That's more than 40 years as a superhero with living parents. The maximum benefit amount that your child can get under SSI is the federal benefit rate (FBR), which changes every year. THIS INFORMATION IS GENERAL.FOR MORE INFORMATION, CALL 1–800–772–1213 (TTY 1–800–325–0778),VISIT OUR WEBSITE Because there are 4 people in the household, your share of the expenses is $400 per month. Whether you live alone or with someone else, we need to know who pays for your food, shelter, and utilities. My SSI case worker said I should think about charging her set rate(what a One bedroom apt.or similar setting in my area would charge for the same). Your living arrangement is another factor used to determine how much Supplemental Security Income (SSI) you can get. In-kind support and maintenance is food, shelter, or both that somebody else provides for you. We count this payment as in-kind support and maintenance.            -20.00 (general income exclusion) We do not count in-kind support and maintenance if you: live alone and pay for your own food and shelter; live only with your spouse and minor children and nobody outside the household pays for your food and shelter; or. Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), How to Apply for Social Security Disability. I have now moved back in with my parents and I need to know how much I have to pay for my fair share in order to continue receiving full benefits? She could not elaborate on it and said she’s really not even supposed to mention it at all. I've been receiving full SSI Disability for the past 5 yrs, while living in my own apartment/paying all my own bills. We would determine your SSI benefit as follows: $783.00 (SSI Federal benefit rate) The PMV is equal to 1/3 of the Federal benefit rate plus $20. expect to be out of work for at least 12 months? EXAMPLE B: If you live alone in a home that you own. I'm buying/preparing/consuming my food separate from my family. You pay all the utilities and buy all the food. We count in-kind support and maintenance as income when we figure the amount of your SSI benefits.  ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Here are the steps we use to figure the SSI benefit amount. However, we do not reduce your benefit if your spouse who is living with you provides these items. 3. However, there are some exceptions. Please let me know or guide me in the right direction. See the SSI Spotlight on, For more information, see the SSI Spotlight on. How Long Does it Take to Be Approved for Disability Benefits? I have a son, 32, who is obviously disabled. Any food or shelter you get from someone else that you do not pay for may reduce your SSI benefit. August is Spinal Muscular Atrophy Awareness Month. You can receive up to the maximum SSI benefit payable in your State while living in a public shelter for up to 6 months out of any 9 month period.    = $222.00 (your SSI benefit amount). In reply to If someone getting SSI is by Generally, they do not. We count … Does the applicant plan to stop working soon and stay out of work for at least 12 months? This is an Attorney Advertisement – Not an Attorney Referral Service It might not be possible to get SSI with so many additional benefits coming into the house. Suppose you live alone and your only income is SSI. Her payments are reduced due to the fact that we don’t charge her rent. – cjm Feb 11 '12 at 19:08. add a comment | 3. Generally, people who live in institutions such as hospitals, nursing homes, prisons or jails are not eligible for SSI or are only eligible for a maximum of $30 a month (some States supplement this $30 benefit).      -$281.00 (the reduction due to in-kind support and maintenance) Are any disabilities pre-approved for Social Security? How Severe Does my Arthritis Need to be to Qualify? If you live in someone else's Her fair share is very low due to my home is paid off. month, plus $20. currently receive Social Security benefits? If you pay less than $400, then you would be receiving in-kind support and maintenance. As long as you are paying your share of household expenses, and you are an adult, this has no effect on your check. Will my SSI check go down if I live with a family member, mother, brother, sister, etc? jennifer (not verified). I am sorry to hear that. Does he count towards the # of people in the home? My Mom, who is retired (but not yet receiving SS) doesn't contribute any towards it. Although the value of the rent-free house is $900 per month, we count $281.00 as in-kind support and maintenance. From research I've gathered online, I've read that it's calculated by adding up the total monthly household expenses and dividing by the # of people in the home. Receiving in-kind support and maintenance can reduce your monthly SSI benefits as much as $281, depending on the value of the help you receive. EXAMPLE C: If you live in another person’s household and share expenses.