You can add coloring by adding a couple of drops of your favorite food coloring into the bowl as it’s whipping in the final step. From rich tiramisu to fruity shortcake, we’ve rounded up these Italian desserts for you to sink your teeth into. Butter – Use softened, butter (but not melted) to whip into your cooled meringue so that it incorporates smoothly. Italian meringue: Italian meringue is made by slowly beating hot sugar syrup into stiffly beaten egg whites and is used in icings and, often, as a base for French macaroons. When all the syrup is in, crank that puppy back up to high speed and whip until cool. Italian meringue has several uses in dessert world. Italian meringue has several uses in dessert world. For example, if the buttercream looks like scrambled eggs after the butter is added, continue to beat it on low speed until it cools a little and it will thicken up. This is the meringue made most often by home chefs and requires the least work—but it is also the least stable of the three types. One of the most popular uses for Italian meringue, however, is making rich, buttery Buttercream Frosting , where butter is beaten in to an Italian meringue until the mixture is transformed into one of the most decadent ways to top of a cake or cupcake. Swiss meringue may seem like it is a lot of work, but this icing is very forgiving if mistakes are made. Place ice packs at the base of your mixer to cool the meringue down to room temperature as you’re mixing or remove the meringue once it’s stiff enough and place it into the fridge for 15 minutes to cool it down. The fact that it can be piped in to any shape you like gives you space to be creative and make dessert plates look stunning. Put your sugar, corn syrup and enough water to make things wet in a heavy-bottomed pot on the stove. Swiss Meringue. Can i use italian meringue for sponge cake batter instead of french meringue? So if you live in warm environments like Florida, California or Texas, Italian meringue is going to work very well for you. Now you can add in food coloring if you desire. Lemon-Blueberry Ricotta-Buttermilk Pancakes. It is also important to keep the mixer (or your arm, if you are buff/brave) working on a medium-low speed while you work, so that the syrup is incorporated consistently without flying off the whisk attachment or beaters of your mixer. I was supposed to stay out of the way and not interrupt the process or it would be ruined. It is the most versatile element when it comes to decorating cakes, mousses, tarts and other desserts. I’m pretty sure that this is how my Mother and her Mother frosted my birthday cakes. Fresh egg whites – Don’t use boxed (pasteurized) egg whites, chances are they will not whip into a stiff meringue which is vital to a stable buttercream frosting. I wrapped an apron around my bowl with an ice pack to help the meringue cool down faster. You can frost and pipe decorations on all your cake creations with Swiss and Italian meringue buttercreams and make design elements with baked French meringue. You can also cool the meringue by scooping it out of the bowl and placing it into the fridge for 15 minutes. It is simply white sugar beaten into egg whites. It is the most versatile element when it comes to decorating cakes, mousses, tarts and other desserts. Unlike French Meringue, we heat the sugar and egg together over bain-marie until it reaches to 160°F-71°C. Take it out when you need it and allow the buttercream to come back to room temperature before re-whipping it. Another tip is to be careful not to add the sugar too early in the process. The fact that it can be piped in to any shape you like gives you space to be creative and make dessert plates look stunning. What’s sweet, light and swings from trees? Simply spread or pipe Italian meringue onto any dessert for a sweet, stable decoration, like lemon meringue pie. ¼ part corn syrup, (the corn syrup helps to keep your sugar syrup from crystallizing). 1/2 cup water. Italian Meringue. Aside from the method, how do Italian Meringue, and Swiss Meringue differ? Italian meringue buttercream is similar to Swiss meringue buttercream (SMBC) except the sugar is cooked 240ºF before being added to the whipping egg whites. Italian meringue is the most stable type of meringue as the melted sugar cooks the egg whites, resulting in a soft, glossy finish that doesn’t need to be baked in the oven. Anthony – I would not because an Italian meringue is already cooked (by the hot syrup), while French meringues are not and will bake in the oven as the cake cooks. Any type of meringue can be a little tricky to make, but by following a few rules you can increase the chances of success. Remove the lid, insert the candy thermometer carefully and continue cooking on medium-high until the syrup reaches 240° F. When the sugar solution is at about 235° F, begin whipping the egg whites on high speed. Keep the lid on the pot for 3-4 minutes and bring to ensure all the sugar granules are dissolved, otherwise, your sugar can get gritty and crystalize. Or you can divide your buttercream and hand-mix in food coloring. Try to drizzle between the whisk attachment and the side of the bowl to prevent the syrup from splattering. There is a slight difference in volume (fresh whites whip up a bit more fluffy) but you won't waste the yolks using a carton of whites. When your syrup reaches 240ºF, reduce the speed of your mixer to low and drizzle in your hot syrup.