tion between authority and autonomy is relative and the scope of their application changes with different stages of the development of society. In just the same way, such mistakes may also occur in the work of other comrades. At the same time, they stirred up a hysterical anti-communist wave throughout the Western world. ments among the peoples to wreck this solidarity, there by destroying the communist cause. There are before us two types of contradiction which are different in nature. The attitude taken by Comrade Tito and other leading comrades of the Yugoslav League of Communists towards Stalin's mistakes and other related questions, as their recently stated views indicate, cannot be regarded by us as well-balanced or objective. In the nearly 30 years after Lenin's death, he worked to build socialism, defend the socialist fatherland and advance the world communist movement. must educate its members and the people in a spirit of internationalism, because the true national interests of all peoples call for friendly co-operation among nations. Both tendencies still exist to a greater or lesser extent among the peoples and even in the ranks of the proletariat of various countries. The 20th Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union summed up the fresh experience gained both in international relations and domestic construction. During the First World War, there appeared the Soviet Union, covering one-sixth of the earth. It is a type of contradiction whose solution must, first and foremost, be subordinated to the over-all interests of the struggle against the enemy. page 34 Mistakes, committed by Stalin certainly cannot detract from these historic achievements of the great Soviet people. If our enemies reproach us and say that Lenin himself admits that the Bolsheviks have done a host of foolish things, I want to reply by saying: yes, but do you know that the foolish things we have done are entirely different from those you have done? page 63 Any shortcomings in this respect must be firmly criticized and overcome. We’re scared of the things that we don’t understand.     The defeat of the king was followed by Cromwell's dictatorship. The Soviet Union was the main force in defeating fascist aggression throughout the world. As a result, some of the policies and measures he adopted He also expressed the view that "a change of character of that [communist] world now seems to be within the realm of possibility (!)." Such a phenomenon did come about in the history of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and of the Communist Party of China. The Soviet Government's efforts to improve relations with Yugoslavia, its declaration of October 30, 1956, and its talks with Poland in November 1956 all manifest the determination of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and the Soviet Government to thoroughly eliminate past mistakes in foreign relations. the duty of the class-conscious communist proletariat of all countries to treat with particular caution and attention the survivals of national sentiments among countries and nationalities which have been longest oppressed.     Facts prove that the Soviet Union, China, the other socialist countries and the revolutionary proletariat in the imperialist countries are all staunch supporters of Egypt's struggle against aggression, and of the independence movement in the countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America. Exploring what historians sometimes call the "pastness of the past"—the ways people in distant ages constructed their lives—involves a sense of beauty and excitement, and ultimately another perspective on human life and society. If we don’t understand the long, sprawling history behind the issues we are fighting for or against, then how can anyone expect to have a leg up against their political opponent? We shall struggle unremittingly to set our reverses and mistakes right and to improve our practical application of Soviet principles, which is still very, very far from perfect.     Then came the restoration of the old royal house in 1660. Historical Experience. Therefore, the problem of correctly assessing the fundamental course taken by the Soviet Union in its revolution and construction is an important one which Marxist-Leninists must solve. From this time on, scientific socialism was transformed from a theory and ideal into a living reality. Temporary and partial failures have occurred, are still occurring, and may also occur in the future. No one can deny that the tremendous upsurge of Soviet economy is the result precisely of the planned administration of economic affairs by the state of the working people, while the main mistakes committed by Stalin had very little to do with shortcomings of the state organs administering economic affairs. He became conceited and imprudent. page 40 dictatorship of the proletariat to deal with counter-revolutionary remnants -- these could not be wiped out completely so long as imperialism existed -- but by then its edge should have been mainly directed against the aggressive forces of foreign imperialism. We feel it necessary to say in connection with these views of Comrade Tito's that he took up a wrong attitude when he set up the so-called "Stalinism," "Stalinist elements," etc., as objects of attack and maintained that the question now was whether the course "begun in Yugoslavia" or the so-called "Stalinist course" would win out. page 9 The bourgeois counter-revolutionaries of these countries, whether hiding at home or living in exile, are still making every effort to stage a come-back. page 55 But whatever the mistakes, the dictatorship of the pro- This is clearly one of the steps urgently needed to consolidate friendly relations among the socialist countries. were often at variance with objective reality.     I, Part 1, Moscow, 1952, p. 227. Conversely, if, in their mutual relations, one Party imposes its views upon others, or if the Parties use the method of interference in each other's internal affairs instead of comradely suggestions and criticism, their unity will be impaired. dictatorship of the proletariat to deal with counter-revolutionary remnants -- these could not be wiped out completely so long as imperialism existed -- but by then its edge should have been mainly directed against the aggressive forces of foreign imperialism.