These roaches spread filth around homes, contaminate food sources and utensils, and can cause food poisoning and other illness. Though these roaches are the largest species of roach you may find inside your home or business, they have the ability to squeeze in through tiny gaps and cracks by compacting their bodies. When pests get into your home, they introduce an entirely new set of responsibilities. Oriental cockroach pictures, nymphs and adults Oriental cockroaches have several distinguishing characteristics. They provide consistent, high-quality service. They are often found in sewers and basements, around pipes and drains. Starting at $49/month, Don't let the bed bugs bite a second longer. And they need to be eliminated as soon as possible, right? These moisture-loving roaches are drawn in by moist or wet conditions around a home. Both male and female Oriental cockroaches are unable to fly. Female Oriental cockroaches have tiny, functionless, rudimentary wing pads and broad bodies compared to the males. They are often found in sewers and basements, around pipes and drains. American Cockroach. Probably the most famous e... “ My service technician is excellent! Once they have been drawn to a home, they will then find their way in through gaps and cracks in foundations and walls. Learn More, Say goodbye to wood-destroying termites in your home when you contact American Pest for expert termite control. They range in color from dark brown to black and have glossy bodies. cockroaches | While many business owners don’t consider pest control until a pest infestation has occurred, you can save yourself untold amounts of stress,... Hopefully, we all know at least a little bit about how the lack of pest control can contribute to the spread of disease. Female Oriental cockroaches have tiny, functionless, rudimentary wing pads and broad bodies compared to the males. We will recommend the pest control plan that’s right for you and your specific situation in order to get rid of your roach problem once and for all! These roaches are commonly found in the same areas as the American cockroach, especially in kitchens and bathrooms. On the other hand, the American cockroach is reddish-brown with a thorax edged in faded yellow. Did you know that there are several types of cockroaches that you could be invading your Tennessee home? These roaches find harborage in damp, unsanitary places. Learn More. They range in color from dark brown to black and have glossy bodies. I know my home is in good hands with American Pest. Oriental cockroaches may also get into homes by crawling up through pipes and drains. Click here to download our Facts, Prevention & Identification Sheet! The principal illnesses transmitted by these roaches are food poisoning, dysentery, and diarrhea, and other forms of gastroenteritis. However, it is important to be able to tell what kind of roaches you are dealing with so you understand the different health threats they bring, environmental factors that allow them to thrive, and the most effective methods to get rid of them. Furthermore, American cockroach skin casings and excrement contain allergens that can cause rashes, sneezing, runny nose, congestion, and asthma! They are much smaller than American cockroaches, reaching only about ½ an inch in length. They prefer dirty places and cooler temperatures than other cockroaches. Click here to schedule a FREE cockroach inspection! Males have wings which cover about ¾ of their abdomens. But now these roaches can be found all over the world, including Germany. As we mentioned before, these pests crawl through some extremely unsanitary substances before entering your home. Call PermaTreat now at 866-737-6287 for a home inspection today! In fact, German cockroaches are so tiny that their larvae can fit through the holes of an electrical outlet! These roaches, which are also commonly referred to as water bugs or black beetles, prefer to hide in dark, damp areas. Contact American Pest for the most comprehensive bed bug control in the industry. These roaches are the smallest cockroaches that invade man-made structures. Also feed on starchy items like book binding and back of wallpapers. This makes the spread of this species nearly impossible to control without the assistance of a pest control professional. *During normal business hours. Oriental cockroaches feed on a variety of different things including rotten or decaying substances and sewage, so having these pests in your home can be hazardous to your health and the health of your family members. Protect your home and family from nuisance and potentially damaging pests with a Preferred Care home pest control plan. Habitat: American cockroaches live in warm, dark, wet places, because they need to be near water. When they do so, these roaches pick up bacteria, viruses, and other harmful pathogens on their bodies and legs that they can then carry inside and spread throughout the home they are invading. If you are experiencing problems with cockroaches in your home, then it’s time to give us a call! And, the services have resulted in a reduction/near elimination of pests in and around our home.”. Learn More, Don't spend the warm-weather season indoors, find out how American Pest's professional treatments get rid of mosquitoes. It is dark brown or black in color and has a glossy body. Cockroaches don't get their wings until they become adults. Since we started using American Pest we have had far fewer pest problems, and the few that we've had have been addressed within days.”, “ The service technician was punctual, courteous, and very thorough. These roaches also have two antennae, six legs, and two sets of wings that sit upon their backs, giving them a rounded look at their tail end. American, German, Or Oriental – Which Cockroach Am I Dealing With? The American cockroach is the largest cockroach found in houses. These cockroaches vary in color from light brown or tan to almost black, are oval-shaped, and have two antennae, six legs, and two sets of wings, much like the American cockroach. Fixing leaky spigots or hoses may deter these roaches from invading. |  Terms and Conditions  |  Accessibility Statement  |  Privacy Policy  |  Site Map Web Site Design & Marketing Provided By LMG.