Stalin definitely betrayed Lenin's plans.

Molotov once remarked years later that out of the two, Lenin was the more brutal and ruthless. Both Lenin and Stalin were pretty same.

His name was Leon Trotsky.

Lenin was the dreamer who constructed the new society. All rights reserved. JavaScript is disabled. Don't be so harsh on Stalin, the man stood between us and Hitler..having said that however; he was a nut case as has been widely documented. For example, he placed thousands of ethnic Russians into Kazakhstan; he placed many people where they just shouldn't have been.

This promise appealed to many people and thus Lenin gained a lot of support! May 21, 1921. Paradoxically, but in fact Stalin was a Trotskist. The country was able to produce better quality and more efficient good, along with the fact that the USSR, United Soviets Socialist Republics previously created by Lenin, was back up to par with the rest of Europe.

U can't imagine the things he did for the country. Blog. Stalin ruled with totalitarianism and this was soon known as "Stalinism"!

The Russian language was also imposed on all levels of government, which gave ethnic Russians an unfair advantage in terms of stable employment in all of the various former Soviet republics. However there was no significant difference between both dictators. Did people's 'word' actually use to mean something back in the "old days"? Russian is not the people.

He was originally a supporter of Lenin so it was an obvious choice that Stalin would be Lenin's successor. He knew that Russia needed to be a world power again so he tried to unite all of Russia instead of competing for dominance within the country.

This language policy weakened traditional languages and traditional peoples' cultures. Our community welcomes everyone from around the world to discuss world history, historical periods, and themes in history - military history, archaeology, arts and culture, and history in books and movies.
How many people were murdered in Brazil in 1879? They also encouraged a two-party system. He saw no need for it because his government would be perfect (eventually). political characteristics or personal after all? For example, Lenin had the desire to allow each ethnic group to continue to speak their own native language (the Ukrainians -Ukraine; The Kazakhstanis -Kazakh, and so on). Did the first Taiwan strait crisis have to do with the Chinese civil war? Today for example the Belorussian language has essentially died out and been replaced with Russian.

Stalin pre Lenin's death is inconsequential- he was a Bolshevik under the Lenin regime, carrying out Bolshevik policies and procedures. Lenin a fost fondatorul URSS în timp ce Stalin a condus sistemul gata.

General Winter, your elegant way of discussion prompts me to think that you are not trying to follow in the footsteps of Old Russian Guard's nobility.

Create your own unique website with customizable templates. In the Ukraine there is a resurgence in the willingness to use Ukrainian instead of Russian.

He certanly didn't deserve an heir like Stalin. And what about Stalin, i think he was a man with a mental disorder killing millions of innocent people. Obvious Lenin never purged his ranks or exterminated political rivals in the same way that Stalin did, and when the programme of forced confiscation of grain ran into problems Lenin buckled and agreed to implement the NEP, a quasi-capitalist programme, whereas Stalin later forced confiscation through and punished anyone who objected. The same thing could have happened in the US, but our forefathers were smart. Even though Stalin was a very harsh and ruthless leader, he was also very successful with the ideas that he put in to place while he was in charge.

Who told that Lenin was evil? Stalin largely expanded the terror and repressive measures begun by Lenin.

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Lenin era mai mult un dictator socialist, iar ideologia lui era mai socialistă decât Stalin, care era liderul partidului comunist. From Lenin to Stalin May 24, 1920.

Russian called slaves, who lost their culture. Somehow "paper" part had been contributed solely to Lenin and "action" one to Stalin only. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. The first plan was very unsuccessful, but luckily for him, the second plan was great! Before the revolution most of Russian population was illiterate living in poverty. Venn Diagram of Lenin and Stalin. How many people were murdered in prison on any given year on average. Is it true lots of people in the 1950s and 1960s had just coffee and cigarettes for breakfast? Stalin found it easier to shut up dissenting voices than deal with them so he was, in effect, a betrayal of what Lenin intended.

Are 'cruelty' , 'evilness' ,etc. Sept. 5, 2020. ? His atrocities could not be as documented or be made available to the public in general as in the era of Stalin. Stalin's intent was to always ensure that Russians (Moscow's central communist government) had a right to govern over the various satellite regions inorder to protect the various minorities in their foreign states. They insist that Lenin was a true revolutionary with high ideals and that Stalin was the real counter-revolutionary dictator which ruined any chance of an idealistic Soviet state. When Lenin died Stalin ordered the movement of many ethnic groups from their traditional areas into non-taditional areas. The same goes for Stalin - he claimed that it's way too chauvinistic to impose Russian language as official in his books and he actually did it by his actions.

He was a revolutionary, and he was a statesman.

Lenin promoted the self determination on paper and total subjugation in reality. Lenin didn't want a two-party system. Stalin's goal was to create "Socialism (Communism) in one country". Still have questions?

Lenin: Vladimir Lenin gained control of Russia in 1917, and he first dissolved the Provisional Government.

Furthermore, he created a New Social Order (NSO), and along with that he promised the people, especially the peasants, that he would give the people peace, land, and bread. Miserable considerations, just as I expected.A childish talk about cruel communism and kind capitalism...The question was about policy differences between Lenin and Stalin,about Stalin's 'counterrevolutionary',and what are you talking about,gentlemen?

Let's take so-called "ethnic question".
Founded in 2006, Historum is a history forum dedicated to history discussions and historical events. Josef Stalin gained control of Russia in 1928.

Belorussian was very similar to Russian, but it was indeed a separate language.

When Lenin died Stalin ordered the movement of many ethnic groups from their traditional areas into non-taditional areas.