Red Flour Beetle Identification. As the amount of flour conditioning increased, egg and pupal cannibalism by larvae increased slightly. CAUTION! The Red Flour beetles goes through a complete metamorphosis - egg, larvae, pupae, and adult. Coefficients and SE for a, b, and c were 5.89 ± 1.43, 27.35 ± 32.29, and 0.91 ± 1.05, respectively. This allowed us to differentiate them from eggs laid by adult females during the experiment. The female beetle deposits eggs directly on flour, cereal, dry pet food or other similar products. Flour Beetles, or “bran bugs,” only grow to approximately 1/8 of an inch long. While both species cause damage by feeding, they are more important as contaminants. However, the regression was not significant at the 5% level (P=0.09), probably because of the considerable variation among conditioning levels. Larvae have greater nutritional demands and they are also directly competing with other larvae, so it is expected that they would have high cannibalism rates. 1 and 2). IV. Flour beetle body lengths usually range from 3 to 4 mm. Description. The antennae of the red flour beetle is distinctly club-like, with a three-segmented club. Red flour beetle larvae are 1/8th to ¼ of an inch in length; they have a thin appearance and are yellowish-white in color. The flour was sieved weekly with a U.S. Standard no. If flour beetles have entered your home you may notice adults crawling or flying throughout your home. The arena consisted of a block of medium density particle board with a 5- by 5-cm depression that was 2 mm deep filled with 2 g of organic golden buffalo flour (Heartland Mills, KS). Removal of fines and dockage will aid in control and prevention. 2010).In addition to feeding on flour, cannibalism of egg and pupal stages by adult or larval T. castaneum is well documented (Park et al. Adult males exhibited low levels of cannibalism, whereas larvae had relatively high levels of cannibalism, regardless of flour condition. Both are pests that infest flour and cereal products and invade and become problematic in homes, grocery stores, mills and food processing plants. Flour beetles can develop from egg to adult in as little as seven weeks. Cannibalism of pupae by T. castaneum larvae, male adults and female adults as a function of flour conditioning. They have been found in the following food products, as well: dried fruits, sunflower seeds, cornmeal, crackers, cereals, nutmeats, rice, wheat, oats, wheat bran, beans, chocolate, legume seeds, vetch seeds, powdered milk, spices, pet food, livestock feed, birdseed, cottonseed, dried flowers and even poisonous baits. The confused flour beetle, Tribolium confusum Jacquelin du Val, is a common insect that attacks stored grains and foods in the pantry. We thank Jim Nechols, Department of Entomology, Kansas State University for reviewing an earlier draft of this paper, and Ken Friesen (USDA–ARS, Center for Grain and Animal Health Research) for his excellent technical expertise in setting up the experiments and collecting the data. Other frequently-infested items are chocolate, nuts and seeds (such as bird seed). Retail Store and Distribution Center Spray the cracks and shelf corners with an insecticide such as. W. Arbogast So you could just switch to using exclusively whole wheat flour if you're really committed to preventing flour bug … For livestock owners, Flour Beetles can be a problem because they enjoy feeding on the grains used to feed these animals and the animals will refuse to eat it if Flour Beetles are present. Search for other works by this author on: Density-related volatile emissions and responses in the red flour beetle, The natural foods and the food requirements of several species of stored products insects, Studies in population physiology. The red flour beetle [Tribolium castaneum (Herbst)] is a common insect pest infesting flour mills and stored grain (Fraenkel and Blewett 1943, Campbell et al. Flour Beetles get their name because they most commonly infest flour and other grains. Every single product that contains flour, especially bread flour and whole wheat flour (the worst) should be inspected. In order to prevent your pantry and home from becoming infested with red flour beetles you should always inspect food and food packaging for signs of holes or tears before purchasing them from the store. The red and confused flour beetles may be present in large numbers in infested grain, but are unable to attack sound or undamaged grain (Walter). Flour Beetles are more of a nuisance than a damage-causing pest. Call Toll Free 1-855-55-EPEST (37378)  If you find any evidence of beetles, throw that product away immediately, and if recently purchased, take it back to the store and get your money back. Red flour and confused flower larvae also look extremely similar to one another. & Price Match Guarantee - Details, ePestSupply    However, if the Flour Beetles have been found in more than one or two food sources, or have been there for a while, you’ll need to proceed with a flour beetle inspection and control program. Red flour beetles are a pest that is often found invading homes, grocery stores, mills, and food processing plants. It also diminishes the value of the feed if they are found within it. This makes them more prominent in the Northern United States. Philanthropy & Alumni Some physiological effects of conditioned flour upon, Cannibalistic predation in populations of flour beetles, Factors affecting egg cannibalism and fecundity in populations of adult, Factors affecting oviposition rate in the flour beetle, This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (, which permits non-commercial reuse, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. For specific insecticide recommendations for individual crops see: These publications are available at local county extension offices in Kentucky. As nutrients decreased with the amount of flour conditioning, larvae may have increased their search for eggs and pupae to supplement the lower nutrition of the conditioned flour. J.F. Sticky shelf liners are are perfect food source for many pests including cockroaches. T. Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. Oviposition also was inhibited by flour conditioning. Flour conditioning is a result of depletion of nutrients and the build up of waste materials, pheromones, and ethylquinone, which is a repellent produced by the beetles (Sonleitner 1961). The equation y=a+(b*c)/(c*x) fit the data well. Red Flour Beetlesor Tribolium castaneum, are believed to have Indo-Australian roots and prefer temperate areas, but can survive colder temperatures as well. Guaranteed Lowest Prices Including Shipping - Anywhere On The Internet! Ethylquinone in the conditioned flour produced by the beetles is a repellant and it is thus, not surprising that cannibalism of eggs by female adults would be inversely proportional to the amount of flour conditioning (beetle-days). The most effective way to control red flour beetles in your home is with the help of a professional pest control expert. Flour beetles, often called "bran bugs", are probably the most common stored grain insect pests in Kentucky. A.J. Adult males had the lowest rates of cannibalism with only two eggs. Mention of trade names or commercial products in this publication is solely for the purpose of providing specific information and does not imply recommendation or endorsement by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Keep the pantry and food storage areas clean, dry and crumb free. This could be because flour condition was still adequate or that cannibalism rate was already at or near its maximum. Once they are distributed within the grain mass, the grain must be moved and sprayed as it is being moved, or fumigated in the bin to relieve the problem. Routinely clean up spills and clean crumbs from cabinet and pantry areas. Marked eggs (Rich 1956) were obtained by allowing females to oviposit into flour that contained 1% by weight neutral red dye (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO).