So even if something is difficult, or if you have to try really hard different ways, it’s still the same result. This podcast is for English language learners who want to improve their lives by becoming fluent in English. Simplified Speech #091 – Food delivery apps. Fun facts Brazil is the largest producer of coffee in the world. If worst comes to worst, you’ll just need to find a roommate. Real Talk #037 – How to check in for a flight. The post Chatterbox #251 – Interview with Jonson Lee first appeared on Culips English Podcast. Fun facts Humans have been painting pictures for millennia. You may have heard many English speakers put ish at the end of certain words. John:                It is, yeah. Chatterbox #253 – Answering listener questions: Part 1. The post Catch Word #234 – I think you went a bit overboard first appeared on Culips English Podcast. In between places. Thank you for the beautiful podcasts. Some students love that they don’t have to choose their clothes in the morning. Have you ever eaten too much of your favourite food? Fun facts Men’s clothing has the buttons on the right side. Italy’s King UmbertoRead More Andrew:           Welcome back to Culips. Did you spend it on something unnecessary or save it. Chatterbox #254 – Answering listener questions: Part 2. The post Jeremy’s English Tips #9: Making new habits first appeared on Culips English Podcast. I'm a regular listener of your podcast. John:                There’s carriage houses. So I thought this would be an awesome opportunity to talk about what the process is like from start to finish when you try to find a place to live in Canada. The post Chatterbox #252 – How to think in English first appeared on Culips English Podcast. More specifically, how to choose good repetitive listening material. These are two very common native speaker greetings that are used among friends and family. Real Talk #042 – How to respond to good news. The post Chatterbox #252 – How to think in English first appeared on Culips English Podcast. Everyone goes through the stage of language learning when they find themselves constantly translating their target language into their native one. Tune in to this episode to hear Brian’s story and learn how to check out some of his amazing artwork. Listen in as he tells Kassy how he and his now-fiancée first met and how they got engaged. The transcript and detailed explanations provided every air are very useful for your ESL study and to know about Canadian English speaking culture. So I’m trying to find a permanent residence again. This is another special episode with a returning guest, Andrew’s brother John. The post Catch Word #218 – Give it a shot first appeared on Culips English Podcast. Some people enjoy surprises. The post Simplified Speech #098 – Convenience stores first appeared on Culips English Podcast. Spencer:          Yeah, I hear you. How about when you think of America? In this Chatterbox episode, they talk about her career as a nurse, her travels in Montreal, and her future travel plans to Aruba! In this episode, Suzanne and Andrew teach you a pronunciation tip that will make your English sound more natural: the flap! The post Suzanne’s Quick Tips Episode #7: Discourse markers first appeared on Culips English Podcast. The series where I teach you interesting expressions or share language learning tips. Their conversation is at a good pace, not too fast but not too slow, so I think this podcast is good for all kinds of English learners. Many times people see a question mark or ask a question and automatically assume that aRead More The post Jeremy’s English Tips #24: The most fun and difficult part of the English learning journey first appeared on Culips English Podcast. Olivia:               That’s a great idea! Fun facts In this episode, Andrew mentions very expensiveRead More Andrew:           Right, or you could be on the 25th floor of an apartment building and it’s unlikely a burglar would steal all of your precious possessions from the 25th story. In this Simplified Speech episode, Andrew and Kassy talk about their daily routines for getting ready in the morning. Note The audio for the practice exercises is included at the end of the ad-free versionRead More Jeremy’s English Tips #10: The last straw. Listen up! That is why our podcasts are always focused on real, current English. Fun facts WeRead More It’s a growing concern, you know, you kinda start to think, well, maybe I should move to a different town or something like that. Same structure. There are more answers to come in Part 2! Some people absolutely hate them! The post Real Talk #034 – Talking about movies you hate first appeared on Culips English Podcast. A common one is to ask someone, “Do you get the picture?” Listen to this Catch Word episode with hosts Andrew and Jeremy to find out the many ways to use this expression. Fun facts Canada’s biggest mountain is Mount Logan, which is a staggering 5,959 metres tall! Our mission is to help you learn English the way it’s really used by native speakers in everyday conversations. This is Part 1 of a two-part story. To get your foot in the door, it can be get her foot in the door, get his foot in the door, get my foot in the door. You know you shouldn’t eat that much, but it’s just so good! Maura: I’m going to the party no matter what. Why would you look for that over an apartment, a regular apartment? In this Simplified Speech episode, Andrew and Jeremy explore some expressions you can use when you go to the gym. Scott:                Rent prices have skyrocketed since I had my last apartment. See you tonight. Here’s one more example with party animal: Miranda:          Of course I know Sherry! Can you describe it? John:                Well, the last two places I lived at, I kinda had to move out, there’s some circumstances that presented themselves, and I kinda had to move. We’ll get to the interview in just a moment, but right before we do, I wanna take the opportunity to remind you that we have a study guide for this episode. From the time they can talk, children are naturally learning about the world through observation,Read More first appeared on Culips English Podcast. The post Chatterbox #231 – K-pop first appeared on Culips English Podcast. The post Suzanne’s Quick Tips Episode #6: Breath support first appeared on Culips English Podcast. Lauren:            Really? a lot. The post Chatterbox #233 – Game shows first appeared on Culips English Podcast. Fun facts Humans have been painting pictures for millennia. Fun facts In this episode, our hosts talk about eye colour. In this Real Talk episode, Andrew and Kassy introduce useful phrases and vocabulary that are heard at the pharmacy. first appeared on Culips English Podcast. In this episode of Chatterbox, Andrew and Suzanne discuss Suzanne’s recent engagement. If so, then this episode is for you. In this Simplified Speech episode, Andrew and Kassy talk about the differences between how Canada and the United States deal with waste management. The post Suzanne’s Quick Tips Episode #3: Stressin’ Out first appeared on Culips English Podcast. There are many ways to add emphasis to your conversation and show the intensity of a feeling or situation. Rachna:           Want me to go talk to him? Give it a listen! ARead More In this episode, Andrew and Suzanne describe their personal styles and talk about how they’ve changed over the years. Episode description In this episode of Jeremy’s English Tips, I would like to talk to you about how to help yourself improve your English by raising a baby English speaker in your head.