Get stronger and you will get more muscular, that’s it. I know some folks who never exercise, and no they’re not obese or anorexic, they’re healthy looking individuals, and they live perfectly. Beingnatty … Max Roma. 5 years ago, I decided to stop being skinny. If you don’t care about getting fit, that’s fine with me. For some one like me, who hates sitting around waiting for the week to end until I have to hit chest again, it’s hell. Follow a simple six-month workout plan to get ripped and build muscle. Today, I am impressed. Now, this doesn’t mean you can’t make tremendous strength gains – you’re just not going to build 50 pounds of muscle in 6 weeks. Exactly! Don’t get me wrong, researching advice on YouTube and blogs is important, but what is the point if you are not going to engage with what you’ve learned? Many times I tried other people’s programs and routines only to stop mid-week and realize something wasn’t right. I tried to find ways to make it better, ways to achieve the optimum potential of my body’s fitness. In order to lift a heavy weight for multiple reps your body must build muscle. Not a complete waste of time because it made me understand what I needed, from experimenting first hand. It feels amazing. This blog explains how I went from skinny to bulky in 6 months, and mainly my psychological preparation before engaging in my transformation.. What was tough though, was finding out what really suited my body’s needs. In addition, Trainerize also helps you train your clients online, track progress and send meal plans seamlessly. © 2012-2016 Trainerize - TSR Gym Technik Ltd. will get you more exposure to recruit more clients. At that point, switch to cutting until you get back to 10-12%. Incorrect. And for that, I had to improvise, construct my own routine. Naturally, my metabolism is fast, so eating 3 big meals a day wasn’t doing much. work me out!” My body simply recuperated a lot faster than most. Yes, of course it will help, but why not go a further step and try and understand what else you can do to improve. Most lazy people sit there watching guides and advice blogs/vids all day, trying to find the answer to achieving the perfect beach body. ... My Several-Year Transformation From A Skinny 145 Lb Teenager To A Working 190 Lb Fitness Model. You will hear people say: “Holy! Six months is enough time to really pack on muscle and gain strength while losing fat. They are the same focal points in my “Skinny Guy’s Guide to Explosive Muscle Gains Revealed” titled Bony to Brawny and are the same keys that have allowed my clients to see similar results. And then we founded Bony to Beastly (for skinny men), Bony to Bombshell (for skinny women), and Outlift (for post-skinny lifters), where we've spent the past ten years helping over 10,000 skinny people build muscle, with clients ranging from MDs to RDs to PhDs, from college students to senior citizens, and from office workers to our Canadian Olympic rugby team. With this I will leave you to get moving! Prove yourself you can, you will, before trying to impress others. I compiled all valuable workouts, and categorized them in a way that suited me best. From Skinny To Muscular. Get ready for that. If you truly don’t have time, and wish to be more active and fit, you’re doing something wrong. 1. Last year, I actually engaged in that decision. What I did instead, was combine every single content that I have researched since the beginning of time, and filtered the ones I truly needed after some experimenting. There is no standardized routines on the internet that will work best for you. Today, I am impressed. Under optimal conditions, you’ll most likely be able to put on 1-2 pounds of muscle per month. I proved myself I could. One workout down, 47 to go. I am 6’2 185 with 13.5 percent body fat. #6 4.5 Month Body Transformation. To understand, I had to gather the info, get out there and engage, experiment with that info. I don’t see them complain or give out pathetic excuses and feel bad about the fact they don’t have time. So start by having proper expectations: don’t try to “Put on 50 pounds” by the week or month. When it Comes to Life and Fitness: Don’t Wait, Just... Know what you want (think about how ‘future you’ will be, that’s your goal), Prioritize (no brainer, start allocating time to that goal), Learn what you need, to achieve that goal, Expand your intellectual horizon (books, vids, blogs), Engage, experiment with what you’ve learned (get moving), Determine what and how you can improve (this is on-going, it will never stop), Never stall, don’t give up, be consistent, maintain that improvement. Just a few decades ago, bizarre contraptions that looked more like torture... Have you ever woken up on a Monday morning after a big weekend of drinking and poor food choices, feeling bad and sorry for... Have you ever wanted to do something new–like play a new sport, buy a new dress, take a new class, or travel to a new... Are you a trainer and want to get more exposure by listing here?