We become more and more involved with what is on our to-do list or what is going on around us, and as a result, we begin to lose sight of other things. Paul’s admonition here is that we must establish our underlying focus and how it should function as the basis for how we look at everything. Please check your email for further instructions. 12Not that I have already attained this– that is, I have not already been perfected– but I strive to lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus also laid hold of me. Oswald Chambers wrote, “If you want to be of use to God, maintain the proper relationship with Jesus Christ by staying focused on him, and he will make use of you every minute you live—yet you will be unaware, on the conscious level of your life, that you are being used of him.”[2]. Therefore, we must take care not to become distracted and lose sight of our Master and Lord, because anything can overshadow our focus on him if we allow it to. Keeping one’s eyes on the horizon is something that can be learned through training and experience, but pilots don’t always fly in clear weather. And the more routine it becomes, the more we will grow into him and be in service to him, even in ways we will never consciously recognize. A pilot must constantly reference the horizon in order to keep the plane traveling steadily in the right direction. Start your week with a motivational kick. Students learned about different aerospace, science, technology, engineering, mathematics and military career fields during the Eyes Above the Horizon event. Thanks for subscribing! Let the following images be a guide to the unknown and allow them to inspire you to reach for higher heights. In other words, always aspire for more, but never lose track of who you are throughout your journey. Calvin Williams, 7th Component Maintenance Squadron aerospace propulsion craftsman, left, and Senior Airman Taylor Allen, 7th CMS aerospace propulsion journeyman, right, explain the functions of a B-1B Lancer jet engine to students during the Eyes Above the Horizon event at Dyess Air Force Base, May 18, 2019. If we consistently focus on Jesus and make him our underlying point of reference throughout our daily lives, then we will be less easily sidetracked by the activities and worries that each day brings. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. In aviation, one of the foundational principles of flight training is how a pilot must be able to orient the aircraft with the horizon. "The manager has his eye on the bottom line; the leader has his eye on the horizon," Bennis told many audiences, a The Los Angeles Times reported in 1994. – to support the creation of more content like this in the future! A pilot’s focus is always with respect to the horizon whether they can visually assess their position or identify it according to the instrument panel. Pinning down a pearl of wisdom on leadership, he admitted, could be elusive: "To an extent, leadership is like beauty: It's hard to define, but you know it when you see it. We are never tired, so long as we can see far enough.”[1]If our eyes stay fixed on our spiritual horizon and we strive to achieve that for which Jesus laid hold of us, then we will not drift away from the one foundation that can hold together every other part of our lives. We're on a mission of turning inspiring quotes into beautiful wallpapers. Perhaps we are struggling with personal issues, such as doubts and fears, pain and sorrow, frustration and confusion, or any other number of life circumstances that cause us to question if we are heading in the right direction. Was this article a blessing to you? This desire to reach the finish line and to attain the goal for which a person runs in a race is also expressed in similar terms by the Apostle Paul when he states that his “aim” was to intimately know Jesus and to “lay hold” of that goal for which Jesus had “laid hold” of him. 13Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself to have attained this. I am reminded of proorizo in Eph 1:5! During her arranged marriage with Logan Killicks, Janie remarks that the stylish and ambitious Jody Starks shows her a glimpse of the horizon, meaning that he provides her with a vision of what her life could be like.