This information should be helpful to clinicians who detect allergy to substances, especially flavors that may be present in most toothpaste purchased by their patients. A paper published in Contact Dermatitis outlined the experience of a 35-year-old woman who had severely chapped lips and cheilitis for nine months. [5] For each toothpaste, this database lists all allergens from the North American Contact Dermatitis Group (NACDG) screening panel that are present in the product. Parabens were found in only six of the toothpastes analyzed in the Walgreens database. The authors’ search of the Walgreens database found flavoring to be the most common allergen, but cocamidopropyl betaine, propoylene glycol, essential oils, parabens, and propolis are also commonly used potential allergens in toothpaste. Prolonged use of a chlorhexidine-containing mouthwash can cause discolouration of the teeth and dental restorations. All rights reserved. Bethany Ley, BSDH, Kayla Kendrick, BSDH, and Amy Coplen, RDH, EPDH, MS, explain what dental hygienists need to know about this new fad. This would be a good flavor-free toothpaste option, but should be avoided if a propolis allergy is suspected. However, in this case, the cheilitis resolved with avoidance of mint- and cinnamon-related toothpaste flavors, confirming that the toothpaste flavoring was the relevant exposure leading to the cheilitis. People with allergy to balsam of Peru and related cinnamon-type compounds should avoid sunscreens containing cinnamates. Contact reactions to oral hygiene products affect all age groups. Burdock GA. Review of the biological properties and toxicity of bee propolis. The third most common allergen was propylene glycol, a water-soluble vehicle. However, there are a few products that use either no flavoring or alternative flavoring, which can be useful for such patients (Table 2). Toothpaste allergy is often attributed to the use of cinnamon flavoring agents (cinnamic aldehyde) that have been added to the toothpaste. Jardim J, Alves L, Martz M. The history and global market of oral home-care products. 2001;1:223–224. Mowad CM. The reaction should resolve within a few weeks. Potential Allergens in Toothpaste Toothpastes can contain a number of potential allergens. Flavoring is added to toothpaste not only to make toothpaste more enjoyable to use, but also to freshen breath. 2005;16(4);209–215. Upon seeing him at his four-week follow-up visit, his rash had almost completely resolved (Figure 2). Consumer Insight. 3-Phenyl-2-propenal; Cinnamic aldehyde; 2-Propenal-3-phenyl; Cinnamal; Phenylacrolein; cassia aldehyde; 3-phenylpropenal; cinnamyl aldehyde; 3-phenylacrolein; benzylideneacetaldehyde; 3-phenyl-2-propenaldehyde; zimtaldehyde; 3-phenylacryaldehyde; Phenyl-2-propenal; Zimtaldehyde light; 3-Phenyl-2-propen-1-al. Activated charcoal: An all-natural tooth whitener? A toothpaste allergy doesn't have to get in the way of having great oral hygiene. Easy to use and very cleansing for sensitive teeth.i personally love cinnamon and the clove makes some more spice but has the power to cleanse your mouth. Some authors recommend confirming the product patch test results using a start-restart test or repeated open application test (ROAT). 15. It works as a solvent to mix relatively insoluble ingredients and acts as a preservative. Results The database included 80 types of toothpaste, 76 of which contained unspecified flavoring, which makes flavoring the most commonly present allergen (Table 1). Overall toothpaste is the second commonest cause of contact cheilitis after lipsticks, but the commonest cause in males. I purchased this for my teething toddler. Ms. Otto is from the Division of Dermatology, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. Home CAPB was the second most common ingredient listed in the Walgreens database. Perioral leukoderma, whitening of the skin around the mouth, has been reported due to cinnamic aldehyde present in the patient's toothpaste. [22] Propolis is increasingly being recognized as an important allergen, with a rising prevalence from 0.5 to 1.4% over the past 10 years.