Moreover, it means that your knee joint is not getting enough padding. Tom shot Joe in a scene from the movie. This is the most common reason behind pain in the knee. However, with the metal helmet, the head wounds increased, but the death register decreased. The three rooms: The second room. Coffee: We tend to think that the coffee must be liquid, but it could really be in grain or powder, that’s why the earring did not get wet! There are always options solutions available around you. Why are keyboard keys organized in this way. One question we often ask ourselves in Ghost Writer Hub is what kind of creative exercises could we use to enhance lateral thinking? To name them-. Join the points: 19. Start the workout … This is a useful tool to sketch out a lot of ideas. If this word is not giving you a new idea start again. 27: Sell the truth: I made candles for birthday cakes. Do that for 10 minutes. Why? When Tom left the cinema, people kept him because they were fans asking him for autographs. Pain on outer side of knee can be very frequently seen in people, who train, run, and workout in excess of the normal pace. The glass cleaner: I was cleaning the windows inside the building. Red hat: emotions. One manufacturer claimed that if middle-aged people told the truth more often, he would sell many more products. Why? One night of a heavy storm, you are driving through the city when you see three people at a bus stop: – An old friend who saved your life. Your email address will not be published. Think about what everyone will typically do, then do the opposite. For example, isometric quadriceps, isometric quads in standing, calf raises hip extension, hamstring curls, etc. You can print the image to make it easier. Nonetheless, this particular condition can arise even without any kind of overdoing of activities. The lateral thinking exercises that I will explain below will help you train your creativity, ingenuity, and ability to innovate. He uses the excellent and latest technology of robotic knee replacement in Patna. They are by performing certain sets of lateral knee pain exercises. Here is an example:  in the morning I take my bike, I cycle to work, stop for a breakfast, take my bike, cross the park, get into the office … an other exemple: Customer take his car for shopping, step into the shop, look for a PC, ask for advise, buy the PC, put it in his car, go back to home, open the PC box…This approach is very useful to collect new insight and elements related to your goal. This is a special exercise. To make it easier to choose the word, you can use a dictionary. Therefore, for any of your queries, do write it down in the comment box and we will guide you with the possible solution Dr. Ramakant has for you. Black hat: negative criticism. From walking to sitting, every position of your body needs the support of your knee. The lateral thinking reflects a way of solving problems and try to find alternatives and creative solutions, indirectly, trying not to fall into the most obvious and immediate options. Begin light, assess your strength, and then … What did it make? Why do some people always seem to be having new ideas while others of equal intelligence never do? Lateral knee pain is the pain that can felt on the outside of the knee due to sudden injury in the knee. So, here we are going to give you some solutions for reducing your knee pain. Lateral knee pain is the pain that can felt on the outside of the knee due to sudden injury in the knee.Pain on outer side of knee can be very frequently seen in people, who train, run, and workout in excess of the normal pace. For Edward de Bono, there are very intelligent people because they have accumulated a lot of knowledge. This person should write a solution on your paper and give it to the person sitting on his/her right and so on. Thank you  ! eye! How did they know that he was the culprit if they only knew his name and his profession? Look for objects, analyse their shape, their color, where are they coming from. You just have to put your mind to it. Never think that resources and solutions are limited. The waiter chose to give him a scare by pretending he was going to shoot him to get rid of his hiccups. This is a free flow exercise. These exercises will definitely help in reducing the lateral pain. Some of the examples are Naproxen and Ibuprofen. What happened? You focus on the processes, the actions and the planning. Nevertheless, if you want a better understanding of your lateral knee pain, we would recommend you to take the guidance of a specialist like Dr. Ramakant Kumar, the best total knee replacement doctor in Patna, Bihar. In short, it is a habit of thought that is excellent for analyzing conflicts, solving them and increasing motivation. 21. The cat: The outside is the part of the cat that has more hair. There are 6 eggs in one basket. Simplicity means focused effort. c) And the third one is full of assassins with loaded machine guns. 8. Rate this post Looking for an answer to the que... Rate this post There are many of you who suffer... Rate this post Knee injuries are very common. Compare your problem to a known natural phenomenon (storm, eco-system, river…), to a mineral, vegetal or animal. You acknowledge crazy dreams and ideas. Finally, he got it, so he said “thank you” and left without having to drink the glass of water. What is the best answer? Nonetheless, this particular condition can arise even without any kind of overdoing of activities. Examples of Cross-Lateral Exercises. There are many cases when the knee pain does not show any kind of physical symptoms. Think like. And although the cup was full, the earring did not get wet. Remember that you should avoid obvious and typical explanations. 4. The stranger in bed: The stranger in the bed is about his son, a newborn baby. Every day take the elevator from your house to the ground floor to leave. A dog is tied by the neck to a rope 2 meters long. You should practice this in a group of minimum 5 people. We see plenty of front to back, and up and down, motions like lunges, squats, push-ups and pull-ups, but oddly we don't see many lateral movements. He is specialized in the field of bilateral knee replacement in Patna, which made him the best and most renowned doctor for knee joint replacement in Patna. How could it be? 8 videos on creativity that will change your perception of it - Creative Corporate Culture, How to develop a creative organizational structure - Creative Corporate Culture, Useful Creativity Tests - Creative Corporate Culture, 11 useful Tricks to Improve Your Creative Thinking - Creative Corporate Culture. There is no such activity in your daily routine which does not include the role of knees. Soon, the military authorities began to be alarmed by a large number of wounded in the head. Moreover, the symptoms of lateral knee pain include certain swelling, popping, … 10. With the cloth cap, if a soldier was shot in the head he probably died, very few survived with a head wound. In addition, the intensity of the war did not change, it was the same as before. Thus, with his great experience in the field of orthopedics, he is the best person who can guide you on any knee-related issues. Start using “why?” But in a comprehensive, open and instructive way. These riddles can have other ingenious solutions that are valid, what do you think? Keep it simple, complexity means distracted effort. But don’t forget the most important tip! The wine bottle: Sinking the cork into the bottle. The creativity exercises or tips in this article will always give you alternatives to express a large number of ideas through the divergence stage. The police were there and did not capture him. Nevertheless, there are some other common issues that cause pain on outer side of knee. He did not stop at the pedestrian crossing, ignored the forbidden direction sign and traveled three streets in the opposite direction on a one-way street. Hence, lateral knee pain when squatting can be caused due to meniscus tear. What would you do if you were someone else? The abandoned house: The match. The driving license: He did not react because the lady was walking. Your are very creative lots of crazy dreams and ideas, Blue hat: organisation. Yellow hat: positive criticism. The best solution to the outside knee pain totally depends on the internal cause of the pain. Don’t think just write. When he returns, he climbs the elevator and presses the seventh floor. This is lateral thinking. 6. Do not be afraid to let your imagination fly, even seemingly outlandish ideas can activate your most creative self. Well, it’s pretty easy, but first you should have an overview of the lateral thinking process. You can only choose a passenger. The waiter crouches looking for something. There you find an oil lamp, a candle and firewood; but you only have one match. The clerk said: “It is very strange that customers buy suitcases. Lateral thinking is related to creative problem solving and critical thinking, all valuable skills to have, and […] 12. – The perfect couple you’ve always wanted to meet. After that you draw the major topics, continue with sub-topics…. Over performance in your daily workout routine can cause you to face ITB syndrome which can affect your knee. In conclusion, I would like to say that most of those creativity exercises are just simple habits that you could adopt to improve your lateral thinking. At once he takes out a weapon and points the man with it. The purpose behind, to allow access to a heavier weights with a wide range of motions and better control during the routine. Moreover, most of the conditions which cause lateral knee pain with kneeling can be because of band syndrome or ligament tear.