Developed a caffeine allergy around the same age after consuming way too much of it. Allergic to caffeine? Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Sometimes even super light roasts will give me something that feels like heartburn. Currently six years without any and it still amazes people i can go without it. Almost any of these symptoms would be exacerbated by drinking it on an empty stomach. She like the taste of Starbucks lattes and Cuban coffee -- both have large amounts of sugar. To me this sounds like not eating or drinking enough water before having coffee. I did have stronger discomfort experience when starting to drink instant coffee with milk made with robusta coffee. It's possible to have an allergic reaction to practically anything - but for most things like coffee, it's really unlikely. Can confirm the headaches/migraines bit; I sometimes get them during a caffeine crash, although this isn’t exactly as OP reports his SOs condition, it is true. Coffee is a potent GI stimulator and some people are more sensitive to it than others. The only time this happens when I drink brewed coffee (caffeinated OR decaf) or when I drink a fully caffeinated latte from say, Starbucks. Cookies help us deliver our Services. She doesn't experience any side effects after drinking soda or caffeinated tea. Coffee contains a mix of over 1,500 different chemicals. Best you can do is either a good night's sleep, ginseng or trying to eat an apple in the mornings. I've had sodas, coffee, you name it, without any problems up until recently. Seems like a reasonable thing to do, but it seems like the most reasonable thing to do would be just to avoid coffee... like its good stuff, but I wouldn't give myself a hangover for it. Robusta or arabica? Also, for others who are sensitive/allergic to caffeine, what the hell do you drink to give you an extra boost in the morning? Asking & Tuning in. I wouldn’t be able to think straight or concentrate and I’d feel like I was literally outside my body. Caffeine also causes cerebral vasoconstriction - meaning it alters cerebral blood flow. I began to break out in hives mysteriously and could not figure out why, but after tracking what I was eating and drinking, and using the process of elimination I found that caffeine was the common denominator on days where I had hives and days where I didn't. This can actually help with headaches, but I imagine it can possibly induce headaches in someone who is sensitive to its effects. Hence, it might be conclusive for the dose of caffeine levels, as robusta often has higher caffeine level. When cupping roast progressions my throat burns and itches, and my eyes kill if I’m around the dust or I touch my face after handling green beans. I’m wondering if it’s a reaction to caffeine or if anyone else had experienced anything similar? Could this just be due to a greater sensitivity? I used to work at a coffee shop in my early 20’s. During your appointment, your … I'm 26 and I have consumed caffeine in some form for a majority of my life. Cookies help us deliver our Services. I would test the decaf & see if there is a different reaction. Others are also sensitive to adrenaline. About an hour after drinking coffee I would get this weird lightheaded feeling with an “aura”. She doesn't have issues regarding sugar or lactose, as far as we know. Go to an Allergist physician. A skin test may be performed to diagnose a caffeine allergy. This is a Subreddit for people with specific but often awkward questions about their body and how it works. This sub is under reconstruction, please be patient as we work to improve it. Coffee professional here, and I am allergic to coffee, specifically green, unroasted coffee. Cookies help us deliver our Services. But no any issue with any Arabica, even with espresso. As far as I can tell, however, roasting destroys whatever protein is responsible for my reaction. I wouldn’t rule out an allergy but I think it’s pretty unlikely. Which would also explain why she does not experience those same symptoms after having soda or tea. If you really have an issue in the morning consider changing your schedule, i know i had to after a while! Has anyone had this happen to them? Hot or cold coffee? Press J to jump to the feed. Now i get horrible optic migraines and nausea if i even get a moderate amount of it. 470. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. My wife is allergic to caffeine, but doesn’t have anything close to the reaction described in OP. My roommate and I split the cost of some tuna only to find out he would break into hives from eating them all of a sudden. If I drink a single cup of decaf coffee I don't sleep that night and don't sleep properly for the next two nights. Coffee/ caffeine allergy? It's great at first but after about 10 hours, it's horrible and the sensation is like I'm an engine with the throttle wide open and it feels like it's killing me. Caffeine allergy? This doesn't sound like an allergy. It was scary as hell. It is possible your fiancé is hypersensitive to one or more of those compounds, perhaps influenced by genetics. Press J to jump to the feed. Caffeine also causes cerebral vasoconstriction - meaning it alters cerebral blood flow. Some people do not metabolize caffeine as well as others. Just out of curiosity, and it may be unrelated, but does she put milk or sugar in the coffee or is she drinking it black? This article has been compiled from anecdotal evidence. A commonplace for discussion, news, advice and questions with fellow sufferers. Caffeine Allergy: Top 20 Symptoms. Decaf sounds like a sure-fire experiment because what is a lot more common is people having a low tolerance to caffeine. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Unfortunately, my fiancé cannot drink coffee without experiencing head aches, stomach aches, and diarrhea within about 10 minutes. I have always drank coffee but it seems like the last few weeks it started making me very itchy all over and also a weird itchy/swelling throat feeling. The advice given and received in this Reddit is NOT a replacement for an official diagnosis by a trained medical professional, but could serve as a good starting point for learning more about your body and what might be ailing you.