The say that no rational person can possibly be a Christian. The story of the Old Testament is the story of that promise being placed in jeopardy again and again—but against impossible odds, God ensures that his promise prevails. Solomon proves unfaithful, and judgment follows. In this sermon, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones shows us that the reason for our doubting is because experiences are not meant to las… This is the narrative taken up by the thirty-nine books of the Old Testament. Genesis 12:1-4, In an effort to address the modern criticism that Scripture has nothing much to say to us today, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones gives an overview of Scripture in this sermon on Genesis … Read More, Genesis — Numbers . In mercy, God anoints a king after his own heart, David, who will be like a son to him. Same rebellion. God picks one family to bless—but they sin too. And then we’ll step back and run through again, this time looking at our need for God’s promises, the story of his holiness and our sin. It begins in the words of God’s curse after the fall. Well, this is the expectation we are living in when, after four hundred years of silence, God speaks and the New Testament begins. Several generations pass in exile, and then the people return and rebuild the temple and Jerusalem’s wall. The final collection of books in the Old Testament is the Prophets. But it’s not. And as we see his character displayed across so much history, there is a depth and richness that we just can’t experience in the New Testament. Turn to the last page of Malachi. Sinners could seek to restore their relationship with God through sacrifice. Second: the Old Testament tell us about Jesus. Of course, their rebellion begins almost immediately. 31:31-34). ← back to Sermons. The new covenant has not yet arrived. Joshua . Confident In The Chaos. The Difference Grace Makes When Death Approaches, The Difference God Makes in Dealing With Pain, What the Lord Can Do With a Woman Who Fears Him Above All Else, The Necessity of the Bible for True Revival, Sinful People in the Presence of a Holy God, What to Pray When Your Son Wants to Kill You, When a Righteous Man is Accused of Doing Wrong, When You Can Say, The Lord is My Shepherd, How God Helped a Man Who Was Scared Out of His Mind, When You Need to Pray the Sinner’s Prayer, A Charge to Men: When You Feel Like Throwing in the Towel, Redeemed People Have Reason to Speak, Part One, Redeemed People Have Reason to Speak, Part Two. So what does “promises made” look like? Home; Bible Study Series; Old Testament Study Series; PODCAST . Read More, Exodus — View outline; Jeremiah 29;10-14 – God’s Plans For Us. . Do you see how the Old Testament gradually builds up this idea of sacrifice? (3:9). MP3s by Chapter. So I’d encourage us to commit now to taking the time to study through the entire Bible over the next year. Yet it is quite another to see God’s patience with his rebellious people in the dessert of Sinai. And then in Genesis 12, God begins his plan of redemption, calling Abraham to be the first of his new people. — yet not leaving the guilty unpunished? But in the very sentence of condemnation, God makes a promise: “I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel” (Gen 3:15). How God Made the World: Days 4 & 5 : Genesis 1:14-23: 01-30-00: READ. Why study the Old Testament? Adam and Eve had chosen to disobey God, and so he brought upon them the just punishment for their sin. Sermon Manuscripts and Commentaries. Exodus 3:3, Do you turn to God only when you are disturbed by your experience? Ever since then, manki… These seventeen books present God’s commentary on Israel’s history, particularly Israel’s disobedience. So by the end of Malachi we are no better off than we were in Genesis 3, except that we know for a fact that we cannot save ourselves. Old Testament Study Series. Now, before we begin, I’d like to focus in on the Old Testament and set up some specific goals for our 26 weeks in these 39 books. #5205 Isaiah 9:2, What makes Christianity different from every other religion? Forgiving . — Read More, Exodus — But David is sinful and his descendents are worse; clearly this is not the fullness of God’s plan. This morning from Genesis 37 we learned how to make your dreams come true from the life of Joseph. Cain murders Abel—the line of the woman—but God preserves that line through Seth. Sign up to receive regular emails from MLJ Trust, Questions? And as we see God’s character manifest through history in the Old Testament, there is a certain depth and richness that we take away. 7:20, 525 A Street, N.E. A generation later, rivalry between Isaac’s two sons almost destroys Jacob. . In this sermon Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones preaches on the fall and the first transgression of Adam and Eve in Genesis 3:22-24. Category: Sermons, Featured Sermon, *Book-Level Overview Sermons. That’s our first purpose for this study. There was no perfect sacrifice. The next section of Scripture are called the Writings: Job to Song of Songs. While the first book of t… The narrative continues with things going from bad to worse. Then in chapter 3, God’s first humans disobey him and the whole cosmos falls into ruin as a consequence. A number of images are used to describe atonement in the Old Testament, but the most prominent is sacrifice. Well, that’s the Old Testament from end to end. Read More. The kingdom divides into two. He practiced law for 22 years and was a Professor of Mass Media Law at the University of Memphis for 10 years. Ron Harvey has a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Pastoral Ministries from Mid-South Bible College and a Doctor of Jurisprudence Degree from Cecil C. Humphries School of Law at the University of Memphis. It is the context for the events of the New Testament. For the rest of the class, I’m going to run through the Old Testament from beginning to end. The first time will be just to set your bearings—introducing you to each book of the Old Testament. The New Testament writers clearly expect a working knowledge of the Old Testament. As Ezekiel puts it, the people intended to proclaim God’s name instead profaned it. #5212 “I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing . A new generation, led by Joshua, is raised up, and God gives them the land he had promised their forefathers. Deuteronomy . Do you see what God was teaching his people? But what does that grand sweep of history teach us? But whereas the New Testament was written in a generation, the Old Testament spans thousands of years. [2] 1 Kings 8:46, Psalm 14:3, Proverbs 20:9, Eccles. Old Testament. #5096 Historically, to be sure. God warns his people and then disciplines them through exile. The promises God made through all those centuries find their answer in Jesus—the answer to the riddle of the Old Testament. — If there’s more than 20 people in the class, just ask a sampling of people who raise their hands.]. What is needed, we find, is not a second chance but a new heart. Genesis . But he and his descendents sin. He says … But it also gives us a promise of hope. Ironically, sacrifices were most appropriate when the person offering the sacrifice realized that the offering was not sufficient to atone for sins.