Oracle and Sun were the darlings of the dot-com era and together comprised the default hardware and database platform for myriad startups of that time, driving their revenues and market capitalizations skyward. “We’ve also speeded up encryption and decompression, which is kind of related to encryption. Compare the fastest x86 to UNIX and you will see that x86 does not stand a chance. In memory databases just scans the data in parallel on each node in the UV2000 without worrying for edits on disk. The only way to improve performance is by speeding up parts of the operating system and middleware (especially database), using Software-in-Silicon. The Sparc M7 chip was unveiled at last year’s OpenWorld show in San Francisco, and was touted at the time as a Heartbleed prevention tool. Warning: getimagesize(/customers/5/c/c/ failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /customers/5/c/c/ on line 38, They Brought Back The Loot Cave, But Not The Loot, AirTags remained elusive at Apple’s Mac event, Galaxy Tab A7 review: You get what you pay for, No one can seize your stimulus check, right? Something that neither x86 nor Power8 platforms have. SPARC T7-4 from $106,151(256GB Ram) to $221,639 (2TB Ram) The NUMA links can be used to make four-socket system boards that are then in turn linked to each other by the Bixby-2 interconnect ASICs, and to make a 32-socket machine, it looks like this: That is two Bixby switch groups with six ASICs each, with a total bi-section bandwidth of 5.2 TB/sec. That’s 33 percent more cores and 15 percent more clocks in half the space. We’re always looking for Heartbleed and Venom-like violations. Oracle would surely take the order should it come in. Each acceleration unit has 4 pipelines, which read data directly from memory, processes it, and places the results in the shared cache for onward processing by the cores. One of our representatives will get in touch with you in 24 hours. If you disagree, you are welcome to post scale-up benchmarks, such as SAP or TPC benchmarks or anything else. 30 October 2015 | 10:21 am – Source: A year ago, a Sparc M6-32 with 32 of the 3.6 GHz Sparc M6 processors (that’s 384 cores) and 16 TB of memory cost $1.21 million. Any database configuration larger than 8-sockets, and performance grinds to a halt. The problem with SGI UV2000 and similar clusters is that when go beyond 64 sockets, say 256 sockets, all CPUs are not connected to each other, there would be 256 over 2 = roughly 65.000 connections. Oracle had been branching out into applications and kept growing through the bust, while Sun was crushed by intense competition from IBM’s Power Systems and then besieged by legions of Linux systems based on X86 processors. The links making up the NUMA interconnect run at 16 Gb/sec to 18 Gb/sec, and there is directory-based coherence as well as alternate pathing across the links to avoid congestion. (Yes, support scales with system price, at 12 percent of the cost, not with the processor configuration or other base features.). So that would lead us to believe that a configured four-socket Sparc T7-4 machine should run maybe $235,000, an eight-socket Sparc M7-8 machine around $500,000, and a sixteen socket Sparc M7-16 machine around $1 million. “You’ll see us making more chips based on security, to secure our cloud and to sell to people who want to secure their clouds or who want to have secure computers in their datacentre. Oracle did not, by the way, launched entry and midrange machines based on the “Sonoma” Sparc processor, which it unveiled at the Hot Chips conference back in August of this year. No I didnt. T7 and M7 servers all had the same M7 processor. The M7 chip also has compression and decompression accelerators, which run at memory speed and allow for Oracle to get a lot done in the Sparc server’s memory footprint. And the last time I checked, even the best hackers have not figured out a way to download changes to your microprocessor. Ellison said that, while the M7 has lots of software features built into the silicon, the most “charismatic” of these is Silicon Secured Memory, which is “deceptively simple” in how it works. A second usage of the accelerators is in processing end-to-end encryption within an Oracle database application. I thought the first sentence conveyed it, but maybe not. Not larger. There are eight core groups on the M7 die, for a total of 32 cores and 256 threads. Wikibon recommends that the business benefits of improved performance, functionality and end-user productivity, as well as database cost optimization, should be included in any financial analysis. It offers in-depth coverage of high-end computing at large enterprises, supercomputing centers, hyperscale data centers, and public clouds. These are with full memory and a decent amount of local disk storage. “The way Venom worked, the floppy disk driver concealed this code. So, you need to relearn. The Sparc M7 is basically Oracle’s answer to this dire security situation. This will increase to 1 Terabyte with the availability of 64GB DIMMs. The first generation Bixby interconnect, which debuted with the Sparc M5 machines several years ago, was able to scale up to whopping 96 sockets and 96 TB of main memory in a single system image, although Oracle only shipped Sparc M5 and Sparc M6 machines that topped out at 32 sockets and 32 TB of memory.