The tomb was discovered in 1980 in East Talpiot and contains ossuaries (bone boxes) with the inscriptions "Jesus, son of Joseph", "Maria," "Joseph," another "Mary," "Yose" or James, "Matthew" and "Judah, son of Jesus." The Jesus bloodline refers to the proposition that a lineal sequence of descendants of the historical Jesus has persisted to the present time. and Mary, and Son Joseph? 2 There are three tombs in Jerusalem people point to as the place Jesus of Nazareth was originally laid to rest in. . The most controversial ossuary pulled from the Tomb of the Ten Ossuaries was undoubtedly the one inscribed “Judah, son of Jesus,” the ossuary of a child. Now the posterior probability rises to 92% or thereabouts. On this point the ancient eyewitnesses agree. . Shimron says that the evidence points to this being the tomb of Jesus … By Rod Hemphill 2/27/07 . The Tomb of Jesus. JESUS TOMB An incredible archaeological discovery in Israel changes history and shocks the world. You may have seen advertisements for an upcoming documentary regarding the discovery of a 1st century tomb in Jerusalem which has been "identified" as the family tomb of Jesus and his wife, Mary Magdalene, and their son, Joseph. The ossuaries in this tomb, remarkably, seemed to bear familiar names: "Yeshua bar Yosef" (Jesus, son of Joseph), and "Mariamne e Mara" (Mary, known as the master). Many people would see this as a near certainty, but one should keep in mind that there is still 1 in 11 odds of this being an unrelated tomb … If indeed the tomb uncovered in East Talpiot in 1980 is that of Jesus and his family, and if indeed Jesus of Nazareth had a son, this ossuary contradicts dramatically nearly 2000 years of Christian tradition. Not "James son of Joseph brother of Jesus", nor "James son of Joseph", but just James. Tombs with the names Maria, Jesus son of Joseph, Mariamne e Mara, and Judah, their son, are found and an investigation begins. 1 The vast majority of modern scholars – critical or otherwise – also agree. The tomb in which they buried Jesus of Nazareth was empty that first Easter morning.