When they do so, psychotherapy is the most common treatment. The subtype With Gender Dysphoria is provided to allow the clinician to note the presence of gender dysphoria as part of Transvestic Fetishism. It is rare in males and extremely rare in females. In the DSM-5, it is now known as Transvestic Disorder and is classified as a Paraphilic Disorder, which requires the presence of a paraphilia that is causing significant distress or impairment, or involve personal harm or risk of harm to others. The individual with Transvestism considers himself to be basically male, whereas the anatomically male Transsexual has a female sexual identity. Other males with Transvestic Fetishism dress entirely as females and wear makeup. advice, diagnosis or treatment. and on the presence of other fetishes (e.g., soft, silky fabrics, whether these are used for garments or for something else). Sometimes this sexual interest focuses on the person's own erotic/sexual activities while in other cases, it focuses on the target of the person's sexual interest. over a period of at least 6 months, a person has had recurrent and intense sexual arousal from fantasies, sexual urges or behaviors from cross-dressing (most often when a heterosexual male has fantasies about and/or acts out dressing up in woman's clothing). Risk factors have not yet been identified for this disorder. (See also Overview of Paraphilic Disorders .) Individuals with Transvestic Fetishism often seek hormonal or surgical reassignment. Copyright © 1995-2020 Psych Central. This may include the use of aversion therapy and different types of imagery/desensitization in which the person imagines themselves in the situation and then experiencing a negative event to reduce future interest in participating in the fetishistic activities. C. Intense frustration when the cross-dressing is interfered with. In female impersonators, unless Transvestism is also present, the act of cross-dressing does not cause sexual arousal, and interference with the cross-dressing does not result in intense frustration. Sexual arousal in response to donning sex-typical clothing is homeovestism. This disorder may occur with other paraphilias including fetishism and masochism. Individuals with Transvestic Fetishism often seek treatment when gender dysphoria emerges. Psych Central does not provide medical or psychological Cross-dressing for the relief of tension or gender discomfort may be done without directly causing sexual excitement. Over a period of at least 6 months, recurrent and intense sexual arousal from cross-dressing, as manifested by fantasies, urges, or behaviors. Transvestism is a form of paraphilia, but most cross-dressers do not meet the clinical criteria for a paraphilic disorder; these criteria require that the person's fantasies, intense urges, or behaviors cause distress, impair functioning, or harm others. Is My Boyfriend Gay, or, Does He Just Have Sex Anxiety? Although his basic preference is heterosexual, he tends to have few sexual partners and may have engaged in occasional homosexual acts. Individuals with a presentation that meets full criteria for transvestic disorder as well as gender dysphoria should be given both diagnoses. Under the name transvestic disorder, it is categorized as a paraphilia in the DSM-5. B. In DSM-III, this disorder is called Transvestism. Whe… Sex Addict that Only acts Out with Fantasy? What other disorders or conditions often occur with Transvestic Disorder? Symptoms of Transvestic Disorder include: They can also specify if the disorder is: The prevalence for Transvestic Disorder in the general population is unknown.