Planners were all men and had completed university education. Journal of Environmental Management 144:67-72. The ecosystem service cascade: further developing the metaphor. 2014); and among policy and scientific knowledge and ES values (Villamor et al. Ecology Letters 18:108-118. Lastly, 47% of marks placed by community representatives intersected a lake, as compared to 41% in the case of planners and 27% in the case of researchers. Stuart H. M. Butchart, a researcher at BirdLife International, replies that embracing the ecosystem services idea doesn’t necessarily mean abandoning the argument that species and habitats have intrinsic value. 2011. Ecology and Society 19(2):27. In our present study, participants from the Mapuche culture stated values that clearly differed from those of the other two groups (Table 3, Fig. It is a participatory approach that engages stakeholders, individually or in groups, through the use of different elicitation instruments such as online surveys (Sherrouse et al. The role of social values in the management of ecological systems. Every participant was encouraged, but not obligated to assign all the given possibilities. What are shared and social values of ecosystems? Spatial representation of ecosystem services (ES) is acknowledged as a key footstep for mainstreaming the ES framework into decision making (Hauck et al. In the relational realm, value arises from a connection between a subject and an object in a given particular context. Unlike planners and researchers, they had very limited experience with mapping, and less familiarity and acceptance of the concept of ES. Integrating supply and demand in cultural ecosystem services assessment: a case study of Cuihua Mountain (China). 2015 for a thorough revision) without considering the theoretical underpinnings (Ives and Kendal 2014, Raymond et al. Representatives of the private sector, specifically owners of private protected areas and managers of ENDESA Electricity Company (Empresa Nacional de Electricidad S.A) were also contacted, but they did not answer the invitation. We then combined social science methods with the latest in geographic information systems research to better understand The typology chosen in this study (Kellert 1995) implicitly assumes that human values toward nature are anthropocentric (they are held or assigned by a human person), which might be in opposition to other social value typologies that try to emphasize the differences between self-regarded anthropocentric values and biocentric and other-regarded values, for example (Chan et al. The table indicates representative examples of the values of some of these services, where they are available. Nature’s intrinsic value is reflected in the common ethical belief 2014, 2015, Gould et al. This aggregate value of New Jersey’s ecosystem services is a useful, albeit imperfect, basis for assessing and With final map outcomes being dependent on the participants, it is almost certain that including different and eventually more stakeholders, would produce different maps. These purposes range from scientific inquiry, e.g., relation between land covers and social values, to private and public decision making, e.g., regulation and control of protected areas. 2005. 9. Loerzel, J. They provide a suite of goods and services that are 2015. 2014) that focuses on scoring, grading and spatially identifying social values. Pages 42-71 in S. R. Kellert and E. O. Wilson, editors. Conservation Biology 29(2):575-586., Hall, T. E., J. O. Farnum, T. C. Slider, and K. Ludlow. Social Value 3. 91 pp. A central reason for this comes from the disparate ways of conceptualizing, measuring, and mapping social values (Kenter et al. Although social valuation of ES can be highly context-specific, our results provide more general insights that contribute to the improvement of social value mapping assessments. In turn, to understand whether the spatial representation of social values (as reflected in the placement of marks) differed across stakeholders, we calculated measures of centrality and dispersion (Mean Weighted Center and Standard Deviational Ellipses, respectively). Valuation can also provide needed insight into the role that ecosystem services play in social and economic well-being of coastal communities (Van Riper et al., 2017). Shoyama, K., Yamagata, Y. [online] URL:, Chan, K. M. A., J. Goldstein, T. Satterfield, N. Hannahs, K. Kikiloi, R. Naidoo, N. Vadeboncoeur, and U. Woodside. 2020. Fourteen stakeholders were selected making up the following groups: seven planners from CONAF, the regional office of the National Tourism Service (SERNATUR), the municipality tourism office, the Regional Government of Los Ríos Region, and Panguipulli Model Forest; three researchers from the Center for Transdisciplinary Environmental Studies and Sustainable Human Development (CEAM) of University Austral de Chile; four community representatives from the Panguipulli Environmental Coalition, the Coz-Coz Indigenous Parliament, Puhuincul Community Tourism Association, and the Liquiñe’s Association of Ecotourism and Guides. 2019. The Economic, Social and Ecological Value of Ecosystem Services: A Literature Review eftec i January 2005 Preface This report presents the results of a broad review of the literature that has investigated the economic and other values of ecosystem goods and services. Sustainability 9, 718. 2012). Exploring value-landscape associations in the Tanzanian Southern Highlands. The valuation question chosen in this work coincided with other studies such as Sherrouse et al. 2015. 2015 for comprehensive reviews). Below are some of the existing efforts that incorporate ecosystem services. Chinese Journal of Ecology 12. 9. Among social representatives, the Parliament of Coz-Coz is an indigenous organization whose mission it is to ensure the fulfillment of ancient rights of indigenous communities. 2). We expected both types of values to arise from the interviews. The political ecology of ecosystem services. Using social valuation to assess the public attitudes and preferences of the Mission-Aransas National Estuarine Research Reserve, Texas. Finally, the value typology encloses the discussion of the resulting values.