Availability: When you sin against them in this way and wound their weak conscience, you sin against Christ” (I Corinthians 8:11-12). If your expectations differ, conflict will result. But when a relationship that was meant to be a close companionship disintegrates into one of conflict, alienation and loneliness, it leads to deep dissatisfaction and discontentment. Login failed. A very wise marriage counselor once suggested that, “the secret to lifelong love and companionship is an iron-willed determination to make it work” (James Dobson). Note that what you are purchasing is a test review. After 29 years of marriage, raising four children to adulthood and planting a thriving Church during those years, my wife and I know that marriage requires intentional commitment. The seven-point inventory below is a combined work between myself and a fellow-leader in our Church. These reviews are descriptions and evaluations of the … One aspect of our relationship that I have been reluctant to discuss with my future partner, but wish to now is: __________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 16. Lean Library can solve it. My idea of freedom in marriage is: _______________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 17. Every so often, we need to take inventory. Conference, UNL web framework and quality assurance provided by the, An affiliate of the University of Nebraska–Lincoln, Pirro, Ellen B.; Cleveland, Charles; McDonald, P. J.; McDonald, Claudette. In our marriage, communication will be so important that: ________ _____________________________________________________________________ 14. Couples who learn to accept reasonable expectations – which must include spending quality time together – could save their marriage … They have unrealistic ideas of marital bliss. 24. Marriage Expectations Worksheet * Created by Robin May * Visit www.robinmayonline.com Marriage expectations Every marriage has challenges. There are some realistic expectations that you should develop about marriage. I have read and accept the terms and conditions, View permissions information for this article. Major sources of conflict in our money matters are related to: ____ _____________________________________________________________________ 23. They know that they’ve not been perfect mates, but are sincerely willing to work on their marriages. The Marriage Role Expectation Inventory was administered to 100 undergraduate students to study reliabilities of total score and subscale scores. Marriage clearly offers the closest possible relationship of intimacy and companionship we can enjoy. It should be characterized by truth, love, good will and grace toward each other. Access to society journal content varies across our titles. This is why events like marriage weekends are good for us. My heart aches for all of them. _________ ___________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 27. (Ed. If you have access to a journal via a society or association membership, please browse to your society journal, select an article to view, and follow the instructions in this box. This is why events like marriage weekends are good for us. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. C C C �4 C C C C $ $ $ � � � � � � ���� The Marriage Expectation Inventory Directions: Set aside one hour and separate yourself from your future spouse so you cannot see what he or she is writing. Differences in marriage role expectations of college students from intact and divorced families, Reliability of the Marriage Role Expectation Inventory, https://doi.org/10.2466/pr0.1992.71.2.633, Correlations among Scales of the Beck Depression Inventory and the Profile of Mood States, Psychometric Properties of King's Rodent Emotionality Rating Scale, 16 PF Correlates of Sensation-Seeking: An Expansion and Validation. Originally, God said it is not good to be alone, but when sinners say, “I do,” it’s not always easy being together! 3 0 obj I need (as a husband) to see it as my calling to take the lead in cultivating a stronger relationship. Many young couples believe a happy marriage … All married people struggle to some extent to keep their marriages healthy and strong. 2 0 obj 21 Teachers College Hall Describe several situations in which you, intentionally or unintentionally were hurtful to your future partner in the last month. Marriage is not primarily about personal happiness and satisfaction. Unrealistic and idealized versions of the relationship of marriage or of the person you plan to marry will quickly shatter in married life. ), The ninth mental measurements yearbook. _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 5. A marriage will not do well without an intentional focus on building a strong relationship. B�!�� 36E�s˄�s�v*�{Ei�i��b��MЅ�SuA��w�]�42��d�#�]�KR3�Xi�z@�V^�L)�68M֫�W9�2�@z5� Z��Y�c��9�E�p��2��(b�5��:�81��$_��5(��tPEo If some form of complacency is behind your contentment, you might need to be snapped back into reality. Describe how you plan to make important decisions in your marriage: ___________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 13. The Marriage Role Expectation Inventory was administered to 100 undergraduate students to study reliabilities of total score and subscale scores.