Sidewalk Labs |

[9] Ein Teil der Kosten wird durch Steuergelder finanziert. If you live in an apartment or condo, Google Fiber’s ability to construct and provide Fiber is subject to the continued agreement between Google Fiber and the property owner. Please enter a valid street address and email address. [1][2], Der Aufbau der teilweise experimentellen Breitbandinternetinfrastruktur[3] begann in Kansas City (Kansas) und Kansas City (Missouri), welche aus über 1100 bewerbenden Gemeinden ausgewählt wurden. Google Fiber will not engage in deep packet inspection (where the content of the data packet is inspected beyond its IP, TCP, and UDP headers) or drop specific types of end-user Internet traffic except as described herein to preserve the integrity of the network and protect against negative effects of Internet threats. für mit, Google-Speedtest – Internetgeschwindigkeit messen mit einem Klick, Vor Apple, Amazon und Co.: Google ist die wertvollste Marke der Welt, Google Glass: Android-Erfinder baut neue Datenbrille, MacAssistant bringt Google Assistant auf den Mac, Google zeigt jetzt „persönliche“ Suchtreffer in eigenem Tab, Google verfolgt Kunden jetzt bis ins Ladengeschäft, Nest Protect & Indoor Cam im Test: Rauchmelder-System in schön, Fuchsia: Google-Entwickler äußert sich zum mysteriösen Android-Nachfolger, Siri hat im Vergleichstest mit iOS-Google Assistant keine Chance, Google kündigt VR-Brillen ohne Kabel, Smartphone oder PC an.

Customer Panel Supplemental Terms & Conditions. Waymo | Jigsaw | For information on accessing and configuring features in Google Fiber Wi-Fi enabled device(s), please visit the Help Center. Google Fiber reserves the right at any time to take action necessary to protect the integrity of its network and other parts of the Internet. Bis zur Gründung der Holding Alphabet Inc. im Rahmen der Umstrukturierung von Google war es noch ein Projekt von Google. While Wi-Fi encryption does not encrypt traffic that a subscriber sends over the Internet, it does provide encryption for the Wi-Fi portion of the communications path between the subscriber’s wireless device and the subscriber’s wireless router and/or TV Box. Die Datenübertragungsrate beträgt bis zu einem Gigabit pro Sekunde (1 GBit/s) und ist symmetrisch, daher sind Up- und Downstream gleich schnell. Details about Google’s service offerings are available here. Google Fiber ist ein Projekt von Alphabet Inc. zum Aufbau eines Hochgeschwindigkeits-Glasfasernetzes. z.B. Please notify Google Fiber of any perceived network security or other Internet threats. © 2020 Google Fiber Inc. | 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy, Mountain View, CA 94043 | Privacy & Terms.

Perform a Google Fiber speed test Run a Fiber speed test to check your Internet speed of up to 1 gigabit.

Google Fiber’s contact page provides ways for subscribers to reach us by phone, email or chat. This happens when our speed test service sends a chunks of bytes to Google Fiber's nearest server.

Detailed summaries of Google Fiber’s Internet service performance, including information about speed and latency and optimizing your wireless network, can be found in the Help Center. Google Fiber ist ein Projekt von Alphabet Inc. zum Aufbau eines Hochgeschwindigkeits-Glasfasernetzes. Google Fiber’s Internet, TV and Phone service offerings share capacity on the connections to subscribers’ premises. Encryption will help prevent unauthorized users from accessing a subscriber's business network. This may include terminating or suspending service to subscribers who engage in activity that violates the Google Fiber Terms of Service, including but not limited to activity that threatens to undermine the integrity of Google Fiber’s network or services. März 2020 um 12:11 Uhr bearbeitet.

CapitalG | Not providing calling capability, including connections to certain geographic locations and special services numbers.

Google Fiber also provides a speed test page for subscribers to test their connections themselves. The information provided below does not change the rights or obligations under those terms and conditions of either Google Fiber or the subscribers to Google Fiber’s services. And it says its Google Fiber service is up to 100 times faster than average broadband speeds, which Internet research firm Akamai estimated to be 9.8 Mbps in the U.S. in its third quarter 2013 "State of the Internet" report [sources: Consumer Reports, Akamai ]. These factors include, but are not limited to: the capability of the subscriber's device used to access Google Fiber; the capability of the business network between the subscriber's device and Google Fiber; the capability of websites or other Internet services accessed by the subscriber; the connectivity and capacity of Content Delivery Networks (CDNs); the subscriber’s use of Google Fiber TV service (if applicable); and network congestion/other Internet traffic. Please enter a valid zip code and email address. Google Fiber uses industry standard tools and generally accepted best practices and policies to prevent subscribers and other Internet users from experiencing the negative effects of Internet threats such as viruses, spam, denial of service attacks, and other unwanted or harmful online content and activities. Verily Life Sciences | Descriptions of these practices are provided below for informational purposes only and may be subject to change at any time. Der Mutterkonzern Alphabet forderte im August 2016 Google Fiber auf, 500 der 1000 Mitarbeiter zu entlassen – nach 280 Millionen Dollar Quartalsverlust. In the Help Center, Google Fiber provides step-by-step instructions for activating the encryption setting. Google Fiber does not charge subscribers a usage-based fee for Internet access service and does not employ volume-based data caps. DeepMind,, „Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike“, Google verzichtete bisher auf eine Telefoniefunktion, angeblich wegen hoher Kosten. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Google Fiber engages in network management practices intended to address threats to its network and subscribers. What is Google Fiber Speed Test Service? eine Provision vom Händler, Außerdem gibt es ein auf sieben Jahre garantiertes Angebot mit 5 MBit/s Bandbreite, bei dem nach der einmaligen Zahlung von 300 US-Dollar keine monatlichen Gebühren fällig werden. Google Fiber’s Internet services are priced on a flat-fee basis (plus taxes and government fees).

In times of acute congestion, Google Fiber Internet service bandwidth will be fairly allocated among subscribers without regard to the subscribers’ online activities or the protocols or applications that the subscribers are using. [5] Im April 2013 gab Google bekannt, dass Google Fiber auch in Austin (Texas) sowie Provo (Utah) aufgebaut werden soll.[6][7].

Nest Labs | Um die Kosten niedrig zu halten, wurden teure Tiefbauarbeiten vermieden und nur Stadtteile ausgebaut, in denen sich genug Menschen anmeldeten. [14], Google LLC | Google Fiber highly recommends the use of encryption with Wi-Fi. Google Fiber also does not favor or inhibit any applications or classes of applications except as described herein.

We’ll take you to Webpass’s website to get started. Google Fiber does not prevent or impede the use of any other product or service that its subscribers choose to access over their Google Fiber Internet service as long as the use of that product or service does not violate the service terms and conditions. Eigentlich richtet sich der Speedtest in erster Linie an Kunden des Google-Highspeed-Glasfaserprojektes Google Fiber. While acute congestion is occurring, subscribers will still be able to use the lawful content, services, and applications of their choice, but this fair sharing of bandwidth may result in slower download and upload speeds and slower response times from websites and Internet-based applications and services. Google Fiber Webpass gives you the fast, reliable internet you’d expect from Google Fiber—all without bundles, contracts, or hidden fees. Google Fiber does not charge subscribers a usage-based fee for Internet access service and does not employ volume-based data caps. To provide customers with a consistently high-quality service, we may use certain network management practices related to the Phone Services, including: Limiting or suspending heavy, continuous usage that adversely impacts our network’s performance or hinders access to our network. Bis zur Gründung der Holding Alphabet Inc. im Rahmen der Umstrukturierung von Google war es noch ein Projekt von Google.

Google Fiber may provide each of its subscribers a wireless router. Use of Google Fiber’s Internet services is governed by various service terms and conditions that are available here. Please enter a valid street address and zip code.

Google Fiber subscribers are responsible for activity that occurs over their connections, including unlawful use by third parties. The subscriber's bandwidth is shared by all connected devices within the subscriber's premises. Us too.

Let's check if Google Fiber Internet is in your neighborhood.

Restricting access to any telephone number and/or certain categories of telephone numbers (e.g., 9XX numbers other than 911). Der Glasfaserausbau in San José wurde beendet. Aktuell laufen allerdings erste Tests.

Upload/download speed and device streaming claims are based on maximum wired speeds. The advertised speed of the subscriber’s chosen Google Fiber Internet offering is the maximum speed expected to be achievable for that service offering. To do so, Google Fiber engages in reasonable network management practices. Google Fiber is committed to providing an excellent user experience that supports any lawful product, service, or application that its subscribers choose to access through their Google Fiber Internet service.

Beim Projekt geht Google anders vor als traditionelle Netzbetreiber: Außerdem wurde im Juni 2016 der Provider Webpass durch Google Fiber übernommen, welcher Punkt-zu-Punkt-Drahtlosverbindungen nutzt, um Glasfasernetzwerke ohne Tiefbauarbeiten anzubieten. Calico | Please enter a valid street address, zip code, and email address.

Für Links auf dieser Seite erhält GIGA ggf. Bandwidth is provided on a per-subscriber basis. Limiting or suspending usage that we reasonably suspect is unlawful, fraudulent, or does not comply with the Acceptable Use Policy. Google Fiber | Maximum Internet speeds on Google Fiber You can get the fastest possible Internet speeds by connecting your computer to your Network Box or router with an Ethernet cable. [11] Die Kosten betragen nach Schätzungen 850 bis 1250 Dollar pro Kunde.[12]. Google Fiber also provides a speed test page for subscribers to test their connections themselves. In the unlikely event that users' aggregate demand exceeds the available capacity of the network and creates acute congestion, Google Fiber will employ various techniques to ensure that subscribers continue to have a positive experience. [10], Experten zweifeln am Geschäftsmodell von Google Fiber. Google Fiber kündigte an, die neuen Technologie zu testen und bis Ende 2017 damit neue Netzwerke aufzubauen. Google Fiber’s Internet services are priced on a flat-fee basis (plus taxes and government fees). [13] Eine Gigabit-Leitung bietet Google für 70 Dollar an, mit Kabel-TV für 120 Dollar pro Monat.