Beutner said last week he will recommend the board ban LASPD officers from firing pepper spray at students and using the carotid holds on them. Our journalism is free for all to access. Gavin Newsom has already ordered L.A. County bars to close after reopening for a whopping nine days, and Ferrer recommended behaving, in upcoming weeks, the same way we did at the beginning of the pandemic: act like everyone is sick. Legal Statement. Follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. or redistributed. Palmdale Protesters Say Robert Fuller's Death Was A Lynching, Ask State To Investigate, Officials Walk Back Initial Call Of 'Likely Suicide' In Palmdale Hanging, As Palmdale Grapples With A Hanging Death, Locals Recall The Area's Racist History. "A lot of people have made promises," said Wimberly, 18. The board will take up discussion on the upcoming school year’s budget during next week’s meeting but did not indicate when it would revisit the issue of school police. McKenna talked of officers establishing positive relationships with students, often serving as mentors. Governor Gavin Newsom announced today that the state will try to acquire some of the dozens of hotels being used in Project Roomkey, which has brought thousands of Californians inside to shield them from the pandemic. We invite you to use our commenting platform to engage in insightful conversations about issues in our community. This post was updated shortly after posting to include comments from Abdullah and Vladovic. : people aren’t following the guidelines intended to keep us all safe. Although we do not pre-screen comments, we reserve the right at all times to remove any information or materials that are unlawful, threatening, abusive, libelous, defamatory, obscene, vulgar, pornographic, profane, indecent or otherwise objectionable to us, and to disclose any information necessary to satisfy the law, regulation, or government request. So when there is an incident at a school with someone getting hurt, I hope they sue the school board for pulling the police that are right there in the situation who could have possibly prevented a situation. The reduction was included in the board's approval of the district's overall $8.9 billion budget -- and while the $25 million cut from the L.A. School Police was just a small fraction of the total, it was by far the dominant issue in more than 13 hours of discussion and debate on Tuesday. Gov. A 2019 National Center for Education Statistics report found that about 66% of U.S. public schools in 2017-18 reported at least one physical attack or fight on campus without a weapon; 3% of schools reported an attack with a weapon. L.A. school board member Monica Garcia succeeded Tuesday in her efforts to slash funding for school police as part of the budget for next year. “This is a chance to transition away from police to another safety strategy.”. LAUSD officials plan to return to the board with an updated spending plan, perhaps as early as August. Garcia responded that the task force could have the goal of resolving the issues raised by Chamberlain in different ways. Unlike the school districts that have cut ties with city law enforcement in Minneapolis, Chicago and Portland in recent days, the school police in Los Angeles is an independent department — one of the largest in the country. “The lagoon receives high amounts of dog and bird fecal matter, so when the lagoon is breached, the fecal matter flows into the ocean resulting in high bacteria concentrations,” said Luke Ginger, a water quality scientists with Heal The Bay.