Bioaccumulation Factor (aquatic species) L/kg ww provides substance information on the substance’s bioaccumulative properties for aquatic species measured in litre per kilogram  (wet weight). Note: Registrants can also select ‘other’ as the test species, dose descriptor type and/or the unit of measure. Also, if the registrant selects ‘ppb’; ‘vol%’ and ‘other’ as a unit of measure for the concentration value, the data provided will not be processed for the Brief Profile. disodium tetraborate EC no. Substances Rendering Goods Ineligible for EU Ecolabel, Art. level’ as the dose descriptor. BOD5/COD ratio provides substance information on the substance’s BOD5/COD ratio values displayed in O2 (milli)gram per gram test material. The database represents a non-exhaustive list of such substances based on: 1) agents of risk groups 3 and 4 under Directive 2000/54/EC; 2) Table 3 of Annex VI to the CLP Regulation; 3) and Annex I of Directive 2004/37/EC. Substances for which an agreed set of classification and labelling data has been agreed at EU level by Member States. Data for calculating the ’total tonnage’ band is extracted from REACH registered dossiers for the last year reported on the tonnage manufactured or imported, unless the tonnage band has been claimed confidential. Substances which have been registered and can be placed on the EEA market by those companies with a valid registration. The ‘Properties of concern’ section shows ECHA-assigned graphical indicators for certain substance properties that are regarded as critical for human health and/or the environment based on the information provided to the Agency. 109-60-4 Revision Date 1993-04-24 Pennsylvania Right To Know Components Propyl acetate CAS-No. This section summarises the values related to toxicity to soil microorganisms from all registered dossiers for the substance. Please note: The icons in this section are only meant as visual indicators to help communicate information about the abovementioned critical properties. The EC name and number are the official identifiers for substances within the European Union and can be found in the EC Inventory. Since a two dimensional chemical structure can be drawn in various ways, there are several correct SMILES notations for one molecule. If so, the data provided is not processed for the Brief Profile. The EC Inventory is a combination of three independent European lists of substances from the previous EU chemicals regulatory frameworks (EINECS, ELINCS and the NLP-list). It applies the European Agreements on the international transport of dangerous goods by road (ADR) and inland waterways (ADN), and the Regulations concerning the international carriage of dangerous goods by rail (RID). This section summarises the values related to phototransformation in soil from all registered dossiers for the substance. The Index number for each substance is in the form of a digit sequence of the type ABC-RST-VW-Y. BPR regulation aims to improve the functioning of the biocidal products market in the EU, while ensuring a high level of protection for humans and the environment. The ‘Hazard classification and labelling’ section shows the hazards of a substance through a standardised system of statements and pictograms, as has been established under CLP (Classification Labelling and Packaging) Regulation. PNEC STP, data displayed in milligram per litre. The ‘Regulatory context’ section provides an overview of the regulatory activities that are related to the substance. Values are generally displayed in milligram per kilo food. machine wash liquids/detergents, automotive care products, paints and coating or adhesives, fragrances and air fresheners), outdoor use, outdoor use in close systems with minimal release (e.g. Use descriptors are adapted from ECHA guidance to improve readability and may not correspond textually to descriptor codes described in Chapter R.12: Use Descriptor system of ECHA Guidance on information requirements and chemical safety assessment. Short-term EC50 or LC50 for soil microorganisms provides substance information on the substance’s effect concentration or lethal concentration (short term) for 50% of soil microorganisms in the test, generally displayed in milligram per kilo soil (dry weight). Solubility in mg/100g standard fat at 20°C provides substance information on the substance solubility in standard fat in milligram per 100 gram at a temperature of 20°C. The structure is a computer generated visualisation of the molecular structure derived from the InChI character string. The percentage is based on the count of values provided. If more than one type of substance is registered, both types will be displayed. Release to the environment of this substance can occur from industrial use: formulation of mixtures and manufacturing of the substance. EC50/LC50 for marine sediment provides substance information on the substance’s effect concentration or lethal concentration for 50% of the model organisms feeding off the marine sediment, generally displayed in milligrams per kilogram sediment (dry weight). Dangerous Goods List (ADN, Chap. The ‘Scientific properties’ section gives an overview of summarised scientific data from registered dossiers. Flash point provides substance information on the substance’s flash point at a temperature measured in °C at a pressure  measured in Pascal. In case the substance classification is not harmonised and the substance is not registered the properties are derived from classifications provided in CLP notifications. InChIs consist of text strings comprising different layers and sublayers of information separated by slashes (/). If more than one result with the same value, data is further prioritised by test type and endpoint conclusion. Please upgrade your Internet Explorer to a newer version. When more than one numerical result is available per endpoint the count is displayed between square brackets. This section summarises the values related to short–term toxicity to fish from all registered dossiers for the substance. No data available: testing technically not feasible. for charge, stereo–chemical and/or isotopic information. Note: Registrants can also select ‘other’ as the unit of measure. the level of agreement, in substance classification between the REACH registrants (dark blue bar) and CLP notifiers (light blue bar), as well as between the notified classifications and the approved harmonised classification. While the harmonized list covers many hazardous substances, other ones not listed may also meet the classification criteria in accordance with the CLP. Water solubility provides substance information on the substance’s solubility in water in grams per litre at a temperature measured in °C. EC50/LC50 for marine sediment provides substance information on the substance’s effect concentration or lethal concentration for 50% of the model organisms feeding off the marine sediment, generally displayed in milligrams per kilogram (dry weight). The availability of additional data beyond the five results displayed is indicated by (…). This section displays the values (see below) related to toxicokinetics, metabolism, and distribution from all registered dossiers for the substance. This database contains: (1) the list of hazardous substances harmonized for classification and labeling in EU (i.e. The data presented in these sections has been cleaned to remove names of one character or less, or names which consist solely of punctuation or numerical characters. Substances may have impurities and additives that lead to different classifications. Impurities or additives: When a specific critical property is calculated from industry data and where the majority of data submitters have indicated that the property relates to cases containing impurities and/or additives, then the respective critical property icon is modified with an asterisk (*). Please note that when more than one summary is provided, DN(M)EL values may refer to constituents of the substance and not to the substance as a whole. Processable data for summary is prioritised by test species (see list below) and subsequently further prioritised by the dose descriptor. Henry’s Law Constant provides substance information on the substance’s Henry’s Law Constant measured in in Pa.m3.mol-1 at a temperature measured in °C. The availability of additional data beyond the five results displayed is indicated by (…) icon. Pour density provides substance information on the pour density in grams per millilitre at a temperature measured in °C. the electronic edition of the Official Journal of the European Union should be consulted. Study data not processed for brief profile. If more than one IUPAC name is available from REACH registered dossiers, all IUPAC names are displayed in ‘Other names’ section of the Brief Profile. Annex V – indicates if the substance is prohibited from export. Surface tension provides substance information on the surface tension in (milli)Newton per metre in a concentration in (milli)gram per metre and at a temperature measured in °C. Melting / freezing point provides substance information on the melting/freezing point in °C at a pressure measured in Pa. This brief profile is covered by the ECHA Legal Notice. Tool showing an overview of substances in various key regulatory processes that authorities are working on. When more than one result is available per endpoint the ‘worst case’ or most conservative of all the data values provided are displayed, applying a precautionary principal. Displayed are the RANGES of min – max of the PRIORITISED value(s) within the five highest priority groupings of provided data. pKa at 20°C provides numerical substance information on the dissociation constant in pKa at a temperature of 20°C. If no data is available in the registered substance dossiers, this will be indicated by a notification stating ‘Data not provided by the registrant’. Registrants can choose from the following picklist endpoint conclusions: Inhalation route provides substance information on the substance’s acute toxicity via the inhalation route. This section summarises the Toxicological information provided from all registered dossiers for the substance. Displayed are the RANGES of min – max of the PRIORITISED value(s) within the five highest priority groupings of provided data. The examples provided are generic examples and may not apply to the specific substance you are viewing. This section summarises the flammability values from all registered dossiers for the substance. Substances may be grouped together under a specific regulatory activity for more efficient risk management and legislative processing (e.g. REACH and/or CLP notifiers may classify a substance differently based on different studies or the way they access the data. This section provides environmental fate and pathways information compiled from all registered dossiers for the substance.