The French word for ladybug is coccinelle, closely related to the scientific name for the ladybug family — Coccinellidae. Other than the connection with flying, the reason is not clear. One idea is that most butterflies in England were butter colored — that is, yellow or cream colored — and this led to the name. shouted the stage director to his actors before the beginning of the play. Like all insects, they have six jointed legs, 3 body parts, a pair of antennae, compound eyes, and an exoskeleton. Instruct your students to choose one sheet of paper and cut it into long strips. My first solo piano recital is tomorrow evening, I already have butterflies in my stomach. Using one of the walls in the room or large sheets of butcher paper, have each group hang their sentence strips. (The sight of a resting butterfly is still awe-inspiring to many people around the world, regardless of what language they speak.) Given that this insect gobbles up harmful aphids — thereby helping to save poor farmers from disaster — and given that the insect is also quite cute, it makes sense that it would be appreciated. It is believed that the feeling is caused by small spasms in the stomach that is experienced in times of stress or excitement. In the last part of the exercise, ask each group to choose two sentence strips and a conjunction to create a compound sentence and read it to the class. Susan swims the back-stroke best. Using Compound. The use of the English word dates back to the 1690s. These worksheets focus on the distinctions between sentence fragments and full sentences and the writing of simple sentences, compound sentences and complex sentences. The phrase, as we use it today was first used in 1943 by Bill Gardener describing his first training jump as a paratrooper: "I landed all right and although I'll always have butterflies in my stomach every time I go up …". The Scandinavian words are not consistent either. Identify the differences and relationship between cause and effect. (In English we recognize “cater” and “pillar” as legitimate words, but “caterpillar” is not connected to either of these words.) Butterflies in the stomach also refers to a strange physical movement of something like gas, liquid or food, with a trembling sensation in the stomach and ironically this sensation may be a symptom of social anxiety disorder. Amy likes hot dogs. This is especially noteworthy for the Slavic languages — such as Polish, Croatian, and Russian — where you would normally expect to find a lot of similarity across the languages. And besides, we all enjoy butterflies and ladybugs much more than moths and roaches.) She was preparing her résumé. Both words are derived from “baba” or “babka”, which means “woman” or “grandmother”. This year I knew I wanted to incorporate some butterfly math activities while studying the life cycle. Laneaux holds a Bachelor of Arts in English from the University of Texas at Austin. The Polish word for butterfly is motyl, which sounds just like the English word “motile”. The Swedish word is fjäril, while the Danes and Norwegians use the word sommerfugl. The Curious Connections Between Water and Energy, How I Learned 1,607 Chinese Characters in 18 Months. The Dutch word for butterfly is vlinder, a rare case where the English, Dutch, and German versions of a word are all quite different. The upshot is that there is an amazing diversity of words for “butterfly” across Western Europe. The time has come again to follow a twisty path of word connections across multiple languages.