Common salt or Sodium Chloride (NaCL) is one of the cheapest yet efficient forms of coconut tree fertilisation, as it can control chloride deficiency in coconut trees. And because these seeds are so huge and hardy, they can cause a lot of damage to whatever they might hit when they fall from their stem. They are kept in their whole pure state to maintain their full nutritional value. In addition to this, the coconut oil has wide application in manufacturing cosmetic goods. Our products have undergone many rigorous tests before entering the marketplace, for glycemic index, microbiological purity, nutritional content, etc. Its addition to chlorine deficient 'Tugbok' soil (Typic Tropudalfs) planted to local tall, 'Laguna' coconut trees increased nut production, copra weight/nut, and copra yield/tree. She currently works as a writer and copy editor. Instead, spread the palm fertilizer over any lawn grass growing under the canopy of the tree. Essential Fuel Pure Coconut Protein Powder. The application of sodium chloride (NaCl) or common table salt can effectively control this problem. As you can imagine, being an MSG sufferer for most of my life, I have done quite a bit of research on this topic, and am quite familiar with the link between glutamic acid and the manufacturing of MSG. The beneficial role of chlorine in the normal growth, accelerated development, and high nut and copra yields of coconuts was confirmed in the inland coconut-productive areas in Davao. Spread 2 to 4 pounds of Epsom salt around each tree six weeks later, working from the base of the trunk to the edge of the canopy. Although the fronds are unsightly, magnesium deficiency is not fatal. Tip: Coconut trees grow fast, as do their fruits — the coconuts themselves. Whereas, the sap from a maple tree (as well as the juice from an agave cactus) has very little readily available sweetness, and requires long heating times in order to produce the sweet syrup you purchase in the bottle. Coconut oil is a valuable source of medium chain fatty acids, however sap products offer a nutrient-rich array of amino acids, minerals, B and C vitamins, are low glycemic and have a nearly neutral pH. Coconut palm trees produce roots that grow just below the surface in a fibrous mass from the tree's base, reaching out distances that are as far as the tree is tall. Containers used to collect the sap are made out of hollow bamboo tubes that are fastened onto the thick fleshy stems covered in small flowers (see photos).The freshly gathered coconut tree sap is oyster white in color, has a nearly neutral pH, and is already inherently sweet tasting by nature. Your email address will not be published. Coconut palms are one of the oldest flowering trees in the world. Click to read more. Her previous jobs include reporter, photographer and editor for a weekly newspaper. We express our gratitude to you for taking the time to read this, and are doing our very best to educate our customers about these exceptional products from the coconut tree. The only way that it is possible for glutamic acid to become the neurotoxin MSG, is if the glutamic acid "salts" are given enzymes, yeasts, or other bacterial catalysts to hydrolyze them. The Coconut Secret products are made from the fresh nutrient-rich sap of the coconut tree. Your email address will not be published. Leaf chlorine is the main factor for copra yields; and for foliar diagnosis (a tool for nutritional diagnosis and predicting fertilizer needs), the critical level of leaf-Cl was found at 0.30% C1 and optimum level at 0.50-0.55% C1. Like so many other health-promoting components of nature, when they are separated and isolated from their whole, perfect state, and then adulterated through various processes, what was once vital and healthy can become toxic. We have received many hundreds of emails from customers who themselves are extremely MSG reactive, singing our praises and sending us heartfelt blessings regarding our Coconut Aminos and other products, because they are reporting that they have had zero reaction to our products. Magnesium sulfate, also known as Epsom salt, can help prevent magnesium deficiency in palms. Less than 10% of coconut farms in the Philippines are dedicated to sap production. FACT: When coconut trees are tapped for the purpose of sap production, the tree's ability to produce coconuts for various uses is NOT LOST. Steps we're taking to address COVID-19. Coconut tree sap is the primary ingredient that produces a multitude of delicious products including our Coconut Aminos, Teriyaki and Garlic Sauces, Coconut Vinegar, Coconut Nectar, and Coconut Crystals. Canary Island date palms (Phoenix canariensis) are particularly susceptible to magnesium deficiency. Regular applications of Epsom salt and palm fertilizer will provide the nutrients that palm trees need to produce healthy, green fronds, but it may take up to two years for the new growth to replace the older fronds. This sap is very low glycemic (GI of only 35), and contains a wide range of minerals (high in Potassium, essential for electrolyte balance, regulating high blood pressure, and sugar metabolism), vitamin C (potent antioxidant for over all immune system protection, cardiovascular and respiratory health, reduces inflammation, etc. Entrepinoys Atbp. ), broad-spectrum B vitamins (especially rich in Inositol, known for its effectiveness on depression, high cholesterol, inflammation, and diabetes), 17 amino acids (the building blocks of protein),, and it has a nearly neutral pH (helps to maintain proper acid/alkaline balance). Can be applied every time coconut trees are watered, with no ill effects or potential for toxicities. Research studies on chloride nutrition and fertilization of coconuts were extensively reported in 1972 on the positive responses of young and bearing coconuts to chlorine application. And because our parents are both diabetic, we are equally attuned to the toxic effects of aspartame. In order for aspartic acid to become the neurotoxic sweetener aspartame, it must undergo various synthetic catalyst processes, and then must be isolated, given a solvent, filtered and distilled. Required fields are marked *, Polyculture of Tilapia and Ulang in Ponds Part 2. Once the symptoms of magnesium deficiency appear, the condition is difficult to reverse. We have gone to great lengths to keep all of our products in their purest, unprocessed state. Melody Lee holds a degree in landscape design, is a Florida Master Gardener, and has more than 30 years of gardening experience. This research further revealed, that incorporating this innovative new method increased productivity of sap and nut yields 5-7 times higher than traditional methods. Final Thoughts… Coconut palm trees are one of the most well-known exotic tropical trees, adorning landscapes in temperate hardiness zones and the inside of homes where the weather isn’t as tropical. ), asthere is ample supply of all of these commodities without compromising the production of either resource. Water the Epsom salt in until the soil is damp at a depth of 1 inch. For centuries throughout the tropics, the traditional practice of "tapping" coconut trees for their prized "sap" is a time-honored art form. Also, coconut sap products are more labor intensive and costly to produce, and require special equipment. Absolutely NO PROCESSING OR ADULTERATING of any kind has been done to our products! The principles of tapping the coconut tree blossoms for their sap, bears only minor resemblance to the practice of tapping maple trees for maple syrup production. When the coconut tree is tapped, it produces a highly nutrient-rich sap that exudes from the coconut blossoms. If you decide to repot your coconut tree, remember to add sand or vermiculite to the new soil to keep the water draining well. Some of our valued customers have expressed questions about the amino acid profile of our coconut sap products, with regards to a possible connection to their toxic, synthetic cousins. The application of sodium chloride (NaCl) can increase nut production, copra weight per nut and copra yield per tree. FACT: The noble coconut tree (aptly referred to as "The Tree of Life") provides a full spectrum of nutrition from ALL parts of the tree. The kernel of coconut, commonly known as copra is eaten for its energy boosting feature and the excellent medicinal value. Do not fertilize newly planted palm trees until a new spear grows, typically after two to three months. The shallow root system, lack of a tap root and the palm tree's preference for sandy soils make it susceptible for being easily uprooted. Coconut palms grow well in a variety of soils as long as it is well draining. Spread the fertilizer evenly. Water the fertilizer into the soil so the soil is damp 1 inch deep. Salt, a Fertilizer for Coconut Tree Posted in Agri By Entre Pinoys On June 30, 2013. FACT: The noble coconut tree (aptly referred to as "The Tree of Life") provides a full spectrum of nutrition from ALL parts of the tree. Salt, a Fertilizer for Coconut Tree Posted in Agri By Entre Pinoys On June 30, 2013. Myth: A shortage of coconuts as raw materials is likely to create large scale economic imbalance. EVERY part is a valuable resource (sap, nut, meat, oil, water, shell, leaf, root, bark), not only for food, but also for building materials, furniture, fabric, art, etc. Do not apply lawn fertilizer under the canopy of a palm tree because the high nitrogen content can cause it to grow too fast. It is used in the production of hair oil, various kinds of soaps, cosmetic goods, etc. Alternately apply palm fertilizer and Epsom salt every six weeks during the growing season to provide a continuous supply of magnesium sulfate, while avoiding damage to the tree from too much mineral salts. They are tall, stately palm trees that grow in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 9 through 11. There is also a very special probiotic magic that occurs when certain foods are aged (and therefore naturally fermented), as are our Coconut Aminos and Vinegar. Business Ideas Philippines. The most remarkable blessing about tapping a coconut tree, is that once it is tapped, it flows its sap continuously for the next 20 years. The addition of 60-70 g NaCl/seedling can increase the plants girth and fresh weight. Use of salt as fertilizer for coconut. Research studies on chloride nutrition and fertilization of coconuts were extensively reported in 1972 on the positive responses of young and bearing coconuts to chlorine application. By creating an account you agree to the Hunker, University of Florida IFAS Extension: Magnesium Deficiency in Palms, Clemson Cooperative Extension: Palm Diseases and Nutritional Problems, Clemson Cooperative Extension: Palms and Cycads, University of Florida IFAS Extention: Phoenix Canariensis: Canary Island Date Palm. In a long- term study of salt application, 1.5 kg NaCl/tree per year is considered to be most effective and economical to increase copra weight/nut and copra yield (per tree and per hectare). The application of sodium chloride (NaCl) can increase nut production, copra weight per nut and copra yield per tree. Coconuts are an excellent source of energy and have great application in our life. Glutamic and Aspartic Acids are examples of this very thing.Glutamic acid is present in the prostate, and currently there is research being done in supplementing natural glutamic acid for cancer prevention and prostate health. Myth: Sap production of Coconut Nectar, Crystals, Vinegar, Aminos, etc could lead to the decline of nut production to make coconut oil, flour, etc. Salt may be applied in three ways: Broadcast (in flat to slightly sloping areas) Broadcast followed by fork-in at 2-3 inches depth of soil (preferably when salt is combined with nitrogenous fertilizers) Holing (for hilly-sloping areas distributed in 8-10 … I've always believed that when nutrients are in their whole food form, with all of their inherent co-factors and God given healing and nutritional wonderment intact, that this is the best direction one can strive towards to maintain a vital, healthy body. Myself, and one of my coworkers are exceedingly MSG reactive as well, and we use these products daily with no ill effect. Absolutely nothing is wasted!