Church Pulpit Commentary. (Song of Solomon 2:10,13). V. We wait for the mystery to be taken off from life. (J. H. Wilson, D. D.), We read in the New Testament of Christ being the Vine, and so our hearts joined to him are the vines, or, as they are called, branches. l. 2. c. 47. "Commentary on Song of Solomon 2:17". It is asking too much. Take the foxes. Sitting in darkness (Matthew 4:16), she “waited” and “looked” eagerly for Him, the “great light” (Luke 1:79; Luke 2:25, Luke 2:38); at His rising, the shadows of the law (Colossians 2:16, Colossians 2:17; Hebrews 10:1) were to “flee away.” So we wait for the second coming, when means of grace, so precious now, shall be superseded by the Sun of righteousness (1 Corinthians 13:10, 1 Corinthians 13:12; Revelation 21:22, Revelation 21:23). the little foxes; heresies and heretics are to be nipped in the bud, before they increase to more ungodliness; otherwise errors, which may seem small at first, soon grow larger and spread themselves, and become fatal to the churches: that spoil the vines; as foxes do, by gnawing the branches, biting the bark, making bare the roots, devouring the ripe grapes, and infecting all with their noxious teeth and vicious breathF24Vid. 4. There was a chain of mountains east of the Jordan river that bore that name;F18 which says as clearly as language could say it that this happy couple, was at this time, living happily beyond the Jordan river, whither they had fled from the harem. Heretics and schismatics are therefore to be taken by the vinedressers - that is, detected, refuted, and if need be, "delivered up to Satan," [1 Timothy 1:20] by the ministers, chased out of the vineyard, and pursued to death, if incorrigible, by the magistrate, as Jehu dealt by the Baalites, and after him Josiah. and denote false prophets, Ezechiel xiii. So suddenly came these bursts of dark, passionate temper. Why is there an entire book of the Bible dedicated to romantic love. Copyright StatementThe Keil & Delitzsch Commentary on the Old Testament is a derivative of a public domain electronic edition. The American Indians did the same thing when they called the mountains near Jackson Hole, Wyoming, "The Grand Tetons." BibliographyBenson, Joseph. Little sins skulk and hide and burrow themselves out of sight. Watchman Nee says the phrase "the mountains of spices" refers to "the new millennial world of fragrance and beauty." 1., and iv. My beloved is mine, and I am his, He feeds his flock among the lilies. The master will never know unless you tell him.” But Tom was straightforward, and told the truth, and kept out the little fox. Is life a reality, or is it a dream from which we may awake in some world of reality to find that this world was but the vision of a night? We say of our dead, "They rest from their labours.". He brought me to the banqueting house (Song of Solomon 2:4). IV. "Commentary on Song of Solomon 2:15". The vine-dressers have to use great care in order to preserve the fruit-bearing branches. Transition to the vineyard, often formed in “stairs” (Song of Solomon 2:14), or terraces, in which, amidst the vine leaves, foxes hid. A number of very little sins will make a very great sinner. (1.) The phrase recurs in Sol 4:6. I. "Sermon Bible Commentary". "The verse refers to a false rousing of love as an emotion. "Commentary on Song of Solomon 2:15". These hands are prayer and pains. The sun is so warm that grapes will grow in the open air, and the green vines are trained over frames and posts, making the uplands look like a vast garden. Which sudden change is very agreeable to the state of God’s people in this world, where they are subject to frequent changes; be thou like a roe — In swiftness; make haste to help me; upon the mountains of Bether — A place in the land of promise, where it seems those creatures were in great abundance. how infinitely precious in both, beholding thee as I do through these similitudes in thy blood and righteousness, as the sure tokens of thy great redemption. But we only too often do not want to become too involved with Him in His work. See the Good News Bible rendition of this in the above paragraph. With right Wetstein gathers from this curious fact how difficult it is to ascertain by purely etymological considerations the view which guided the Semites in this or that designation. Rather die than be false to truth. So he lowered his gun, saying to himself, “What a fool I should have looked to have startled all the camp by shooting that poor animal!” Still, he remembered his promise to his officer that he’d shoot even a dog; so saying to himself, “I know they’ll all laugh at me, but I’ll keep my word like a good soldier,” he fired. Gesenius compares Bethron (2 Samuel 2:29). 4. It was important, therefore, in the spring when the vines were blossoming, to protect the vineyards from these uninvited guests; and the more so, since the spring is the very time of the coming forth of the young foxes from their kennels. This is a local beauty; for in those hot countries the dawn of the day is attended with a fine refreshing breeze, which is exceedingly grateful. Will it never come? ; which, if referred to Christ's first coming, may regard the ceremonial law, the wall of partition between Jew and Gentile, broke down by Christ, and the two people divided by it, which were reconciled by him; if to his spiritual coming, the same things may be intended by them as on Song of Solomon 2:9; but if to his second coming, the spacious heavens may be meant, in which Christ will appear, and which now interpose and separate from his bodily presence; and therefore the church importunately desires his coming with speed and swiftness, like a roe or a young hart, and be seen in them; see Revelation 22:10. There is nothing a right-minded man desires so much as entire right-mindedness. Little faults are like the little foxes so plentiful in Palestine, which destroy the fruitfulness of the vineyards. The brightest eyes must be dim with tears sometimes, the gayest voices must turn to mourning sometimes, the merriest Church bell must toll sometimes. temper. I knew a boy who was not very quick at sums, but was good at grammar. The Shulamite might not have been able to respond instantly, through fear of discovery, or by reason of interference by other women in the harem. She will say in the next verse. The mountains refer to the spiritual realm. (c) Plin. Verses 15-17Take us the foxes, the little foxes, That spoil the vineyards; For our vineyards are in blossom. A bystander said: "I don't see all those colors down there"! Stay ye me with raisins, refresh me with apples; For I am sick from love. This fox is nearly always found in company with Self. She knows that the king has not now time to wander at leisure with her; and therefore she asks him to set forward his work for the day, and to make haste on the mountains till “the day cools and the shadows flee.” Then she will expect him back; then in the evening she will spend the time with him as he promised her. "George Haydock's Catholic Bible Commentary". She idealizes.F15 It seems to this writer that not even an idiot could have idealized Solomon as a shepherd pasturing his flock all night long, that is, until the morning breezes blow, and the darkness disappears.F16.