Thank you for wonderful information. Well it can be the first sign of common cold, side effect caused by strained vocal cords or an indication of something serious situation like strep throat. I noticed that they burned a few taste buds and stopped chewing them for a couple days. Most “cinnamon” on grocery store shelves is actually cassia. Note: If you are lactose intolerant, you can use almond milk. Sometimes when cinnamon powder gets on the skin it can cause reddening or even a rash. It lasted about five days. • Itching in the mouth. Likewise we fed him the oats before lying down. I also got them all on the inside of my lip and the insides of my cheeks. Warp the balls in small wax papers and store them in an air tight container. In essence, the allergy is not to the actual spice, but to the pollen, which can cause a localized itch in the mouth. An allergic reaction to cinnamon can cause a wide range of symptoms, depending on the severity of the allergy and whether the cinnamon touches the skin or is swallowed. Cinnamon is a strong spice. Example: Reaction to fresh tarragon, but due to allergy to a type of weed. So humidify the air in your home especially during dry months. Slippery elm bark is rich in mucilage which is perfect for soothing a sore throat. These types of reactions are often due to a cross reactivity with pollens. This solution is not only effective but also tastes good. If you suffer from an underlying medical condition that may cause problems with breathing, you should be very careful when handling cinnamon powder. There’s a great discussion about cinnamon allergy on Metafilter. Copyright © 2020 Leaf Group Ltd., all rights reserved. // Leaf Group Lifestyle, How to Get a Child to Take Charcoal Tablets, Here’s How Cinnamon Can be Used for A Duodenal Ulcer. Cinnamon powder can cause allergic reactions and breathing problems, and if it is ingested it can lead to serious burns. Difficulty while swallowing, hoarseness while talking, dry throat and pain in the throat are the primary symptoms of a sore throat. The coughing can become so severe that you may have difficulty catching your breath. Breathing Difficulty: Due to swollen airways, the person may find it difficult to breathe. In case of severe symptoms, the person may faint due to lack of oxygen. Regardless of age, common sore throat reduces within a week. Cinnamon powder can cause allergic reactions and breathing problems, and if it is ingested it can lead to serious burns. You can use manuka honey as well. If you inhale it into the throat, the throat can become irritated and this can lead to coughing. I would feel relief, but it was only temporary. When you want to make tea, combine 2.5 cups of cold water and 3 heaping tablespoons of tea mixture in a pan. It eases the pain and discomfort caused by the sore throat. Ceylon is tan-brown in color and contains many tight sticks with soft layers. For example, small children who like to play in the cabinets can easily get into the spice cabinet and ingest the cinnamon powder. Cinnamon powder found in most of the grocery stores is derived from cassia plant. I recently found out that I have the same problem. Let’s see the process…. Ceylon cinnamon is less common and has long been prized spice. ), How to Safely Find Food and Alternative Medicine in Nature, Top Women’s Health Bloggers to Follow in 2019, 6 Best Probiotic Supplements During Pregnancy (2019 Reviews), 9 DIY Home Remedies for Weight Loss Using Aloe Vera. For extra benefits, you can add a teaspoon of lemon juice as well. Regardless of age, common sore throat reduces within a week. Later we boiled 1 cup more rolled oats for about 2 1/2 min. We narrowed the cause of his symptoms down to the red dye#40. Tying off the end, we placed the sock of oats into the hot water and let steep. Combine 1/2 cup each of cinnamon chips and chamomile flowers, 1 cup of dry licorice root (chopped) and 2 tablespoons of whole cloves. I went to my regular doctor and he didn’t even take my allergy serious and told me to take benadryl even though my throat completely closes within minutes. This process helps in providing quick relief from the sore throat. Even if sore throat is not so serious, it can still disturb your sleep which can be really frustrating. It started with a light cough and built up to throat swelling. Since the 19th century, there have been reports of cinnamon allergy. Experiencing soreness in your throat? Viral or bacterial infections, pollution, acid reflux, dry air, excessive shouting or allergic reaction are some of the causes for a sore throat. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, cinnamon can cause an allergic reaction that can even lead to anaphylactic shock, which is a life-threatening medical condition. The cinnamon allergen is applied at the site of the prick. I’ve never noticed issues eating it in donuts, sweets or oxtail stew before. We do have different home remedies for treating sore throat using cinnamon. This explains its milder aroma and flavor. Cinnamon contains anti-clotting effect. According to the University of Michigan, an allergic reaction can occur if you have not previously used cinnamon powder. It is a severe allergic response that could even become grave and critical. Lips were tingly and swollen and still are (both)! Please share your experience and queries in the comments section below. Some of these side effects can lead to life-threatening medical emergencies. Bring the mixture to boil and reduce the heat to low. These features provide a highly desirable quality and texture. Leave the balls to dry for at least 24 hours. There needs to be a law forcing companies to disclose what has cinnamon in it. Approximately 50–63% of its essential oil is cinnamaldehyde, which is quite low compared to Cassia. Kristie Jernigan is a health writer with over 17 years of experience as a medical social worker. These companies, Fed my 2 yr old some cinnamon toast earlier. But I am still watching her. Let it cool down for few minutes and add 1 teaspoon of honey. If you have a cinnamon allergy especially one that causes any breathing problems please go to an allergist and get an epi pen before it gets too bad. If you are experiencing serious medical symptoms, seek emergency treatment immediately. If you live in a damp cloth, leave them for a little longer. If you have a cinnamon allergy especially one that causes any breathing problems please go to an allergist and get an epi pen before it gets too bad. Cinnamon tea helps in providing relief from all the discomforts caused by a sore throat. Some of these side effects can lead to life-threatening medical emergencies. Cinnamon powder can be very dangerous if you accidentally ingest it by mouth. Cinnamon powder is commonly used in cooking, but you can also use it in some home remedies. Two months ago, i bought a huge pack of Big Red gum or cinnamon gum. Alternatively, you can mix cinnamon powder with honey to make a paste and consume it. Difficulty in Swallowing: Patients with cinnamon allergy may experience swollen throat, sore throat, and consistent coughing. Add 1/2 teaspoon each of cinnamon powder and ginger powder. Repeat the process 2 – 3 times a day to get quick relief. But recently, after i tried to eat it again (after the first time when my tongue swelled up) the reaction is a lot worse i am now experiencing it and cannot eat or use spicy toothpaste (i have been using fruity) my tongue is swelled up and it is very painful idk what to, To clarify my previous comment, the type of oatmeal we used in the sock was 1 cup, dry rolled oats. (Do not boil the mixture). If you know that it’s cassia that you’re allergic to, check out our list of the best true Ceylon cinnamon powders to make sure you’re getting the right kind: 4 Best Cinnamon Powders, I just completed a back patch allergy test and learned I’m allergic to cinnamon to determine why I got lip issues (symptoms varied: swollen, dry prune-like, cracked, flaky, itchy)! Honey has antibacterial properties and also helps in soothing the throat. Repeat the process 2 times a day to get relief. In this process we need honey, cinnamon and slippery elm bark. My allergy progressed to the point that the next time I ingest cinnamon I’ll go into anaphylactic shock. I’ve read that Benzoates E210-E219 which is found in pickled items is something someone with a cinnamon allergy should avoid. Home remedies like apple cider vinegar or cinnamon can provide relief from sore throat without any side effects. Since I’ve been posting a lot about the benefits of cinnamon lately I think it is also important to mention that many people have an allergy to cinnamon. My mouth and tongue were very swollen. Does anybody know anything about this? If not, then avoid this step. This can be very serious for people who already suffer from breathing problems such as asthma or COPD. Example: Cinnamon can cause a local rash where it touches the skin. We rubbed the oatmeal-sock over his body. But for smokers, people with allergies or weak immune system and children, sore throat can be a serious threat. Add 1/2 teaspoon each of cinnamon powder and ground ginger, 1/4 teaspoon of cayenne pepper and 1 tablespoon of honey into a cup. It is one of the oldest Chinese medicines to treat phlegm. Add 1 teaspoon each of cinnamon powder, apple cider vinegar, lemon juice and honey into a cup of warm water. It started with a light cough and built up to throat swelling. These candies can be made and stored up to 3 weeks. I’m taking antihistamines, which help with the swelling. My allergy progressed to the point that the next time I ingest cinnamon I’ll go into anaphylactic shock. So if you are using blood thinning products such as aspirin then avoid cinnamon consumption. This test helps in diagnosing cinnamon allergy easily. According to the University of Michigan, an allergic reaction can occur if you have not previously used cinnamon powder. Choose one remedy in the varied list and try it regularly. . She holds a Bachelor of Science in psychology and early childhood from East Tennessee State University and a Master of Science in health care administration and gerontology from the University of Phoenix. Add 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder and 4 tablespoons of honey into it. But for smokers, people with allergies or weak immune system and children, sore throat can be a serious threat. I did too. If the mixture is crumbly and enough to make a dough then add 2 tablespoons of honey. I was going crazy and couldn’t eat hardly anything. Did not put our son the bath until he could tolerate the temp. Mix the ingredients well and store the mixture in an airtight container away from direct light and heat. Note: Drinking cinnamon tea before going to bed provides relief from the discomfort caused by sore throat during sleep. The properties of black pepper and cinnamon help in reducing the pain and the inflammation. It is quite expensive compared to the more common Cassia variety. Once the mixture is warm enough, remove from the flame. Also important to know a type of cinnamon that does not contain the toxins: Ceylon Cinnamon Ceylon, or “true cinnamon,” is native to Sri Lanka and southern parts of India. Coughing and Breathing. Do you have any other remedy that works better than the remedies mentioned above? Is This an Emergency? Learn how your comment data is processed. Hoping so cuz she loved that cinnamon toast. But now just the smell of it makes my throat like tighten up n swell which has never happened before...I work at bk an they were makin those Cinnabon things and that's when it happened. Moisture in air helps to keep the mucous membranes moist and resistant to bacteria. My throat got that itchy sensation. I went to the pharmacy and they told me to try this medicated mouthwash. Probably just a skin reaction allergy. Cinnamon contains antiviral, antifungal and antibacterial properties which are known to suppress E. coli, candida albicans and staphylococcus. Take small portions of the dough and roll them into balls.