From the 7th week after the birth of a child, father and mother can switch after a written agreement (at least 7 days). When creating conditions for implementation of better reconciliation of professional and family roles, a balanced approach to both the interests of parents and children is required. 455/1991 Coll., to regulate trades (the Trade Act) Annex no. discharge by notice based on the grounds, according to which the employer can instantly terminate the employment, provided this does not involve a female employee on maternity leave and a male employee on parental leave up to the time when the woman is authorised to take maternity leave, and because of any other breach of the obligations arising from the legal regulations pertaining to the undertaken work (Section 52 letter g) of the Labour Code), or breach of other obligation by the employee stipulated in Section 301 of the Labour Code in particularly serious way, provided this does not involve a pregnant employee, a female employee on maternity leave or a male or female employee who are taking parental leave. After the employee returns after maternal leave for which the employee is entitled to take maternity leave, the employer is required to employ the member of staff in his/her original position and place of work. If in this case your income is reduced, you are entitled to receive compensatory benefit in pregnancy and maternity (vyrovnávací příspěvek v těhotenství a mateřství, type of sickness insurance benefit). Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs Family Policy and Social Work Department Na Poříčním právu 1, 128 01 Praha 2 Tel. whether the clients pay for this in full or only partially. Spain A woman who gives birth to her first or second child (born within the Czech Republic, i.e., prior children born outside the Czech Republic do not affect eligibility) and her family income is less than 2.7-times the subsistence minimum is eligible for this payment. A male employee may take parental leave during the period when a female employee takes maternity leave. Legal - RSM CZ a.s. and RSM Technology CZ s.r.o. The wage to which female/male employees are entitled based on the reduced working hours shall be proportionate to such reduced working hours (short-time work). Many companies that offer maternity leave for mothers will allow the same for father, typically referred to as paternity leave. WHAT IF YOU DON NOT MEET THE CONDITIONS TO RECEIVE THE MATERNITY BENEFITS? The maximum total sum of parental allowance is 300000 (450000 for twins) and it is paid maximally until 4 years of age of the child. In case a female employee has used less than six weeks of the maternity leave until childbirth because the birth occurred earlier than estimated by the physician, such female employees shall be entitled to maternity leave from the date of her commenced leave to the end of the period set down in point 1. 262/2006 Coll., Labour Code, deemed a material personal impediment to work based on which an employee's/female employee's absence from work shall be excused. The system of assistance in material need is regulated by the Act No. 1)An exquisitely specific role is that played by the activation and resocialisation programmes for the juveniles leaving institutional or foster care, as well as by social counselling in cases of undesired pregnancy. The Czech Republic gives mothers more than half a year off. If you need to work or run your business to some extent, you have to provide another adult responsible person to take care of your child. If the objective of such transfer may not be achieved under the current employment contract, the employer may transfer the employee to a job of a different kind than agreed in the employment contract. A mother who is scheduled for the statutory weekly working hours shall be entitled to two, half-an-hour breaks per each child per shift until the end of one year of child's age and to one, half-an-hour break per shift in the following three months. For one's own wedding, time off including wage compensation shall be provided for two days, out of which one day to attend the wedding ceremony. 2 of the Act. 455/1991 Coll., to regulate trades (the Trade Act). 14/2005 Coll., on pre-school education, education established by the state, municipalities, regions or associations of municipalities in the last year of kindergartens is provided free of charge, education in this type of facilities is provided for consideration, an amount of which is determined by the incorporator, it is an unqualified trade "Extra-curricular education, organization of courses, training, including instructor services“ content of the trade has been specified as, the trade content does not include recreational education activities implemented as part of education and training at schools, education at pre-school and school facilities included in the network of schools, the charge for the service is determined by the provider on a commercial basis, it is an unqualified trade "Provision of services for families and households", the content of the trade has been specified as providing for operation of a household (cooking) cleaning up, washing, ironing, care of a garden and similar, individual care of children aged over three years in families, occasional short-term children babysitting (including children up to three years of age), care of persons in need of increased care, procuring for shopping and attending to other matters related to household operation and other procurement activities, the trade content does not include care of children up to three years of age in daytime operation (see above). If no such vacancy is available, the employer may serve a notice of dismissal upon the employee due to redundancy. The income of the mother or income of the father of the child determines only the amount of money you will receive every month. DO YOU KNOW THAT YOU CAN RECEIVE PARENTAL BENEFIT (RODIČOVSKÝ PŘÍSPĚVEK)? Write how long your paternal leave is going to be. Your gynecologist will fill in an official form, which you will submit to your employer. Legal provisions put no limitations on the length of such provided time off from work; it is entirely upon deliberation of the employer if they allow a request for time off by the employee and what extent of time off it provides. The child needs to be born in the Czech Republic or - if not -  needs to fulfill the same time requirements. Annex no. An employer may terminate an employment relationship by notice with a pregnant female employee or with a male/female employee permanently caring of a child below the three years of age in absolutely exceptional instances only, as set out below: discharge by notice if an employer or a part of its business is winding up, however if an employer or a part of its business is relocating; the prohibition of a discharge by notice always applies to a pregnant female employee, female employee on maternity leave or an employee on parental leave for a period, for which a woman is entitled to take maternity leave. The choice of monthly amount depends on If the mother of father of the child had income giving right to sickness insurance benefits (usually, mother´s PPM) before the birth of the child: You can choose monthly parental allowance lower of equal to the amount of your PPM if you were entitled to it. An employer is prohibited to schedule pregnant women for any overtime work. When utilising the working time, an employee will by herself/himself choose the start, or, end of her/his working hours on separate days, within the limits of the time ranges provided by the employer. For detailed information on individual benefits please visit Sickness Insurance and Pensions. A notice of dismissal may be served during maternity or parental leave if the employer’s company or part of it ceases to exist. A male and/or female employee who returns to work after parental leave must be assigned to a job according to his or her employment contract. Rest intervals for nursing shall be calculated as part of the working hours and wage compensation is paid for the at the average earnings amount. By means of the social insurance scheme, the citizen (a family member) is secured to cope with future insurance claims as sickness, maternity, old age, disability or loss of a breadwinner which could result in endangering or loss of his/her income. It is a bilateral legal act agreed by both parties and executed in the form of written agreement in compliance with the Labour Code. DO YOU KNOW WHAT MATERNITY LEAVE IS? That means mother cannot draw the maternity benefit for those days. However, if the probationary period coincides with maternity or parental leave, the employer is subject to no restriction, and the employment may be terminated. This protection period lasts 180 days. Furthermore, an employer may provide time off to an employee for other serious reasons, too, particularly for attending to serious personal, family and property matters that an employee is unable to attend to outside working hours. The parental benefit is paid always for the youngest child in the family. Upon the death of a husband, cohabite or child, time off including wage compensation shall be provided in the extent of two days and one more day to attend the funeral of the above persons. According to the law, one of the following qualifications is required: a professional competence to pursue the profession of a general nurse or health assistant, carer, midwife, or paramedic, or general ambulance attendant, under to Act no. However the employer must take into consideration whether the job is suitable for the employee given her health condition and qualification. 117/1995 Coll., on State Social Support, as amended. the contents of the activities pertaining to this unregulated trade do not include daily childcare for children up to three years of age (see above), the fees for the service are set on a commercial basis by the provider, legislated pursuant to Act No. Note! If you have a temporary residence card and you are sure you will be away from the Czech Republic for more than 180 days, you must inform the ministry at least three days before you leave the country, and must return your temporary residence card (the EURAXESS centre can do this for you if you give them written authorization to do so). If the mother did not receive PPM, or if you are using the father´s income to qualify for choosing the monthly amount, you also have to submit confirmation of ČSSZ proving the amount of income influencing the parental benefit. Time off work without salary or wage compensation is also provided for the father to attend the birth. Czech Republic . It is possible to agree with the employer that the employee makes up for such period of absence from work. Non-commercially provided services in support of a functioning family7): Activities delivered as part of social law protection of children: preventative activities as part of social law protection of children, counselling activities as part of social law protection of children, activities as part of social law protection of children in substitute family care, working with children in need of increased attention as part of social law protection of children, incorporation of facilities for social law protection of children. Maternity leave is your legal right to be absent from work due to birth giving and care of your newborn baby. Maternity leave and parental leave of a man provided for the period over which a woman is entitled to use maternity leave shall always be considered as performance of work, also for the annual leave recognition purposes.