The “Venezuelan poodle moth” is a possible new species of moth discovered in 2009 in the Gran Sabana region of Venezuela by Dr. Arthur Anker of Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. It has large eyespots on it’s two hind wings, purple in color, that’s one of its unique features. The Emperor moth is a fluffy moth that is grey-brown with big peacock-like eyespots on all four wings and pinky-red markings at the wingtips. Much like the other species in its family, … $\endgroup$ – arboviral Sep 4 '17 at 7:22 $\begingroup$ The moths are called "Flannel Moths" for a very good reason ... Browse other questions tagged species-identification entomology lepidoptera or ask your own question. No matter how many species you have already seen, there are dozens more to see in the same location. The Large Tolype Moth is a type of Lappet Moth. The Gypsy Moth, Lymantria dispar (L.) The gypsy moth (GM) is an invasive nonnative insect with larvae that feed voraciously on the foliage of many North American plants. There are a total of (167) Washington Butterflies and Moths found in the Insect Identification database. Entries are listed below in alphabetical order. $\begingroup$ Good god, that is a very fluffy moth. A particularly fluffy moth species (Periphoba arcaei) displaying highly elongated thorax scales which act as a type of acoustic camouflage against bats Thomas R Neil One of the four species used in the present study (Antherina suraka). The moths then mate, lay their eggs and die within a week. Another species of the giant silk moth is the Polyphemus moth. It is the only large moth with eyespots on all four wings. Polyphemus Moth. Return to Results Page for Washington Insects . GM caterpillars prefer oaks and aspens, but do not eat conifer needles unless they are starving. The diversity of moths of Thailand is truly astounding. As a mammal specialist, I found it difficult to identify some of the less distinct species. Identifying moths of Thailand. The wingspan of this moth can exceed 11 centimeters, making it one of the largest moth species in North America. The Royal Walnut Moth, one of the biggest North American species, has a wingspan of about 4.5 inches (11 cm). The white wing colour can also vary with creamy-buff or even brown examples often found in Scotland. Case with pupal skin (top) and young moth … A particularly fluffy moth species (Periphoba arcaei) displaying highly elongated thorax scales which act as a type of acoustic camouflage against bats. [ Images: Ancient Moth Colors ] Moths make great mimics. They spin a fluffy cocoon inside which they metamorphose into into the adult moth. A white moth with small black spots on the forewing, however, the number of black spots varies greatly from largely white examples which are almost entirely plain to those with many more spots that may even join together to form streaks along the wing veins. The caterpillar of this type of moth has a kind of flap on its prolegs, which are … A lappet is a fold or flap historically seen on the white bonnets, or head coverings, worn by women in the 18th century. It’s tan-colored with a wingspan of six inches. It is an entomologist’s paradise. The smaller, eyed hawk-moth, has two large eyespots on the hindwings only. User Tip: Click on the "X" found on each entry below to hide specific bugs from this page's listing.