We will regularly remind parties of these principles. change and the World Humanitarian Summit in Istanbul on 23–24 May 2016, offers a possibility to reinforce the interna-tional community’s humanitarian response. In accordance with the Secretary-General’s Human Rights up Front Initiative, we commit to use all appropriate fora to speak out and systematically condemn serious violations of international law. There is not one humanitarian system but a lively ecosystem of distinct humanitarian actors. Global Compacts for Migrants and Refugees Gwi-Yeop Son, Director of UNOCHA Corporate Programmes, was placed in charge of all aspects of the summit logistics, including liaisons with the Government of Turkey. The commitments I have just outlined are of course also for children, but I emphasize the need for all of us to work together to put an end to these violations and secure their future, which is that of every nation. In addition, more than 20 initiatives were either launched or strengthened, aimed at improving the lives of people affected by humanitarian crises. This statement, drafted by the CoM Subcommittee on Follow-up to the NY Declaration in consultation with the CoM Executive Committee, was contributed to the session on “international cooperation and governance of migration” held in Geneva on 19-20 June 2017. Securing adequate and predictable finance to save lives and alleviate suffering. Subcommittee meetings: 11:00-11:50am Regional Highlights Some have said that discussion of UN reform was resisted by senior UN leadership during the regional consultations process,[37] and the UN's aid chief Stephen O'Brien stating in an interview that the UN doesn't need to fundamentally change, but to "build on the best" and bring in additional innovation and skills. [36], Summit preparations also led to wider controversy over the structure and distribution of power within the humanitarian system. The World Humanitarian Summit was one step toward our joint endeavor to reduce human suffering. Currently, local organizations receive two percent of direct humanitarian funding with the rest going to organizations based in Europe and the United States. The Subcommittee sought to mainstream the issue of migration and the rights of migrants into the humanitarian and development policies on which the Summit was focused. The Summit needs to make clear impact here. Endorse it here to become a signatory. This 1-page introduction to the Global Compact for Migration, available in English, Spanish, and French, includes essential features of the GCM‘s purpose, development process, significance, political commitments, and implementation plan. 9 for UNFPA Eastern Europe and Central Asia. This Summit offers a critical opportunity for the global community to reaffirm principles that serve as the foundations of humanitarian action, and, ultimately, safeguard humanity.