My son aged 4 has only just been awarded the middle rate care of D.L.A (£59.70 wk), due to his illness. Up to 4 weeks can be for any temporary breaks in care, such as holidays or respite care, during this 4 week temporary break in care you are allowed to earn over the normal £128 weekly limit on earnings and not lose your C.A. We often link to other websites, but we can't be responsible for their content. No. The remaining 8 weeks allow for either the carer or the disabled person to undergo medical or other treatment as an in- patient in hospital. Hope that makes sense. For example, you might be able to apply for Universal Credit, Income Support, or a Council Tax Reduction if you are eligible. Hi can I get some advice please? This is called the ‘Carer Addition’. Do not claim until you and your mother have a benefit check done. Thank you! As this is less than I have with Carers Allowance, do I have to claim this pension in November?A. You and the person you care for should Seek Advice. I have no savings. READ MORE- Carers Allowance rate 2020: Is carers allowance … Carers allowance is payable IF the person claiming earns less than £120 per week, it's not based on household income. Hope that makes sense, Thanks, that all makes sense :) it's just a waiting game now. How many presents do you buy for your children. What the Benefit Agency is saying is correct. Carers allowance will contact Income Support because the carers allowance payment will be deducted £1 for £1 from the Income Support and then they add the carers premium of £36 per week. Payments I have no income except Child Benefit and Working Tax Credit. I have Contribution Based Employment Support Allowance (ESA) in my own right of £113.55 with a means tested top-up at £17.10 weekly giving me £130.65 weekly ESA, this is my only income. As we have said before, if you or any member of your family is awarded D.L.A for the first time or a higher level of D.L.A. I have I.S as a single parent with two young children. Even if you are eligible. However you should still claim Carers Allowance, you will not receive payment, but you will be eligible for the Carer Premium in your ESA applicable amount. Childcare. Also are you in a relationship? You are unable to be paid both of these benefits at the same time. You can get C.A if you have never worked. Who has either Attendance Allowance or the middle or high rate care component of Disability Living Allowance or Constant Attendance Allowance of £66.40 or over (Part of War Disablement Pension or Industrial Injuries) and from April 2013 the Daily Living Component of Personal Independence Payment (PIP).You do not have to be related to this person, or living with them. If the person you care for has claimed or is trying to increase their existing Attendance Allowance (AA) or Disability Living Allowance (D.L.A) or PIP award but is still waiting for a decision you will have three months from the letter awarding the qualifying benefit or increase to claim Carers Allowance and it will still be fully backdated to the original date D.L.A or A.A or PIP was first award or increased even if this a lot more than three months ago.Frequently Asked QuestionsQ.