You've taken a great deal off my shoulders, and I appreciate it. On the 2nd of November he opened the great attack by proposing an address declaring the necessity for the king's dismissing James from his council. I know you understand that great sacrifice is sometimes warranted for a greater good. Patients in this study had confidence in their doctor and great appreciation for the cancer center in which they were treated. The Word "Great" in Example Sentences - Page 1. sacredceltic 1 462546 That's great .

Great in a sentence Definition of Great Relatively large in scale, size, extent, number (i. e. having many parts or members) or duration (i. e. relatively long); very big. One day the caliph, Haroun-al-Raschid, [Footnote: Haroun-al-Raschid (_pro._ ha roon' al rash'id).]

Great. His father, Johann Reinhold Forster, a man of great scientific attainments but an intractable temper, was at that time pastor of the place; the family are said to have been of Scottish extraction. The growth of the plant is slow, and its durability proportionately great, its death being determined generally by that of the tree on which it has established itself.

The roof beside them had a great hole smashed through it, and pieces of glass were lying scattered in every direction. One day King Solomon was sitting on his throne, and his great men were standing around him. Marsyas found it, and having acquired great skill in playing it, challenged Apollo to a contest with his lyre. When the moon is at its highest, see that she's brought to me in the great hall for the ceremony.

If you think jury duty is so great, why don't you go in my place? They became great friends over the years. in the dead animal, and for its great elasticity and power of muscular contraction while living.

He collaborated with his father in the great edition of Saadia and the edition of Abu-1Walid, and also produced a number of important editions of other Arabic writers. He suddenly blushed crimson, and it was plain that he had made a great effort to say this. “Great.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Betsy is great at research and Martha works with Howie, assembles the tips and can deliver them. The great thing is the serving, that's it.

from the loch, is one of the pleasantest villages in the Highlands and has a great vogue in midsummer. This is because history repeats itself—at least, as the great historian Will Durant says, "in outline form.". Yeah, my nose is too big and my face is full of freckles, but my hair looks great.

209. of London, on the main road to Oxford, and on the Great Central & Great Western joint railway. Miss Canby herself wrote kindly, "Some day you will write a great story out of your own head, that will be a comfort and help to many.". Hiero asked him to give an illustration of his contention that a very great weight could be moved by a very small force. Easily browse through english vocabulary, listen the sentences or copy them. In any case many great rewards would have to be given for tomorrow's action, and new men would come to the front. What peace she'd found in the familiar orchard fled as she looked at the charred, crumbling ruins of the once great city that lay beyond the wall. Can we count on you to read this article? That nishani was beautiful was no great disappointment to him! These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word 'great.' "Great.

Maybe you are having a little water gain, but you look great. Two bosses who don't believe in wearing clothes," she grumbled. He would soon become a captain and then perhaps a great admiral. "Gladys says they really got along great," Cynthia said, with a smile. He had given them a great deal of trouble, and they wished to destroy him.