), •   Working Capital Requirement Per Month, •   Overheads Required Per Month And Per Annum, Utilities & Overheads (Power, Water and Fuel Expenses etc. BREAK EVEN POINT PROCESS TECHNOLOGY FOR MENTHOL & DEVELOPMENTS Plant Layout and Requirement of Utilities, •     Assumptions for Profitability workings, Other Machineries (Miscellaneous, Laboratory etc. DRYING OF MENTHOL CRYSTAL labiatae), and the extraction processing and shipment of their oils, including menthol crystals, constitute an industry enrolling over $100 million in transactions each year. D-menthol has a less pronounced cooling action, so DL-menthol is required mainly for products in which the cooling effect is not predominant, for example in certain flavoring ingredients. Menthol crystals are produced through mint essential oil (mentha arvensis) extraction, the oil is quick frozen and the menthol crystallizes out. TABLE 1 REQUIREMENT FOR MENTHOL 2. Reports, Identification and Selection of Plant and Machinery, Manufacturing In India first distillation plant was installed at Bilaspur by a US based MNC in the year of 1973. Menthol Crystal and Mentha Oil Manufacturing Industry, Mentha & Menthol Crystal Manufacturing Process, Menthol Crystals Manufacturing Project Report, Preparation of Menthol Crystals from Mint. The mint oil because of its anti-microbial qualities increases the display of edible items and grain. MENTHONE CONTENTS DOMESTIC MENTHOL PRODUCTION Many of the engineers, project consultant & industrial Our research reports comprehensively cover Indian markets (can be modified as per your country), present investigation, standpoint and gauge for a time of five years*. What are the requirements of Working Capital for setting up Menthol Crystal & Oil Manufacturing plant ? MARKET SURVEY 9444008898  Fax : 91 44 22423753. projects, Successful Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, 11. the scope of the report includes assessing market potential, negotiating with collaborators, investment decision making, corporate diversification planning etc. What is the Project Feasibility of Menthol Crystal & Oil Manufacturing Plant ? SPECIES AND HYBRIDS OF MENTHA The scope of the report includes assessing market Considering its diversified uses in the manufacture of a variety of products, this can be a profitable investment for entrepreneurs. INDIAN AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH INSTITUTE(IARI), NEW DELHI USES AND APPLICATIONS Project Profile, Pre-Investment and Pre-Feasibility Study, Market One of the growing trends that health and non-health aficionados are getting into would be organic foods. Article submitted on January 29, 2015. NPCS also publishes varies process technology, technical, PLANT AND MACHINERY DEPRECIATION CHART FOR 5 YEARS 02. Before, 1964, there was no production of Mentha Oil & Menthol in India. This practice of repeated harvest of the crop gave an opportunity to Brazil become one of the major source of Menthol in world market. FIXED CAPITAL PROCESS FLOW SHEET OF MENTHOL PRODUCTION NPCS also publishes varies process technology, technical, Simultaneously China also recognized the commercial significance of Menthol market and started its production under the State’s controlled arrangement’. 3. The true mints belong to the genus Mentha Piperita. There is a rising demand for menthol crystals with population growth. SALARY AND WAGES There is two kinds of Menthol ‐ crystals & flakes in India, some producers are handling to their style Bold (large, method, and little crystals), flakes in the form of powdered. Sauces are made from mentha leaves. We can prepare PROJECT REPORT as per your … There are several factors contributing to these supply fluctuations, the most obvious one being the weather yields can also be influenced by husbandry practices, soils fertilisers usage, disease and pests, availability of suitable not stocks and the age of the mint plant. Crystal size- 1/4 - 3/8 inch shards . 15. Entrepreneurs, Start up Business Opportunities, entrepreneurship It has a cooling and stimulating action which is useful for the manufacture of items like mouth-washes, tooth-paste, chewing gum, jellies, cigarettes, alcoholic liquors, pharmaceutical and medicinal products. MENTHOL – SPECIFICATION PRESENT MANUFACTURERS/EXPORTERS/SUPPLIERS Business in India, Manufacturing Business Ideas, Preparation of 5. research. APPARATUS Chopra & Dr. I.N. manufacturing techniques and forecasting financial aspects by estimating the In the second phase, menthol flakes combined with a certain percentage of mint oil kept under temperature for about 20 days. STEP I It is the strongest component of mint, to which its attribute smell is due, and was formerly known as peppermint camphor. Business Opportunities, Investment Opportunities for Most Profitable The market conjectures are produced on the premise of optional research and are cross-accepted through associations with the business players, We use dependable wellsprings of data and databases. SUPPLIERS OF STORAGE VESSEL (STORAGE TANKS) Our project reports include detailed analysis that help to get industry Present Market Position and Expected Future Demand. Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, project report, Cost 12. in a very planned manner by formulating detailed                   Mint growers can move into and out of mint production relatively easily since the land is suitable for several alternative crops and the production of mint is therefore influenced by the expected future price of the mint, usually based on past price levels, in comparison with the current and expected prices of compacting crops. Menthol The leaves and tops are sometimes deried and utilized for flavouring but its oil extracted is the main derivative having large commercial value. reliable name in the industrial world for offering integrated Removal of the oil crystals from the residual oil by centrifuging. SUPPLIERS OF AIR CONDITIONING & REFRIGERATION UNITS Why You Should go With Organic Foods to Attain Much Better Wellness ? Word count: 438. Note: We can also prepare project report on any subject based on your requirement and country. This recipe uses 1% menthol crystals. Business Opportunities, Investment Opportunities for Most Profitable Our various services are: Detailed Project Report, Business Plan The project report includes Present Market Position and Expected Future Demand, Market Size, Statistics, Trends, SWOT Analysis and Forecasts. and Revenue, Pre-feasibility study for Profitable Manufacturing It has a cooling and stimulating action which is useful for the manufacture of items like mouth-washes, tooth-paste, chewing gum, jellies, cigarettes, alcoholic liquors, pharmaceutical and medicinal products. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Counseling for setting up new industrial projects on the following topics. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION Besides being used by manufacturers, industrialists and setting up new industrial project and Most Profitable Small Scale Each report include Plant Capacity, requirement of Land & Building, Plant & Machinery, Flow Sheet Diagram, Raw Materials detail with suppliers list, Total Capital Investment along with detailed calculation on Rate of Return, Break-Even Analysis and Profitability Analysis. and project consultancy firms as one of the input in their The growing consumer preference for natural and organic personal care products due to increasing awareness regarding the potential side effects of inorganic products is expected to further fuel the growth of this market. GENERAL PROPERTIES Essentially, oil is extracted from mint leaves and then frozen. for Manufacturing Plant, Start-up Ideas, Business Ideas for The complete restoration of menthol in, the first thing is around 70%. Several of the many a multitude of terpenes existing in the essential oil are useful substances that discover uses in the cosmetic and pharmaceutical sectors. GAS CHROMATOGRAPHIC ANALYSIS OF MENTHOL Entrepreneurs, Start up Business Opportunities, entrepreneurship NIIR PROJECT CONSULTANCY SERVICES (NPCS) is a Thereafter various local distilleries also came up at Sambhal, Chandausi and Moradabad. SPECIFICATION PHYSICAL AND CHEMCIAL CONSTANTS OF ESSENTIAL OIL OBTAINED One of the key steps in the new process is asymmetric hydrogenation with a special, highly efficient catalyst system which ensures that mainly one enantiomer is synthesized from citral. The consumption pattern of mentha in India has made it an important crop. HIGH YIELDING MENTHOL MINT 10. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES COST OF PRODUCTION The quantity and quality of mint oil varies considerably from year to year. We are a well-established and reputed name in the Indian Menthol, Mint and Essential oil industry.              India upto 1966 was the importer of menthol which continued up to 1986 but due to Green Revolution, which started in the year 1965. 07. The report also provides a bird's eye view of the global industry with details on projected market size and then progresses to evaluate the industry in detail. RAW MATERIAL LAND & BUILDING TECHNICAL QUALITY STEP II industry database, bankable detailed project report, market research MENTHOL CRYSTALS AND MENTHOL OIL. As the result the area of mentha crops substantially increased in entire tarai and western districts of U. P. mainly Nanital, Rampur, Moradabad, Badaun, Bareilly and recently extended to eastern districts viz. One hundred Holstein male calves were assigned to investigate the effect of essential oil mixture (eucalyptus oil, menthol … menthol crystals and dementholised mint oil. MENTHOL PRODUCING COUNTRIES India is exporting mints and its derivatives throughout the world worth Rs. specialists with extensive experience in the related industries. balance sheet etc. Study, Identification of Profitable Industrial Project Opportunities, The report takes help of various analytical tools to predict the market growth of the market during the forecast period. All reports are prepared by highly qualified consultants and verified by a panel of experts. 4. Japan is supposed to be the pioneer in its commercial production before 1st World War and the species grown was ’Mentha Arvensis’. Menthol crystals are normally manufactured through Mentha arvensis essential oil extraction.