They made her stand in front of a wall from morning until night with a backpack of huge, heavy rocks on her back.

See how Trapped: The Alex Cooper Story unfolds Saturday at 8/7c. … I am able to share my life with them, and it's awesome.”. I doubled over and choked for breath.".
Help! The teen was forced to stay with the Siales for eight months, living in captivity and surviving a suicide attempt. She also managed to forgive and reconcile with her parents, saying that they were only doing what they felt was correct according to the tenets of Mormonism. If you think Alex’s parents were ignorant and blinded by religion, Johnny and Tiana were all that and cruel besides. Cooper wrote that she told her Mormon parents she was gay when she was 15 years old, and they responded by sending her to live with Tiana and Johnny Siale in St. George, Utah, notes Publishers Weekly. Practitioners of ‘gay cure’ therapy tried to cure a woman of lesbianism by making her carry a bag of rocks. Cooper wrote that she told her Mormon parents she was gay when she was 15 years old, and they responded by sending her to live with Tiana and Johnny Siale in St. George, Utah, notes Publishers Weekly.

If you like our posts, subscribe to the Atheist Republic newsletter to get exclusive content delivered weekly to your inbox. "When she first called me, I was floored," Burke told KUTV. Bringing you atheist articles and building active godless communities takes hundreds of hours and resources each month. Cooper told CBS outlet KUTV: “It’s like sending you to therapy to change your eye colour… it’s not going to work. One of the stranger cures that Cooper writes about is having to stand with a backpack full of rocks: "I did not know how many hours I had been standing there, quietly trying to manage the pain by shifting my weight from foot to foot.

Cooper alleges in her book that every visitor to the Siales’ home knew about the abuse that was being inflicted upon her but chose to nothing about it. mormons, One Hundred Above-board Questions about God, Why There Is No God: Quick Responses to 10 Common Theist Arguments. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is known for having carried out vomit and shock aversion therapy on homosexual students of Brigham Young University at a certain point in time but it no longer promotes this kind of reparative therapy. 3$ / month : $3.00 USD - monthly7$ / month : $7.00 USD - monthly15$ / month : $15.00 USD - monthly25$ / month : $25.00 USD - monthly50$ / month : $50.00 USD - monthly100$ / month : $100.00 USD - monthly. "I think that's what a lot of parents are under the impression of, that they're doing the best thing for their child.". In her book, Cooper said that she tried to kill herself once, and attempted to escape the Siales' home numerous times, which allegedly resulted in harsh punishment. "The court order allowed Alex to live her life authentically," Burke added.


“They were total strangers,” Alex said, according to Religion News. Carter viciously stabs Tiana about 20 times, twice in the heart, as she gets to her front door. Products are provided by Feline Purrty Designs for Atheist Republic.

LGBT, homophobic, Cooper’s case is no exception – and rather than embrace their gay daughter, Cooper’s Mormon parents sent her off to stay with Tiana and Johnny Siale – local ‘gay cure’ practitioners. "The Church denounces any therapy that subjects an individual to abusive practices," Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints spokesman Eric Hawkins told KUTV in a statement. gay cure, Atheism vs Agnosticism: What is the difference? Years after securing her right to live openly, Ms Cooper now wants to stamp out the threat of ‘gay cure’ therapy to other teens. Send us your views and opinions, your personal stories, messages of support, comments on recent news, or any comments you would like to share about your part of the world. “We hope those who experience the complex realities of same-sex attraction find compassion and understanding from family members, professional counsellors and church members.”, More: “We hope those who experience the complex realities of same-sex attraction find compassion and understanding from family members, professional counselors and church members,” said LDS spokesperson Eric Hawkins. According to Cooper's book, the Siales were not trained or credentialed therapists, and visitors to the couple's home witnessed what was happening to the teen, but did not notify anyone in the heavily Mormon town. Responding to Saving Alex, the Mormon Church issued a statement, denouncing any therapy that subjects individuals to abusive practices. "We hope those who experience the complex realities of same-sex attraction find compassion and understanding from family members, professional counselors and church members.".

She eventually chose not to prosecute her parents or the Siales. “I felt angry, indignant, determined to find a way out,” Cooper writes. Sources: KUTV, Publishers Weekly, Human Rights Campaign / Photo credit: Alex Cooper/HarperOne Books via KUTV. A lesbian Mormon teenager was compelled to carry a backpack full of stones for as long as 18 hours each day as part of religious order’s attempt to make her straight.