Burgess, E. W. & Locke, H. J. In A. Numhauser-Henning (Ed.) The gendered Scandinavian welfare states: The interplay between women's roles as mothers, workers and citizens. Zetzell, I., Begler, A., & Hillborg, T. (1993).The social services and care in Sweden. And it’s … If the child is 18, child support is an agreement between the him/her and the parent who does not live with the child.

59-79). 37-68).

The entitlement period was increased to seven months in 1975 and to nine months in 1978, the last month being replaced at the flat rate for every-body. Salzer, E. (1976). 71–86).

(1994). Philadelphia: Temple University Press. Preschool (förskola), also called day care (dagis) is available (and guaranteed, SFS 1994:11) for ages 1-6 (today in effect ages 1-5, see below). All families with children living in Sweden receive financial support in the form of child allowance (barnbidrag). Stockholm: Socialdepartementet. Foreign citizens wishing to marry in Sweden must also be allowed to get married in the country where they are citizens or live permanently in order to be allowed to marry in Sweden. Thornton, A., Axinn, W. G. & Xie, Y. New York: Auburn House. Couples who are in a registered partnership may turn it into marriage through an application to the Swedish Tax Agency (Skatteverket), which deals with all aspects of population registration in Sweden. Albany: State University of New York Press.

(1976). The most important family allowances in Sweden are related to family policy and the social insurance system.


(2007). Ambitious family policy is commonly seen as a main reason for the strong position of women in the labor market (among the highest female labor force participation rates in the EU) but also for relatively high fertility (almost at replacement level) and low poverty among children (among the lowest in the EU). Liljeström, R. (1978). Family allowances were commonly given to the mother. 171–199). SOU 1972:41. When it comes to housing allowances and child support, the benefits may be increased or decreased depending on the household’s income.

Stockholm: Author. Adams, C., & Winston, K. (1980).Mothers at work: Public policies in the United States, Sweden, and China. New York: Swedish Information Service.

The fraction of all users who are fathers has risen over the years. In 1915 a new divorce law was passed that permitted bilateral no-fault divorce. The major concern was that although women since the turn of the century were obliged by law to take leave from work in connection with childbirth, and the period of leave has been gradually prolonged, there was still no legislation guaranteeing the compensation for loss of income. ),The new politics of abortion (pp. Immediate online access to all issues from 2019. Oslo: Scandinavian University Press. Hafström, G. (1974). SOU (Statens offentliga utredningar) [Government official reports]. All benefits, with the exception of study assistance, are administered by the Swedish Social Insurance Agency (Försäkrings¬kassan). Lund: Arkiv. All in the EC family.Connexions, 43 (Summer) 14, 33. Makar Emellan. Child care in Sweden.Fact Sheets on Sweden. Major features of Sweden’s policy have been the separation of spouses’ income and individual taxation, the expansion of public and private day care centers and a very generous parental leave program provided to both women and men, which has created much better possibilities to combine a … In rare cases of separation, the court may, however, decide that the partner most in need of the common home will be the one who keeps it but this mainly applies if there are young children in the household.

Oslo: Scandinavian Univesity Press. Newbury Park: Sage. In 1948, the child allowance was extended to all families with children under 16 (SFS 1947:529). The care of the elderly in Sweden.Fact Sheets on Sweden. Stockholm: Norstedts. Den ofullbordade jämställdheten [Incomplete equality]. Professor, Decisions regarding benefits can be appealed in the manner that generally applies to administrative decisions. Carlsson, A. The child allowance is paid up to and including the quarter of the year when the child turns 16. Hwang, C., & Broberg, A. Popenoe, D. (1988).Disturbing the nest: Family change and decline in modern societies. Welfare state expansion, such as increased social protection of lone mothers, made individuals independent of the family for economic and social security. After the ordinance of 1860, the court could issue an order of protection, forbidding the spouses to visit each other during the period of temporary separation preceding divorce, thus providing protection against an abusive spouse. Welfare policy in Sweden. Family policy applies to all individuals permanently residing in Sweden. The increase in marriage rates was not due to compositional changes in the characteristics of the Swedish population, neither was it due to postponement/recuperation of age at marriage nor a reversal of female independence or values (such as secularization). Swedish family policy is organized around goals such as family economic security and physical well-being, children’s rights and gender equality.

& Lesthaeghe, R. (2004). This amendment is strict and without exceptions. )Men, work and family (pp. 466–481). Svensson, S. (1994). Den svenska familjerättens historia. After the separation period, either of the spouses could file for a final divorce. ),Vardagens villkor [Everyday conditions] (pp. Barnomsorg och familjepolitk [Child care and family policy].Ekonomisk Debatt, pp. New York: Swedish Information Service. It should be noted that tax reductions have never been a feature of Swedish welfare provision. Wahl, A. This improved wives’ rights to joint property and gave them the right to sue for alimony. Stockholm: Bonnier. The law imposed leave without pay on women, and furthermore, the protective aspect of this law did not extend to job protection because was no guarantee that the woman would not be dismissed on account of her leave. Sundström, G. (1987).Old age care in Sweden. New York: Swedish Information Service. Boston: Beacon Press. For children born in 2014 or later, each parent receive 195 days each at the sickness benefit level and 45 days each at the minimum level, however, days can be transferred with the exception of the aforementioned 60 days at the sickness benefit level that are reserved to each parent. Stockholm: SNS Förlag. Fakta om äldre i Europa [Away is good but home is best?

& Johansson, M. (2012). Ett dilemma för kvinnor i 1900-talets Sverige. Department of Economic History and Centre for Economic Demography at Lund University Normativa Perspektiv. Olika normer [Different standards].


Kiernan, K. E. (2004). Cohabiters may agree through a written agreement (signed by two parties) that the division of property rules shall not apply to them. Marriage is entered into either through a ceremony in a church or religious community, for example, the Church of Sweden, or through a civil marriage ceremony. (SFS 2006:442). Sweden has been politically and economically committed to strong family policy for the past 50 years. Sweden has a well-developed family policy, organized around the goals of family economic security and physical well-being, voluntary parenthood, gender equality, and children's rights. What are the effects of reforms promoting fathers’ parental leave use? New York: Russell Sage Foundation.

Swedish Ministry of Health and Social Affairs. In T. Boje & S. Hort (Eds. Sundström, M. & Duvander, A-Z. Integration of family policy and labor market policy in Sweden.Social Change in Sweden (#39). 0000001139 00000 n There are also temporary parental benefits that are paid to parents who stay home from work to look after a sick child under the age of 12 (in some cases 16). Journal of Marriage and Family, 66: 848-861. Statens offentliga utredningar [Federal investigative reports] (#44). Stockholm: Swedish Institute.

Child custody roles in the context of Swedish family law.Social change in Sweden (#31). 0000001077 00000 n In E. Meehan & S. Sevenhuijsen (Eds. Sweden was the first country in the world to introduce paid parental leave also to fathers in 1974. Swedish labor during the 1990s.Current Politics and Economics of Europe, 3, 95–104. Public, compulsory training for parents—for the sake of the children.Current Sweden (#121). Marriage in Sweden is often compared with a partnership. Generous spending on family benefits, flexible leave and working hours for parents with young children and affordable, high-quality childcare are seen as the main factors for success. Legal ordinances (Svensk författningssamling): Introduction, Childcare provision, Family allowances, Marriage and Cohabitation Heclo, H., & Madsen, H. (1987).Policy and politics in Sweden: Principled pragmatism. The real expansion of family policy took place in the 1970s and since then family policy has been extended and improved, reflecting political and societal …

Svallfors, S. (1993). Moreover, a woman who is not allowed to perform her ordinary work due to risks in the working environment may also receive pregnancy benefit. Huber, E., & Stephens, J. And with current politics being … (1992). These trends were both early and prominent in Sweden and the other Nordic countries. (1984). Burek, H., Gustafsson, B., Kjulin, R., & Kärrby, G. (1992). In J. Fritzell & O. Lundberg (Eds. Stanfors, M. (2007).

For example: in 1937, a child allowance for poor mothers was introduced. © 2020 Springer Nature Switzerland AG. There is maintenance support for single parents (underhållsbidrag), which guarantees that children whose parents are living apart receive a certain allowance even when the parent liable to pay maintenance does not comply.

Wittorp, B. 223–244). Oslo, Norway: Scandinavian University Press. O'Higgins, M., Schmaus, G., & Stephenson, G. (1990). (1994c). The most recent legal reform in Sweden was passed in 1974 (SFS 1973:645) after several years of intense public debate during the 1960s when conservative values concerning gender, sexuality, marriage and divorce were liberalized, resulting in several legal reforms concerning women’s rights, abortion, contraception and sex education. 0000000816 00000 n Before that, childbearing and family responsibilities were mainly the individual woman’s concern.

Sweden for women.Current Sweden (#407).