Susan and MJ decide to deal with their anger a little more constructively – by throwing jars of jam at the garage wall. Stranger Things Season 3 ends on a couple of huge cliffhangers that have us desperate for Season 4. Katherine has a mental breakdown in the hospital and this exonerates Mike. As they're chatting, Edie drives by, and Mike asks her about her burnt house, and she discovers about the "traditional' dinner, to which Mike feels bad when she tells him she has been eating nothing but fast food lately, and Susan is forced to feel like having to invite Edie over for the dinner too. The car drives away and Mike is left there. Mike leans in, and they share their first kiss. She asks Mike, in his unconcious state, for his permission and asks him to wake up, he doesn't and she says that it really is just dinner. ("Careful the Things You Say"), Susan goes to court and is sentanced with community service, when there, Katherine visits her to rub it in her face and litters, saying Susan has missed a spot, however, she is forced to pick up trash on the highway alongside Susan. Zach becomes offensive and Paul pins him up and threatens him, Mike stops him and Pual backs off, Zach is put into rehab. distant figure in the corner. Later, Mike and Susan are in bed and he tells her that it is a good thing that Julie isn't at the party as he drove by there and it is worse than usual, Susan then marches down to the party to retrieve Julie and then Mike is waiting at home, realizing that Susan did this behind his back. Hopper does nooooot like this, so he attempts to speak to them to get them to chill out on all the kissing and spending time together. Susan is removed from the hospital. Becasue of the attack, Susan decides to call up a meeting of the neighborhood watch. Origin Pual knows this and confrotns Mike, asking him if he knows where he is, Mike denies knowing and Paul leaves. ("City on Fire"), Mike is hospitalized after the fire and Katherine delivers Mike some cookies and he realizes that Susan does not yet know of his new relationship. ("One More Kiss"), Mike visits Noah Taylor who is hospitalised and on bedrest in his house, Noah wonders why Mike hasn't been visiting him and Mike lies, saying he has been there every Sunday. Susan later kidnaps Mike from the hospital in his wheelchair and takes him to Wisteria Lane to try and jog his memory, he still does not remember anything until Susan stubs her toe and he realizes that she was klutzi all the time, she then asks what she was doing with Ian and she explains that the doctors told her that he may never wake up, the people at the hospital show up and Mike asks to be taken back, Edie reveals her intentions to steal him from Susan. Susan gets upset, and storms out to take a small plant over to Mike as a housewarming gift, as an excuse to flirt with the hunky, eligible bachelor. Mike tells him he screwed up, and left his screwdriver in Mrs. Frome's house the night he broke into her home, and almost got caught. Even so, I think it’s safe to assume that since the kids are all still just kids, Mike and Eleven won't necessarily be "dating" in Season 3, but they’ll still be close. Katherine and Mike plan to go to vegas to get married and put the tape that Dave made in a drawer. she confesses that she still loves Mike when under the influence of anestesia. Mike is driving to Susan's aid and Susan manages to free herself, she tries to warn him but it is too late and the two cars collide. The girls are outside Lynette's house discussing the dinner, and Mike jogs by and stops to wave at Susan. ("My Husband, the Pig"), Ian becomes paranoid that Mike is stalking he and Susan when he runs into him yet again, at a market, Mike tells him that it is a small town and that Ian should move to the city if he's sick of seeing the same people. Mike admits to Susan that Zach is his son. Mike tells Susan and Edie that he would invite them both in, but he is in the middle of something. One night, Katherine invites Mike over to fix a 'leak' and he goes, with Susan, however, Katherine had plans to seduce him and takes him to the problem, Susan goes upstairs to find candles and a romantic decour, Katherine runs upstairs to blow out all the candles and Susan sees a full, romantic bath, Katherine and Susan argue and Susan rubs a chocolate-covered strwberry in her face, literally, the two begin to have a catfight and fall into the bath, Susan returns to Mike dripping wet and tells him that they hate her again. Susan says it is because she had too many memories of Mike in her house, and she can't do her mourning. Mike is met by Ben's crush, Renee who asks him for information on Ben, Mike gives her nothing useful accept that he likes old people. Right before she enters the house, she starts by saying "And one more thing..", but suddenly, a black car pulls up to the curb and Donny leans out of the window with a revolver in his hand, pointing at Mike. ("In Buddy's Eyes"), Julie tells Mike, but not Susan, of Orson's confession after he returns home from rehab. Susan decides to work for the building's website, Va-Va-Va, which shows women in lingerie doing cleaning. ("Art Isn't Easy"), Mike and Susan have a meeting with a genetic counselor and she asks them their family's medical history, it comes out that Mike's father is alive and Susan was under the impression that he was dead as that was what he told her when they were first dating. Paul tells the story of how he and Mary Alice bought Zach from her and moved to Fairview, three years later, Deidre arrived and wanted Zach back, Mary Alice refused and when Deidre ran at her, Mary Alice stabbed her, they chopped her up, stuffed her in a toy chest and burried her under the pool.