The late 19th century saw an upsurge of interest in transcribing folklore, but the recorders used inconsistent spelling and frequently anglicised words, thus the same entity could be given different names. They are famed for luring unwary travelers into dangerous situations. If a child gets lost in the woods, the Ghillie Dhu will look after them overnight and then during the day help return them to their homes. p. 53, Briggs, Katharine (1976). If a changeling was suspected by the human parents they could easily determine that their fears were justified by tossing the infant in the fire. In the tales, The Beast of Buchan is a large black cat or green cat, similar to a panther (sometimes being reported as the size of a labrador), which preys on local livestock such as sheep. If it started to talk or ran away then they were absolutely correct and could rejoice in their clever annihilation of the evil fairy (in some cases, but not all their own child would then be returned to the parents), however if it burned to death like a normal, every day baby thrown into the family hearth, then they had clearly made a serious error and were left with a very unfortunate char grilled corpse. ( Log Out /  “Witches” is a category which fits only loosely within this page and I considered not including it at all however I think that they are worth mentioning if only in passing because the belief in witches and witchcraft was so deeply rooted and strong here at one point that it went beyond folklore and inspired several, well documented real witch hunts resulting in the brutal execution of thousands of innocent people. In some tales it is said that the source of a kelpie’s power is in its nostril (not both just one) which is quite amusingly not the only mention of magical nostrils in Scottish folklore. Myths, Gods and Fantasy: A Sourcebook. I also haven’t included “ghosts” here because they really probably do deserve their own write up. UNSEELIE COURT: These Faeries are never favorable to humans and are either solitary evil faeries or are one of a band of faeries called the slaugh. When a wild haggis is prepared, very little goes to waste. (Magic). It is said that the redcap must saturate his cap regularly in human blood because if it should dry out the creature would perish. She softens the summer winds so that they are like a song, and is so trusted by the humans that they call upon her to protect them from evil and the devil. In favor of the majority I will refer to brownies in the masculine for the purpose of this summary. This color is repeated in many of the sections within this page. McFarland. Therefore a great number of charms involving the deterrence of faeries were also Christian in nature. If the resident family is guilty of anything from this list the brownie may take great offense and will most often times depart in such a way that will let the family know how hurt and betrayed he feels. If someone on the ship cannot respond with the following lines, The Blue Men give themselves permission to attack the ship and bring it down. (Magic). GLASTIGS (WATER IMP): They had the upper half of a woman and the lower half of a goat. It is particularly dangerous to disturb any earthen mound just in case it is inhabited by an ill tempered Trow. There are no tales of anyone being able to kill these demons. The combination of ignorance and the unlimited creativity of the human imagination has conjured and developed centuries of precious fantasy and folklore that has been preserved in both art and literature for future generations. Driven by greed, they have evolved into a race of thieves and bandits. Unless the victim can detach his or herself they are dragged to the bottom of the loch or river until they are drowned, and devoured. The most appropriate place to begin is of course with fairies because nearly every creature in Scottish mythology has their roots in fairy kind. 297–8, Campbell, John Gregorson (1900). Am Fear Liath Mor: The Grey Man - By Killingsquash45 on DeviantArt. (Infernal?). The Banshee wails to foretell an upcoming family tragedy, however the Bean Nighe manifests differently as she foretells death by appearing as a washerwoman at the bank of various bodies of water scrubbing the bloody clothes of the soon to be deceased. [5], The nuckelavee is the most malevolent of the demons in and around the Scottish islands, without any redeeming characteristics. KELPIE: A water faerie who likes to mount unsuspecting humans and dash them into the water. URISK: The urisk is a Scottish solitary faery who haunts lonely pools. CAILLEACH BHUER (BLUE HAG): A blue faced hag found in the Scottish Highlands. Originally, there were images of two unicorns, one holding the Saltire and the other the Lion's Rampant. Who stand at prow and helm; They must remove the seal skin in order to change to human form and live out of water. They are particularly short in stature, unattractive, and generally unpleasant. She takes her escape in the form of a crow or raven, rather than the traditional bat. A glaistig frequents lonely lochs and rivers in the highlands of Scotland. A particularly evil and dangerous female vampire from the highlands of Scotland who preyed on unwary travelers in the glens and mountains. Butter Soft Falling Off The Bones Chicken, Super Simple, Practical And Basic Crochet Fingerless Gloves Pattern, How To Create Tree Silhouette Paintings Using Acrylics. Essentially she is the personification of winter and is the protector of wild animals during times of harsh weather. Despite their caring nature, human beings have attempted to hunt them. They make the constant sound of beating flax. The nuckelavee had an aversion to fresh water. Fairies in Scotland are capable of appearing in practically any shape or size, but they are usually have quite small human shapes.