IMO, your first concern, should be unlocking tiers and technology that makes it easier to explore, and then go exploring, and find all the crashes drop pods you can, and find some resources in the wild that you can analyze back home. Note that all these constructors will be set to screws and also that the bottom two constructors should be set to 75% clock speed. Never build more than one storage Mk2 per resource. 0. So you want a line building them as soon as you can. It's okay if it's just a few machines strung together without much concern for wasted resources or production speed. Next we will need to place three assemblers in the eighth column starting from the sixth row up to the ninth row. Then sit down and start putting together little outposts that make things you'd like to have around, in sufficient quantity. You build with a purpose, and get as efficient as you can. Part 5 – Reinforced Iron plate Assemblers. EA Now place splitters taking the iron ore from your chosen inputs through to the smelters in a manifold style as you can see in the photo below. If you try to incorporate your initial plate constructor or reinforced plate assembler into that, then you have started down the path to spaghetti and forever will it dominate your destiny. Share Share Tweet Email. Content is available under CC NY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted. you the chance to be an author on our site, get in touch with us. 2020-10-11. We shall connect the third constructor to the input. Once placed we shall set the first constructor to iron rods, the second constructor (the one in front of the splitter) to iron plates and clocked at 50% production, and the other four constructors set to iron plates at 100% clock speed. This page serves as a how to play guide / walkthrough for Satisfactory. Once placed we shall place a constructor directly in front of the splitter, followed by a constructor directly to the left and four more constructors to the right in line with the smelters we previously placed. ... Having a messy layout in your base will just cause confusion and make the base look cluttered. You don't just start mining and think "What am I going to do with this ore". If you've got at least four constructors making stuff, you're probably good just taking from their output instead. We’re very proud to have launched this website and hope you have found the guide both helpful and enjoyable. Finally, we shall construct a merging line the other side of the assemblers. Power isn't that hard to come by. 2088 From here we will need to place a splitter manifold for the screws followed by a manifold above the screws for the iron plates. You can't simply have an ever-expanding farm of easy-to-place solar panels. Satisfactory Base-layout Guide. We are just members of the community sharing our love and passion for the game. Any recommendations or guides on laying out your factories? Since I snake the input resources up multiple floors I try to actually balance the constructor inputs so I only pull off the main conveyor whatever I actually need. We are just members of the community sharing our love and passion for the game. This layout should give you the basic layout of a functioning factory for manufacturing heavy modular frames, from here should you wish, you can extend on the factory to allow for higher production targets per minute. Set this foundry to steel. Helping you learn tips and skills to better your own factories. A Beginner's Guide To Satisfactory. Place a foundry flowing forwards in the second row of the first column. Forget having a main bus. By Jamie Latour Mar 30, 2019. Now place two steel pipe constructors, the first constructor should be placed horizontally spanning the fourth column, directly in-front of the screw line mergers. Directly in front of these splitters we shall place a constructor as well as another constructor to the right. Never use a Power Shard on a factory. Content is available under CC NY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted. Finding hard drives before you make your sizable factory productions will make your life A LOT easier. 1 Overview 2 Guide 2.1 Game start 2.1.1 Main menu 2.1.2 Before moving 2.1.3 Loot for thought 2.1.4 First Iron Ore 2.1.5 Building the HUB 2.2 Tier 0 2.2.1 HUB Upgrade 1 2.2.2 HUB Upgrade 2 2.2.3 HUB Upgrade 3 … For general building tips, I always recommended transporting resources as little as possible, and just doing construction and resource combination/reduction as close to the resource origins as possible. To place the manufacturer, place a merger directly against the far edge of the grid in the middle of the penultimate column, then place the manufacturer directly against the merger, you can delete the merger afterwards. Directly in-front of the splitters place a constructor, you will also want to place two more constructors directly to the left of each of these constructors, you should now have four constructors in a row. Not only is power technically limited, but it is hard to come across (anyone who tried to build a 15GW oil plant will know that it's a pain). It's not hard to jump over a few belts and pick them up. For the correct placement place the splitter in the middle of the fifth row running parallel to the top splitter. The two constructors on the left-hand side of the layout should be set to 67% clock-speed so that these 4 constructors will produce a total of 50 iron rods per minute. You can also use the block diagram as a rough physical layout. Where is long term storage in your work flow? If you need a factory to run at 150%, get two factories to run at 75% then, as constructions materials are plentiful and you can build as many factories as you like. Modular Frames - Super-Efficient Build Guide. Once done, set all smelters to iron ingots. Now connect the steel ingot line with the splitter. are all used in equipment, buildings or milestones. An in-depth guide on keeping buildings and bases neat. A place to discuss the game by Coffee Stain Studios currently in Early Access. In order to build this factory layout you will need the following requirements: Video Guide: I’ve played a lot of Factorio, so my initial thoughts would be the main bus approach, but I’m not sure if that is the best approach. (see photo below). Comment. Modular Frame Super-Efficient Factory Layout Epic Steam EA EX Beginner, Intermediate Rectangle Mixed 143 foundations . Part 5 – Steel Pipe Constructor Placement. Do note that we only need ten encased industrial beams per minute so I suggest using the 2:1 split we did for the steel pipes, with two of the three splitter lines merging the beams into one line for the manufacturer and a single line feeding a container the remaining beams. I put the floor down, then get a power line in, then build some railing across the center. Two normal oil nodes, one normal coal node and one normal sulfur node, can make ~6,200MW. We route factory inputs and outputs underneath the first floor of our base. Epic Here we need to place five constructors in a row to produce screws. Power is what you make it. Not only is power technically limited, but it is hard to come across (anyone who tried to build a 15GW oil plant will know that it's a pain). We are now ready to place the last five assemblers next to one another in a row starting from the 11th row in the last column. Note: 'as soon as you can' means after getting some coal power running. Always keep some space for further changes or organization, if you decide to make factories far from each other always build a bench + storage near : there's a lot of situations where you are full of a material and you have to quickly build something else or switch inventory to other resource, and having to go back to HUB to empty your pocket or craft a single element is a real pain. Press J to jump to the feed. Satisfactory can be a bit of a daunting experience at first.