2. How to use pray tell in a sentence Looking for sentences with "pray tell"? How to use prayer in a sentence Looking for sentences and phrases with the word prayer? The Bogomils of 10th century Bulgaria taught a life of penitence, The centre of the Labyrinth is a space of meditative, My explanation hereafter was declared ungodly and insane because, as he maintained, I had no right to discredit the role of, He remembered that his mother had given him some, I usually prefer the regular, at times monotonous, routines of, During takeoff and landing, I mumble a short, His lips began moving rapidly, mouthing the words to a, It is a common occurrence to see the fans of baseball's Tampa Bay Devil Rays shut their eyes, either in silent, Even today the Udmurts call the ledge and icons of the, In my youth, you heard, side-by-side, the church bells ringing and the beautiful, sonorous call to, Those present should gather afterwards for a short act of thanksgiving, which may be an informal, It is also one of the few places in Georgia where the sorrowful beauty of the call to, She sat with her knees together, hands clasped in silent, As the kids and I huddled together on the floor in the basement I sent up a silent, I've often witnessed this back-stabbing phenomenon among nurses in the hospital, and each time I do I say a silent, The three who were killed had been forced to kneel in a, Both Hess and Shaffir are saying that women's, So, throughout the day, when you find yourself stuck in awfulizing about the things that seem wrong, remember to say a, Rituals of traditional belief systems mark life-cycle events or involve propitiation for particular occasions and are led by shamans, spirit mediums, or, And if Claudius is simply a drunken thug who pulls a knife on Hamlet even when at, One tradition indicates that Muhammad was performing the noon prayer at the mosque of Banu Salama in Medina when he changed direction in the middle of the, The Bedouins are known for their weaving of fabrics, including carpets and, According to the film, Muthee organized several weeks of imprecatory, He was converted mainly through the testimony of a fellow carpenter, who witnessed to him at work and cried to God over his soul in, Those are giants, and if you are afraid, away with you out of here and betake yourself to, Benedict is considered the founder of Western monasticism, a man who said, Gamaliel defined no more than the beginnings and ends of blessings, leaving the, Almost every child grew up in an environment that included the call to, Pinned to the rear bulkhead is a red-and-blue Baluchi, Riding the subway to and from her ballet classes, mina immersed herself in, Also on display and sale will be Bhutanese handicrafts like, When a terrible drought threatens the land of Eretz Yisroel, two messengers come to the great tzadik to ask for his help in, Be warned, though, there's a mosque across the street and that early-morning call to, Be warned though, there's a mosque across the street and that early-morning call to, As a lay eucharistic minister, she interfaces nondenominationally with those who need. use "pray" in a sentence In my culture, we pray to our ancestors every day. In Serbia, every Christian family has a patron saint which they pray to for protection. For many who are, like Peter, in the course of progressive dementia, litanies, Tony knelt down and prayed making the sign of the cross, while Jisty's parents said their own, Fundraisers are hoping a grant from the Landfill Tax Credit will be the answer to their, Following that meeting, my husband and I both felt strongly that the Lord had heard our, My grandma taught me Zoroastrian and Persian melodies as well as the basic Zoroastrian, Then, we'll learn that Jesus is always with us, strengthening our faith and hearing our, She finally understood that God had indeed heard her, The organist often crackled or whined the Gregorian-chant hymns and the celebrant often hummed, mumbled, or whispered the Latin, Furthermore, the patients were unaware that, Abdel-Wahed was in the yard doing his ablutions before, Hassane and most of the competitors sheepishly made their way over to El Hadji's open-air mosque to perform their ablutions and, He applied sandal paste on his forehead and wore the sacred thread across his body and was rigorous in the ablutions before, A new imprint, launched last week, claims to be the answer to your, Slowly, slowly I began to approach the Wall in fear and trembling like a pious cantor going to the lectern to lead the, Incense burned near the altar and pilgrims were deeply absorbed in their, Whenever war clouds hang over any part of the world, inter-religious, In many mosques, only a small portion is left for offering, As I prayed this weekend, I lit the candles in our little shrine and found it focused my. The book is a compilation of Biblical narrative, rabbinic legends, As news of the incident spread, hundreds of worshippers started flocking to offer, Keep the faith, my southern neighbours, and know you are in our thoughts and, Despite the distance we felt in this time, I always had her in my thoughts and, No doubt they can all be assured that they are in our thoughts and, Some people have still memories of the 1980s when people were barred from universities merely for not going to Friday, Governed by Spiritual Law, the fire was respected and offered, He felt no qualm in telling me that he too attended, Small statues, candles, and miniature crucifixes dominated most of the space, along with scapulars, rosaries, and encrypted, Afterward, share a pot of tea in the tea garden there, or walk across Nanjing Lu to offer, An assembly of 90 monks conducted Buddhist ritual chants and, This historic church has been sanctified by the, A sermon and invocation in Samoan was followed by an impromptu chorale, offering, The second pillar, salat, consists of ritual, The Feast of the Assumption was celebrated with, I send them all love and big hugs with lots of, On the other hand, there is a mystical advantage to standing at the Western Wall, the spot where all, After a relative's funeral, families and their friends pray the rosary for nine evenings, offering refreshments after each night's, One would've had more rollicking good fun in an evening of, This was initiated by the singing of Veni, Creator and the Litany, and the saying of several long, Many times in my life, I have heard Perpetua and Felicity mentioned in litanies of saints and. True, he was a confirmed atheist, who had no patience for divinity, They had some institutions of religious observances, including public, A yellow, smoky light filtered through as the priest chanted the opening, You can listen to the whimperers all the day long, crying loud cries and, He heard the leather whip hit her back and her curses and, This year's service was without a sermon, but the. Knowing that death would follow the machinated horror, Philius gave one final prayer. There came into his molten brain the impulse to pray. I will pray to God to save me during this war. Here are some examples. See pray used in context: 100 poetry verses, 344 Shakespeare works, 1 quotation, 8 Mother Goose rhymes, 182 Bible passages, 7 definitions To pray with faith we must expect with confidence. The psychological aspects of healing through the use of rituals, In the big cities or the remotest rural areas, the azan is called five times a day and the people gather for the congregational, A secure pension would seem to be the answer to our, President Hosni Mubarak on Tuesday performed the Lesser Bairam, This was also the spirit as hundreds of people from the Sikh community gathered at the Gurudwara at Thevara to offer, This is evident from what we have of his written, He is to be lashed 50 times each Friday after, She recalled an anecdote her husband told about their military school days, when Headley would avoid morning, Medieval people believed that the suffering of the dead could be eased by the, The New Year eve celebrations may be marked by glitzy electric displays and noisy parties at one end and silent, But moments later there was a twist, and with it the fear that the, ElBaradei was greeted with water cannon and tear gas when he and his supporters exited Friday, Doctors treated her hypertension with magnesium sulfate, while a medicine woman said, Let them begin this solemn journey with our heartfelt, And like the New Testament parable of the sower and the seed, it remains to be seen whether the pope's, He was awoken before dawn by the strange lilting sound of Ottoman bugles, and after, Many believed that God heard and answered, The sound of their beautiful voices singing their joyous, The order dropped its habits after the Vatican II council and required that Ochoa wear a white outfit only during, At first sight, the Atlas of World Art edited by John Onians is a truly original and endlessly enlightening book, the answer to numberless, His mother was Rosalie Israelssohn while his father was Adolf Lasker, a cantor in the synagogue whose role there was to lead the liturgical, I am not a cantor by profession, but my synagogue, like many, prefers to employ regular members like myself to lead the. The Wednesday lunchtime mass featured chanting, responsive liturgy, hymns, Wahid is still far from being the answer to Indonesia's, A simple breathing exercise could be the answer to our, And yet, when it comes time to recite these, Zalwar Khan returns quickly and begins his morning, Diviners started to include seven Psalms with litanies and, Gone are the days when the community of Sisters which at times numbered about twenty were in their pews at 6.30 am reciting their, And he also didn't follow his usual bedtime routine after his. Here are some examples. How to use pray for in a sentence Looking for sentences with "pray for"? A convent was founded close by the site of the old gallows, and a small group of snooker-playing nuns still pray for the souls of the dead. The best likely result, however, is a court order to use nonsectarian prayers instead, an imperfect solution to many humanists. On Chinese New Year's Eve, people go to the temple to pray for their ancestors and for good fortune. A selection of religious books, bibles, newspapers, videos, I don't mind what religion people are, I think anyone can meditate but I think as a form of, The thurifer helps to engage all of our senses in, And when she knelt down to tell her beads that night, a very strange and terrible, When danger threatened there was resort to, Main's method of meditation bears a similarity to, but has some differences from, centering, Burial in monastic ground was valued because of the importance of, The shrine also attracts Indo-Muslim mystics called faqir, religious mendicants who observe lives of poverty, chastity, meditation and, This is how, in His Beatitude's words, unity in, And since last night, the bearded mentor had sequestered himself in his, The Archbishop led a short service, followed by a, Legend tells us that after her head was finally severed from her body, Mary's lips continued to move in, The Rabbi who led the congregation was so overjoyed with his, Three volleys would be fired by the guard, and the Last Post played, followed by a, If you're looking for someone of a particular faith or denomination, some rides even have different, Speaker David Carter opened proceedings with a, The great white marble dome of the mausoleum is flanked by free-standing minarets from which the muezzin calls the faithful to, Douglas Greenham, a member and minister of the church from 1996 to 1999, opened the meeting with, As he tackled the task of making the tavern shipshape, Ben breathed another, Graeme Goldsworthy argues that the doctrine of the Trinity is the foundation for, Giving charity is a positive mitzvah, a personal religious obligation no less than, As humans we are charged with the angelic task of managing the amazing place we call the world through a system of, Study of the siddur itself should enable us to reach a concept of genuine, She knew that this wasn't the safest thing in the world to do, but after saying a quick, silent, More than 100 people congregated in the Westbury House Gardens, Bradford on Avon for an hour of silent, The relatives and close friends sit in the same room as the deceased and maintain a silent, Bishop John McAreavey imparted blessings at a special, God, Allah, the Buddha, or Shiva requires you to offer a sacrifice, a, If you don't turn to your life over to God he can't hear the, Just before she tried to commit suicide, she sang a movingly mournful, As the sun goes down the muezzins begin their calls to evening, As we stood overlooking the east end of town, tourists milling around us, the muezzin of a mosque down in the valley began his call to, A muezzin stands at the top of the tower and calls Muslims to, Even the mufti of the republic joined the bandwagon, urging worshippers before last Friday's, As he spurred his horse forward to catch up with his brothers, Ben said a silent, Compared with the Book of Common Prayer, modern, In the midst of it all, she held fast in her, He narrated how his wife disappeared for more than an hour from the, A motto theme for William Penn is heard and the narrator intones Penn's, The ministry exists to help upbuild members in their faith so that they can evangelise, instruct others and fulfil their vocation of, It is common for visitors to a wake to say a short silent, Thus these texts alone cannot constitute the source for the narrative meditations linked to the Ave, It was thought that Mary loved hearing the Ave, There is room for politics in the church, room for crosses and, It would be a security engineering task of unbelievable magnitude, and I don't think we have a, But neither this, nor the additions they have in the azan or call to, She goes into the kitchen and I hear the sizzle of ham competing with the murmur of talk from the other room where I've already heard a fellow praying, leading, Our nurses will join families in hymn singing or, The only sound, other than the eerie whistle of the wind, is the moan of, He hastily opened the missal and started the opening, The effect is that while his Indonesian poems can be read melodiously because of longer syllables, his originally English poems read like a, Despite being raised Southern Baptist, I am uncomfortable with the whole concept of intercessory, If parents slob about and just don't care whether you eat or don't, learn or don't, damage other people's property or don't, then youngsters just haven't a, Before going on air, Keyes had his eyes closed as if in.