Clay about his affiliation with the Nomads, which he denies. Jax is last seen distraught and crying on the docks while Clay and the other Sons console him, watching Hayes speed off with his son. He married Wendy Case, but filed for divorce because of her drug habit. Opie later assaults Roosevelt to accompany them. Obviously, not all members' demises are created equally. Gemma leads Jax outside to the garden (where she had sat with her father, in season 2), where she tells Jax he has to kill her. He suspects arson, due to the bootprints inside. After the meeting, Jax and Opie go to the Indian Reservation to see about the ammunition. The ATF arrests Luann Delaney and Cherry, the women of Otto and Half-Sack, and threatens them with prison if they do not give information on SAMCRO. Bobby states this shows he deserves to be president and he knows of Jax’s desire to leave SAMCRO. He tells Chibs and Happy to leave and threatens the witness into leaving the state. He has cut his hair and trimmed his beard. [2], Wayne Unser, the Chief of the Charming Police Department, has always gotten on well with the Sons of Anarchy during his time in charge, and even employed them as muscle at times. Clay and Gemma begin to worry that Jax is abandoning the club and what it stands for. Later, Gemma finally reveals the letters to Jax as well as Clay’s involvement in Piney’s death and Tara’s abduction, angering Jax, who vows to kill Clay himself with a blood thinner given to him by Tara. Jax later meets with father Kellan Ashby. To get a location to set up the brothel for Nero, Jax, Bobby, and Chibs meet with Hale asking to lease a piece of property to use. He confronts Clay about this at the clubhouse and asks if he (Clay) had anything to do with Donna’s death. He also says the violence that has escalated in the past few months will end by the close of the day, thanks her for her fairness, and provides an Oregon address where Gemma and Unser can be located. All members of the Club vote to kick Clay out of SAMCRO, but not to kill him due to Bobby's vote no, and Jax furiously beats Clay. Filthy Phil, Happy, Quinn, West, Montez, and Ratboy all earned their Original patch at one point or another. They find two women dead in the road. He then goes to a local bar with Bobby, Chibs and beats Wendy's dealer, who is a member of the Nordics gang, repeatedly with a pool cue. Bobby, Piney and Tig start a brawl at a local bar and most of the town's small police force have to go to the scene to break it up. The two meet; Clay states he will not give Toric any damaging information and he is sorry. At Church, Piney says he wanted to kill Laroy as revenge for killing Donna, so Jax tells Half-Sack to follow Piney to make sure Piney doesn’t do anything unnecessary. kozik transferred aswell but did not get an original patch. When the San Dino charter votes down the guns, he offers the pipeline to August. The Cacuzzas make the deal out of fear. The club votes on it and, despite strong objections, it is voted in. First formed in 1967, the club depicted in the series had come a long way since the days of the racially intolerant First 9. In the first episode of Season 2, Jax and Clay go head to head over Donna's death. Tara begins staying with Jax at the clubhouse after shooting Kohn because being at her house makes her uncomfortable. [4], When a Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) agent Josh Kohn arrives in Charming and begins investigating the club, the SOA decide that they should move their weapons to Indian Hills, Nevada, where their brother club, the Devil's Tribe, are based. burns down Cara-Cara, Jax suspects it was Clay, since Clay did not want the porn business around after Luann is murdered. If you revisit the series, Happy tells Clay that he has concerns for his mother's health and would like to transfer to SAMCRO from SAMTAC. Weston. He meets with August putting all blame for Pope's death on Clay and he had nothing to do with it. Jackson “Jax” Teller was the son of Gemma and John Teller and was born in 1978, and raised in Charming, California. Behind the scenes, the brotherly bond of filming and driving on the open road fortified the relationships of the cast, but sadly the interest in motorcycles took a backseat on the show. Jax decides not to visit his baby boy, named Abel, and instead flees the hospital. He goes to Clay’s house, with Chibs and Bobby, as Juice states he found the legal documents confirming Clay’s hand in the Nomad attacks. He later takes Tig to a remote location and seemingly hands him over to Pope before shooting three of Pope's men and giving the gun to Tig, who then shoots Pope. Teller was named as one of TV's best dads by, and they described him as a "brutal anti-hero" and "rebel who never lives by society's rules". Jax and the Real IRA make a deal with Jimmy to trade Abel for a new hostage, Father Kellan Ashby. When the time comes for Jax to pick one of the Sons to fight to the death, Opie jumps in and hits one of the guards, volunteering himself to be the Son who is sacrificed. Jax never tells Clay and the other club members that Opie lost his nerve and failed to shoot Hefner, forcing Bobby to shoot Hefner from the other side of the door, where the girl saw him. Jackson Nathaniel Teller" is the Protagonist and President. As John would later clarify in his manuscript, he foresaw the criminal direction in which the club was heading, although he never made a conscious decision when it came to entering the gun-running business. After the Mayan is killed, Opie carves the Sons of Anarchy symbol into his stomach (so the Mayans will know why the man was killed). Jimmy O'Phelan kills the Irish adoptive parents and takes Abel hostage. He and Galen meet with the Cacuzza family to get them to switch to the Irish guns. He finds out that someone tipped off Lin where to find their stolen guns. T.O. They later meet with Galen and the Galindo cartel to set up the big gun sale. Until the end of season four, he was the Vice President of the club. The next episode "To Thine Own Self" shows Jax ready to pull the club away from the Cartel, now that the RICO case is gone (Otto having killed a nurse with a cross given to him by Tara, causing the Feds to throw out his statement). He is now starting to write his own manuscript for his sons when they are older. He tells Tara who hits Gemma and forbids her from seeing her boys. Tara storms out. In contrast, the Sons of Anarchy bring notoriety to an otherwise ideal community with their illegal means of income, sacrificing the town's otherwise peaceful existence. Later, he shoots August, newly freed on bond, in front of the courthouse. He makes it back just in time to watch Clay kill McGee for betraying the club. He takes it well, even joking that in two more minutes he would have been in Tig’s territory. When Jax and Tara are kissing at the hospital, Wendy sees them and later confronts Tara. Jackson Nathaniel "Jax" Teller is a fictional character and the protagonist on the FX television series Sons of Anarchy, played by English actor Charlie Hunnam. Jax then plants the gun for the cops to find. Trinity is Jax’s half-sister, although this fact isn’t known by either of them yet. At the beginning of the series, Jax serves as the club's Vice President, and works as a mechanic at Teller-Morrow Automotive Repair. Back at the clubhouse, Jax and Trinity come close to having sex, but Gemma and Maureen walk in on them. He sends a picture of Jax and Suzi having sex to Tara, his former lover. Jax, Bobby and Opie then go to the hotel room, where he sees his African American mistress. In the next episode “Ablation,” Jax, Tig and Chibs cut the hands off the body and send one to Unser for identification and the other to Pope to send a message. Later that night, Jax goes to Tara’s house, after she phones him and asked him to come over. Once Jax and SAMCRO return from Belfast, they begin looking for Tara. He lives with the genetic heart disorder that his brother Thomas “Tommy” Teller (January 8, 1984 – April 4, 1990) died from at the age of six. Jax was also armed but hit a mental barrier before he could fire a shot. He is seen at the end of episode 1 cheating on Tara with Colette Jane, an escort handler. Jax has another meeting with Roosevelt where he reveals Frankie’s death was out of his hands and he figured out that Juice is the rat. He is met by Roosevelt at the clubhouse who reveals there is another rat at the club’s table, who helped them get their R.I.C.O. [3][4] A member of the titular motorcycle club, he spends the majority of the series as the Vice President of the Sons of Anarchy Motorcycle Club's Redwood Original (SAMCRO) mother charter based in Charming, California; following season four, he assumes the Presidency for the remainder of the series.