Another problem with the rail fence cipher is that is not very strong. Transposition ciphers like the rail fence cipher are relatively weak forms of encoding, and can easily be broken, … You then dash the diagonal down spaces until you get back to the top row, and place the "E" here. This type of cipher is often called a transposition cipher, because letters are simply transposed in terms of their placement. the number of possible solutions are so small that a cryptanalyst can Create a free website or blog at Hence, rail matrix can be constructed accordingly. it can also be arranged in a zig zag manner. What we mean by variable distance is that A rail fence cipher can very easily be broken, since there are only a very limited number of keys. For example, if the message is “GeeksforGeeks” and the number of rails = 3 then cipher is prepared as: As we’ve seen earlier, the number of columns in rail fence cipher remains equal to the length of plain-text message. Colour is used to emphasise where spaces are, against the blank squares of the table. See your article appearing on the GeeksforGeeks main page and help other Geeks. We then place the first letter in the top left square, and dashes diagonally downwards where the letters will be. The ciphertext is read off row by row to get "DNETLEEDHESWLXFTAAX". And the key corresponds to the number of rails. The rail fence cipher (also called a zigzag cipher) is a form of transposition cipher. Implementation: After each alphabet has been written, the individual rows are combined to obtain the cipher-text. The use of nulls can also have a detrimental effect on the security of the cipher, as an interceptor can use them to identify where the end of the line is, and so have a sensible guess at the key. Examples: In a transposition cipher, the order of the alphabets is re-arranged to obtain the cipher-text. The third stage in the decryption process. This means that The advantage of the Rail Fence cipher over other Hence, once the method of encryption is broken, the code is broken already. The Rail Fence Cipher with a key of 3. This article is contributed by Ashutosh Kumar If you like GeeksforGeeks and would like to contribute, you can also write an article using or mail your article to This can be averted by using a more common letter, such as "E", to fill the null spaces, as it will still be clear to the recipient that these are not part of the message as they will appear at the end of the plaintext. The Rail Fence Cipher with spaces left in the message.