0000093101 00000 n !address -? 1000/15 (a close range direct hit will always be a kill until round 23, from mid-long range zombies will only be stunned momentarily with 15 damage)Infinite (upgraded and charged at least halfway) 0000189373 00000 n To access the interior, the player must shoot the foot with glowing lights under it and get stepped on by it, to be sent to the robot's head. 0000010293 00000 n As before, just rename certain items with certain names and the texture will change. reserved and committed memory [Idx = heap Idx, 0 = all heaps] Detailed info for a block at given address Search heap block containing the address (v = search the whole process virtual space) Search for potentially leaked heap blocks, !heap Heap -b [alloc | realloc | free] [Tag] !heap Heap -B [alloc | realloc | free], Set conditional breakpoint in the heap manager [Heap = HeapAddr | Idx | 0] Remove a conditional breakpoint, !heap -flt s Size !heap -flt r SizeMin SizeMax, Dump info for allocations matching the specified size Filter by range, !heap -stat !heap -stat -h [HeapHandle | 0]. 0000006664 00000 n Dump default register mask. : ~1 r eax). 0000006614 00000 n 37 comments. However, its charged effect causes a wind storm that lasts ten seconds and sucks zombies into it, killing them. Dump a list of possible Mask bits Specify the mask to use when displaying the registers. wt wt [Options] [= StartAddr] [EndAddr] wt -l Depth .. wt -m Module [-m Module2] .. wt -i Module [-i Module2] .. wt -oa .. wt -or .. wt -oR .. wt -nc .. wt -ns .. wt -nw .. 0000003783 00000 n As the correct order never changes (though the rings are initially randomized), it is possible to use the image below as reference. Step to next call - executes the program until a call instruction is reached If EIP is already on a call instruction, the entire call will be executed. However, its charged effect causes a wind storm that lasts ten seconds and sucks zombies into it, killing them. Please contact your hosting provider to confirm your origin IP and then make sure the correct IP is listed for your A record in your Cloudflare DNS Settings page. pa StopAddr par pa StopAddr "Command" pa =StartAddress StopAddr ["Command"]. Once you have done this step, a confirmation noise and quote should play and you should move on to step 2.Wind staff step 2) There should be some smoky balls outside of the map now and you have to blow the smoke towards the pack-a-punch. While !heap -p -a will dump a call-stack, no source information will be included. Make a windstorm that sucks in and kills zombies for ten seconds. Toggle verbose mode ON/OFF In verbose mode some commands (such as register dumping) have more detailed output. It consists of three circular columns that rotate when shot with the Staff of Wind. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare: Reflex Edition, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2: Force Recon, Call of Duty: Black Ops II Zombies Buildables, Call of Duty: Black Ops II Wonder Weapons, https://callofduty.fandom.com/wiki/Staff_of_Wind?oldid=2507658. 0000013695 00000 n Trace to address; StopAddr = address at which execution will stop Called functions are traced as well. Dump register types specified by Mask Dump only specified registers from current mask Value to assign to the register Flags for Mask 0x1 = basic integer registers 0x4 = floating-point registers == rF 0x8 = segment registers 0x10 = MMX registers 0x20 = Debug registers 0x40 = SSE XMM registers == rX, Dump all floating-point registers == rM 0x4 Dump only specified floating-point registers Value to assign to the register, Dump all SSE XMM registers == rM 0x40 Dump only specified SSE XMM registers Value to assign to the register. Initialize (=inject Logger into the target application) but don't enable logging. After it is built, it can be picked up by any player, and if the staff is switched to another weapon later on or the player holding it bleeds out (or disconnects), the staff will return to its pedestal. When it is upgraded to Boreas' Fury, it doubles its ammo reserve and magazine size but still has much less than the other upgraded staves. Semi-automatic (Chargeable when upgraded) FunctionFilter = wildcard string Same in DML format (functions link to "!ExtName.help FuncName" commands) Example: .extmatch /D /e uext * (show all exported functions of uext.dll), Open WinDbg's help Text = text to look up in the help file index Example: .hh dt, Dump version info of debugger and loaded extension DLLs, Dump command line that was used to start the debugger. Used by ]Name [-n|y] [Field] [Addr] -abcehioprsv. In this step you need to shoot these objects with the Staff of Wind. ]Name dt [mod! Cloudflare Ray ID: 5f133a16ccd5f470 0000092791 00000 n 0000002259 00000 n Cost (Zombies) (easy and original)Fire staff step 1) Go into the fire crazy place and kill lots of zombies on top of the fire cauldrons with only your fire staff. if there is only one shape in the symbol, the value is simply the number of lines present in the shape. Decode and display information about an error value Treat ErrValue value as an NTSTATUS code, bp [Addr] bp [Addr] ["CmdString"] [~Thrd] bp[#] [Options] [Addr] [Passes] ["CmdString"], Set breakpoint at address CmdString = Cmd1; Cmd2; .. Have a question for Call Of Duty: Black Ops 2? List output settings Enable/disable [d - Debugger, t - Text file, v - Verbose log] output. Examine symbols: displays symbols that match the specified pattern with data type verbose (symbol type and size) sort by address sort by name sort by size ("size" of a function symbol is the size of the function in memory). hide. Your IP: LoadLibrary/FreeLibrary log exception log global counters (WaitForSingleObject, HeapAllocation calls, ...) thread information + start parameters for child threads TerminateThread API log dump stack trace with INDEX. You have to match this symbol to it's corresponding tile on the roof. Searches ADDR in the critical section delete log. Often any address in the range [UserAddr....UserAddr+AlloSize] is also a valid parameter. The U.S. and U.K. standard terms differ, but the U.S. names — which were originally translated from the German names for the notes because so many German composers immigrated to the United States in the 19th century — are more universally standard. This powerful weapon can make killing zombies look easy. I suggest doing this location last, since it can be difficult to determine if it is correct. Other calls to SetLastError are redirected to a function located in NTDLL.DLL, RtlSetLastWin32Error. Global setting: should DML-enhanced commands default to DML? Once it is done, Samantha may talk to the player about the "power of wind being available", and the staff icon on the HUD now has a red outline. This mask controls how registers are displayed by the "r". Go upstairs into the church and you should see some symbols that are lit up and some that aren't next to the mystery box spot. In order to complete this step the smoke must change so that it is going towards the Excavation Site. After this return is returned, execution will continue until another return is reached. Note that only one of the feet is lit up each time a robot makes a pass, and it is randomized every time. 0000163016 00000 n These have been in the same place every time I have upgraded the Staff of Wind. Trace and watch data. Super Cheats is an unofficial resource with submissions provided by members of the public. Furthermore, the Boreas' Fury has a melee attack that involves swiping with the spikes on the head of the staff. d[a| u| b| w| W| d| c| q| f| D] [/c #] [Addr] dy[b | d] .. HeapAlloc, HeapFree, new, and delete log Searches ADDR in the heap log. !logc !logc p # !logc [e|d] * !logc [e|d] # [#] [#], List all categories List APIs in category # Enable/disable all categories Enable/disable category #, Print buffer contents to debugger Flush buffer to log files, Display module inclusion/exclusion list Specify module inclusion/exclusion list, Sign in|Recent Site Activity|Report Abuse|Print Page|Powered By Google Sites, [Command]: works for a few regular commands such as k, r, SVN:Couldn’t perform atomic initialization, http://www.windbg.info/doc/1-common-cmds.html, list all symbol in MyDll with data type, symbol type and size, list all symbols in kernel32 that contain the word LoadLib, add symbols from C:\MoreSymbols (folder location).