They were like-minded technology buffs that met during the late 1970s and kept crossing paths for decades. Again, you were happy with the N900. For that matter, what exactly are Jobs' accomplishments other than being able to market stuff to convince people (including, apparently, legions of hypersensitive nerds) that he invented / perfected it? This is just ass-backwards ahistorical nonsense reasoning though. These are the keys to leadership from Steve Jobs and Bill Gates, two technology titans. As Jobs and Wozniak developed their Apple computers, they were interested in using Gates' computer software. It wasn't until after those features had made it to Android that I really cared ab. Maybe Bills accomplishments involve not making up complete shit like you just did. The M68K is a standard Motorola CPU - directly off the shelf. That was my whole point. But that's not how his accomplishments are typically described. Their actions, when leading their companies, were always intended to taking the next steps that would get them closer to their goals. At the time I thought "What a fucking dick". But that's not how his accomplishments are typically described. He gave it to us first. Steve Jobs, known for his eccentricity, and Bill Gates, one of the richest men and most successful entrepreneurs in the world, started off relatively friendly. They gave people what we all knew we could have. All Rights Reserved. Before modern apps were really a thing. As I said, pre-iPhone 1, most of the people I knew had cell phones capable of playing mp3s (and doing so for longer than the iPhone 1's battery life could keep up with), but almost none of them knew how to do so. Comments owned by the poster. How to define a plan, a goal and a victory to celebrate today, Free Ebooks & Whitepapers on Corporate Training, Internal communication, training and onboarding, Transform your employees into knowledge mobilizers. Jobs deserves credit for being able to alter consumer's knowledge, perceptions and behavior, sure. Bill Gates vs. Steve Jobs: the Books They Recommended ( 45. Yeah but who the fuck got the, come on they can not possibly be that stupid, to ignore copyright. Gates would put together a spreadsheet program (Excel), a word processing program (Word), and BASIC, an easy-to-use programming language. Android had great app marketplace back when Apple was stifling the shit out of their own marketplace. (Within a year of the release of Youtube and public access Facebook, as I recall.) “I trusted you, and now you’re stealing from us!”, most successful entrepreneurs in the world, Jobs attended Reed College in Oregon in 1972, founded Microsoft in April 1975 with Paul Allen. And what - you think it was only marketing? The fact is, cell network speed isn't the only relevant thing. PRAISE BOB ! For his part, Gates had signed a deal with IBM, the dominant computer producer of the day. Jobs attended Reed College in Oregon in 1972 but didn't stay long, moving to San Francisco after only six months at school. They didn't start putting their own CPUs in computers until this year. Competition with Android (which, again, was in the works prior to the iPhone 1's release) led to them offering something usable years later. Simply emulating people like Jobs and Gates and especially voting for things they think are good ideas actually makes it less likely you will become rich. []. No new comments can be posted. Fun reads, the only books I read in their entirety, one per day, a good series the Helliconia series by Brian Aldiss and really good fun read. Both phones had WiFi. As for the almighty Apple, it is also much more than their mobile devices. This is an insight into these people even if it is done by a marketing person. Gates didn't think that the Apple computer's capabilities - especially the graphics, which Jobs had played up to him - were all that inspired and he didn't like the way Steve Jobs treated him. But nothing unified - and you often had to switch to the desktop version of a site to have full functionality. He developed a computer operating system and founded Microsoft in April 1975 with Paul Allen, a fellow Lakeside School alum. I find it surprising that Job's read and liked this book. Bill Gates was born in Seattle in 1955 and developed his interest in technology at Lakeside School. Talking about Bill Gates and not mentioning his philanthropic and humanitarian face, would be painting an incomplete picture Microsoft’s leadert. By watching the great leaders of our century, we can take valuable types of leadership which can make our business and ourselves grow and develop. Gates is nothing like Woz. Years later, virtually every office for any job in the world has a PC. Posted by EditorDavid on Sunday September 20, 2020 @05:52PM from the thinking-different dept. Apple filters out a lot of riff-raff. As I recall, the Android G1 came out over a year before the 3GS you used. He did however have a 94 year old parent who died of Coronavirus a week ago today ... Are you sure? That must've been it! 1 Steve Jobs: 2 Bill Gates: 3 Steve Jobs: 4 Bill Gates: 5 Steve Jobs: 6 Bill Gates: 7 Steve Jobs: 8 Bill Gates: 9 Steve Jobs: 10 Bill Gates: 11 Steve Jobs: 12 Bill Gates: 13 Steve Jobs: 14 Bill Gates: 15 HAL 9000: 16 Scrapped lyrics 16.1 Steve Jobs: 16.2 Bill Gates: Let me just step right in. Woz was able to see beyond what was in front of him, taking ideas from an array of sources and making them coalesce. There might be no iPod, iPhone,or iPad if Gates hadn't stepped in. Technical users could use anything, but this finally put it in a form that could catch on more widely. I mean hell, pre-iPhone, most people I knew didn't even realize they could use their existing phones as MP3 players (e.g., the second generation RAZRs could), and with a far longer battery life than the iPhone could manage. by We are not responsible for them in any way. He enrolled at Harvard in 1973 but only studied there for two years. It was NOT some ultra-revolutionary thing that suddenly made web browsing usable: It didn't take much. Gates also saved Apple with a $150 million infusion from Microsoft in 1997 when a returning Steve Jobs needed cash. Maybe even only one in fact. Both the founder of Microsoft and the CEO of Apple had something in common: they always looked ahead, searching for the best tactic to achieve their goals, which they never lost sight of. Jobs went to Seattle, where Gates was based, and they reached an agreement for Microsoft to develop software for Apple. I find it interesting Bill Clinton only has one recommendation. It's all part of the myth that if you just behave like a rich person you too can become one. So I watched this entire Bill Gates presentation recently (twice). Apple's A-series chips are designed, based on the ARM spec - but mostly Apple's own design. Apple has used in-house designed processors for most of their history. How many top players today can say that their hardware is designed to support their software and that their software exist only to maximize the capability of the hardware? Most likely out of print. Are you interested in Human Resources and Corporate Training? Required fields are marked *. I got things to invent! One phone vs, all other phones , OK. [Apple] kept to the vertical model aka walled gardens. Jobs as far as I know (I never an Apple user so correct me if i am wrong) kept to the vertical model aka walled gardens. They let you send and receive picture texts (this was back when MMS was the main method of doing this over cell phones.) Follow Slashdot blog updates by subscribing to our blog RSS feed. I'll admit that visual voicemail was probably a part of it, but that's less a phone feature and more coercing network operators to move forward. But the iPhone 1 (for example) was such a massive pile of shit, but the marketing/fanboy RDF plus the fact that it came out pretty much right as Youtube and Facebook-for-the-masses were being launched made hundreds of millions of people sit up, take note, and associate the whole concept of of a smartphone with Apple and Apple alone. They are both extraordinary people who have made immeasurable contributions to advancing technology. There's plenty of interviews with people who worked with Jobs in the early and later days. What we all knew we yearned for. News reports are saying [] it was from Alzheimer's disease, not Covid-19. And not to sit here repeating myself but once again, the iPhone 1 was released the same year social media exploded. Jobs wanted to make a "great experience" for the customer; Gates was about quantity of features and market share. I bought a Phillips touchscreen mp3/photo/something else device just before the iPhone was released. Copyright © 2020 SlashdotMedia. Say-what-now? Jobs knew then how to rely on his people, yet another one of the qualities of good leadership. You're not the target demographic. Brought to you by the creators of the show SuperNews on Current TV! Jobs called Gates to California and, in what Gates called a "command performance," shouted at him “You’re ripping us off!” he shouted. Despite his great fortune, Bill and his wife Melinda Gates, started the Gates Foundation to help fight against inequalities. Steve Jobs, raised by his adoptive parents (Paul and Clara) in California, showed an interest in electronics from a young age, tinkering with machines in the family's garage. Jobs didn't want to be known for crap, Gates was happy to sell average qualit. Was it Bezos who read, among others, Atlas Shrugged, and thought it was good (rather than *terrible* writing, and Gault's employees were waiting after a 60 or 90 page speech with baseball bats?). Gates is neither of those things. The insiders were IBM own lawyers and the QDos, what is going to be the excuse for that.