For the second round, your team will take the words and form them into the longest sentence that you can make. People who complain tend to hang around other people who complain about things too. You are out to eat with a friend and you order the same thing, however they begin to complain about their food. Great lesson. After the third and fourth time the man told the joke, no one was laughing anymore. They wanted to sell us a timeshare. Who do you complain to? Great! There’s an old phrase that says “Misery loves company” – and that goes for complainers too. We got stuck in a timeshare salespItch and instead of getting frustrated, we had fun with it. I can't believe this company is paying $75,000 a year for this fool. Enjoy! Have you ever seen a problem solved by complaining about it? Like attracts like, right? People who often complain tend not to see the positive side of things. Your teams will continue to form and write down words for the entire minute. There’s so much to learn from this. The same disappointment or frustration. What an incredible adventure and adrenalin rush! In what way does complaining open us up to criticism from others? Refrain from reading the next set of instructions until round one is over. Always. BRITISH ENGLISH PREVIEW WORKSHEET Intermediate (B1-B2) AMERICAN … How do you feel when you are around people who complain? Each team will also receive 8 oranges – with the letters to the word COMPLAIN written on the oranges. More reasons to complain. We had the most glorious view of the river, the ocean, mountains and rainforests, every morning while watching the sun rise from our balcony. Here are some of the things I said. Laura Laire® and Art of You® are registered trademarks of The Laire Group, Inc. a N.C. Thinking about what happened, what could have happened, why something happened or what should’ve happened or what someone did. After one minute is over, the timer will reset for another minute and we will begin round two. Do everything without complaining and arguing, so that no one can criticize you. Use this junior high lesson to remind students to choose gratitude instead of allowing complaining to become part of their character. Example: “Why do we not have a king room since that’s what we booked? What’s my focus? Change the questions you ask yourself and expect everything to always work out. Yeah that’s right. You should have seen the look on her face. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Bottom Line: Choose gratitude instead of allowing complaining to become part of your character. Encouragement is something that is easy to do, but is often forgotten. I’m dying!! So, what is an alternative to complaining that is productive? But we play an active part in how our attitude and actions help or hinder our situations. Todd being a sales guy and a real estate lover, thought it would be fun to check it out and enjoy the benefits too. It was a long exhausting day of miracles just getting there. american english. Copyright 2017-2019 JUNIORHIGHMINISTRY.ORG | All Rights Reserved. Do you think complaining is “contagious”? If you change the way you look at things, the way things look to you will change. Little did he know, we would be held hostage for 4 1/2 hours, (using our complaints as leverage) to escape the passing from sales person to sales person, who each asked why we weren’t interested, listened to our complaints, then slashed the price lower. How can I have more fun in this moment right now? The Complaining Israelites Exodus 15 - 17 Page 52 Moses Lesson #10 God has provided everything you need in life; maybe not everything you want, but everything you need. Whatever you pay attention to, will always magnify. We wasted half the day we could’ve been at the beach. The team with the longest complete, comprehendible sentence wins. It might not be exactly the same situation, but I can guarantee you it’s the same feeling. We decided to change our state by going on a day excursion called “Ultimate Adventure” where we did about 10 zip lines, one of which was a super man style and 3/4 of a mile long, a free fall simulator, hiking, roping climbing, tight rope, tree log running, pendulum free jump, propelling from the top of a tree, ATV trails through the rainforest and muddy water, as well as a water slide from the top of the mountain. The problem with Jake is that he doesn't know that he is an idiot. Even adults (who sometimes complain a lot) can learn something from this. For many people, the natural response is to complain. Ever find yourself complaining? Complaining will start a chain reaction of more things to complain about. Yes! All day, every day, our brains are working out scenarios. “I didn’t get to do what I wanted to do.”. What an amazing relaxing week. In our lesson, we said that complaining does not actually solve problems. Why do they have water and we don’t? Onceyouform a word, one team member will write down the word on the paper. Encouragement is actually designed to help you by the act of encouraging someone else– that’s kind of cool if you think about it. Complaining changes our mood and the moods of those around us. We know this and STILL DID IT!! What most people don’t realize is that when something happens to you, if you continue telling the same story of how bad it was over and over, the same experience will happen again and again. 1 Thessalonians 5:18 says to “Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.”. Divide students into two teams of equal size. Did you have any complainers on your team?… don’t answer that! I don't think he does his own work. The first part of verse 15 reminds us not to argue or complain so no one can criticize us. Use a marker to write the letters to the word COMPLAIN – one letter per orange. Don’t miss another post! Sure, there are times when life doesn’t go how we would like it to and we may get frustrated. , Oh my gosh! He can't do anything right. Hey, two beds meant he wasn’t waking me up snoring and tossing! #experienced. My Honest Review, Heal Your Body and Your Life with Deep Release Writing. In our lesson, we said that complaining does not actually solve problems. Type of English: Business English. After the lesson, you may give students the oranges to eat or take home. Reliving our frustrations and complaints to each sales person just trying to escape. I want to share a quick story… A small group of people had been coming to a man complaining about the same problem for many weeks. I remember helping Jake out so much, and then he stabs my back. Something as small as complaining about something or someone consistently can turn into an avalanche of more reasons to complain. Give each team a piece of paper and a pen. We just booked a trip to Mexico ourselves and what a great reminder to be in an attitude of gratitude while the outer world works itself out as we create our experience one feeling, one thought, one word, one sentence at a time. I just got back from a fabulous trip to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico with my husband and our friends. That’s right, change your attitude, change your situation! I think the manager likes him because he kisses her ass all day long. What a blessing in disguise. If you haven’t noticed, people who profess to be Christians are often criticized, and they were back in the Apostle Paul’s day too. ​​​​​​​ The only way we cause stress or suffering is because of our focus. Paul was all about encouraging others because it is so much better than complaining. Niveau: Intermediate. If you have to work with Jake, remember the things I told you. Okay, it’s not really scientific but it is true. “No” didn’t seem to mean no to them and after the 5th handoff we were exhausted and frustrated. How can I see things differently? This can very well keep you in a negative frame of mind. Before the second round begins, the team member with the paper will tear apart the words into separate pieces of paper.