You can reach us at 214-357-8549. Church Office: 214-358-1453. The St. Monica Family Box Team is taking orders for an Advent kit with devotions, activities, and crafts for the whole family. Daily Mass is live streamed on Wednesdays and Sundays at 8am on Facebook. 9933 Midway Road. How can the parish assist you? St. Monica Catholic Church is located at: 9933 Midway Road. "The fruit of Baptism, or baptismal grace, is a rich reality that includes forgiveness of original sin and all personal sins, birth into the new life by which man becomes an adoptive son of the Father, a member of Christ and a temple of the Holy Spirit. You can reach the church office at: 214-358-1453 (phone) 214-351-1887 (fax) Adult baptisms take place at the Easter Vigil through the restored Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults. In case of necessity, any person can baptize provided that he have the intention of doing that which the Church does and provided that he pour water on the candidates head while saying: “I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit" (CCC 1284). Statement by the priest at the liturgy: "You have asked to have your child baptized. Dallas, Texas 75220. How do you see God and the Church being a part of that dream? Login. (214) 358-1453 | (972) 829-4279 Emergency number Office hours: Monday - Friday 9 am - 5 pm 9933 Midway Rd, Dallas, TX 75220 St. Monica will temporarily offer an online baptism program for parents and godparents to comply with the LA County Safer-at-Home Restrictions. In doing so, you are accepting the responsibility of training your child in the practice of the faith. (214) 358-1453 |  focus on a “theme of the month”, which tracks the Catholic Church’s liturgical calendar; emphasize particular Catholic Christian virtues, such as gratitude and honesty, and offer ways to put those virtues into practice; introduce Catholic saints related to the month’s theme, liturgical season, or virtue; present ideas for incorporating Holy Scripture and prayer into the family life; and. (Stewardship - A Disciples' Response - Intro) How do you see yourself training your child in the practice of the faith? It will be your duty to bring him/her up to keep God's commandments as Christ taught us, by loving God and our neighbor. Amen, amen, I say to you, no one can enter the kingdom of God without being born of water and Spirit. Dallas, Texas 75220. Reconciliation will be held in the main church by the Pieta Statue and all are asked to socially distance while waiting. It is the foundation for the sacramental life. Adults or children who have been baptized in a valid Christian church are not baptized again in the Catholic church. Preparation for Baptism is an exciting time for parents and sponsors. If you wish to reach St. Monica School, please contact them at: 214-351-5688 (phone) The St. Monica Family Box Team is taking orders for an Advent kit with devotions, activities, and crafts for the whole family. A Christian steward "receives God's gifts gratefully, cherishes and tends them in a responsible and accountable manner..." (Stewardship - A Disciple's Response, pg.   206.232.9829, x130 As we say in the Nicene Creed, “I confess one Baptism for the forgiveness of sins…”. The priest says: "The Lord Jesus made the deaf hear and the mute speak. Saturdays after 8am Mass or at St. Eugene at 3:15pm. Session 1: Parents are expected to attend the first session together as a couple. Please practice appropriate social distancing. 5681 N Santa Monica BlvdWhitefish Bay, WI 53217, St. Monica Parish160 East Silver Spring Drive / Whitefish Bay, WI 53217, At least one Godparent must be a confirmed adult Catholic. By the power of the Holy Spirit give to this water the grace of your Son, so that in the sacrament of baptism all those whom you have created in your likeness may be cleansed from sin and rise to a new birth of innocence by water and the Holy Spirit. (972) 829-4279 Emergency numberOffice hours: Monday - Friday 9 am - 5 pm9933 Midway Rd, Dallas, TX 75220. "Mature disciples make a conscious, firm decision, carried out in action, to be followers of Jesus Christ no matter the cost to themselves." The monthly family box is a new way to bring the St. Monica faith formation program home to you (offered exclusively to our students who are not currently preparing for sacraments). It will also contain links to videos and resources for further learning. There may be up to ten baptisms on any given date, so please be on time! St. Monica Catholic School Preschool (3) - 8th Grade 4140 Walnut Hill Lane Dallas, TX 75229 P (214) 351-5688 F (214) 352-2608. Sign up at this link! Any others are considered as a Christian witness. What are you asking of our parish for your child? The cost of the family box program for the entire year is $50 for families with one student plus $10 for each additional student. Here you will find information regarding sacramental preparation as well as religious education. Discuss: attending weekly Sunday Mass as a family,teaching and praying prayers,praying as a family,keeping the Commandments,living the sacraments,practicing charity,practicing "active and committed stewardship" within the life of the parish. May He soon touch your ears to receive His Word and your mouth to proclaim His Faith, to the praise and Glory of God the Father. This is an opportunity for families to engage with our priests, staff, and members of the … For information: Please contact Heather Miller-Martin in the Office of Religious Education to register for the Baptism and Baptism class. var u794378136="info"; var h988131304="";var linktext=u794378136+'@'+h988131304;h988131304="";document.write('' + linktext + ''); Each box contains age-specific materials and resources tailored to your particular family’s needs. We are located on the southwest corner of Midway Road and Walnut Hill Lane. The monthly boxes are a fun-filled, faith-filled way to engage the whole family in catechesis as we journey through the liturgical year! ADULT MINISTRIES/MINISTERIOS PARA ADULTOS, COMMUNITY OUTREACH/SERVICIO A LA COMUNIDAD, FAITH FORMATION NOMINEES/FORMACIÓN EN LA FE, LITURGICAL MINISTRIES / MINISTERIOS LITÚRGICOS, MINISTRIES FOR YOUNG ADULTS/MINISTERIOS DE JÓVENES ADULTOS, MINISTERIOS HISPANOS (HISPANIC MINISTRIES). You are bringing your child into the church! We look forward to helping you grow in faith and deepen your relationship with God. help families stay connected to Christ and His Church through these unprecedented times. Advent family kit- Order now! The Office of Faith Formation is open Monday through Friday from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. Fax: 214-351-1887. (John 3:5) By this very fact the person baptized is incorporated into the Church, the Body of Christ, and made a sharer in the priesthood of Christ" (CCC 1279). Please reflect on the following before class: In naming a child, we do not 'own' the child, but accept the responsibility of the gift of the child's life. From this moment on, your child will always have a Catholic family that will support them in times of need, provide them with spiritual nourishment and always be present to them. Preparation for Baptism is an exciting time for parents and sponsors. Sign up here: You are bringing your child into the church! Our Church shows stewardship in providing a sacramental life for your child, catholic education and a spiritual home for life. The stewardship way of life is the grateful response of a Christian disciple who recognizes and receives God's gifts and shares them in love of God and neighbor; a parents dream for a child is also God's dream. Thursdays 8am-8pm in the Main Church. This recognition and receiving of the gift of life from God is stewardship. The sacrament of baptism ushers us into the divine life, cleanses us from sin, and initiates us as members of the Christian community. While in ordinary circumstances, sacraments in the Catholic Church are administered validly by a member of the ordained clergy, in an emergency situation, the sacrament of baptism can be administered by anyone. Do you clearly understand what you are undertaking?". Today, the sacrament of baptism is often performed on infants, shortly after birth. We will consider private baptisms for illness or miltiary personnel. The Catechism teaches: For information:  Please contact Heather Miller-Martin in the Office of Religious Education to register for the Baptism and Baptism class. 9). At St. Monica, we offer communal baptisms, held twice a month on Sundays and begin at 3:00 p.m. in the Church. Wednesday 7:30am @ SE, 8:30am SM School Mass(livestream only), Thursday 7:30am, 8:15am SE School Mass(livestream only). Confessions can also happen on an individual basis- just call the parish office to schedule an appointment. Once you complete the registration below, you will receive further instructions. What are your hopes and dreams for your child? The contents of the boxes will include items such as crafts, games, spiritual aids, worksheets, projects, and other activities along with the materials needed to complete the activities (except for common household items such as pencils, scissors, etc.). Requirements Office hours: Monday through Friday 9 am - 5 pm. At baptism, the presider prays over the water: Father, look now with love upon your Church, and unseal for her the fountain of baptism. There may be one male and one female Godparent. From this moment on, your child will always have a Catholic family that will support them in times of need, provide them with spiritual nourishment and always be present to them. 206.232.9829, x130 Amen, amen, I say to you, no one can enter the kingdom of God without being born of water and Spirit. (214) 358-1453 | (972) 829-4279 Emergency number Office hours: Monday - Friday 9 am - 5 pm 9933 Midway Rd, Dallas, TX 75220 We are east of I-35, south of I-635 (LBJ) and west of the Dallas North Tollway. Welcome to St Monica Catholic Church “Christian initiation is accomplished by three sacraments together: Baptism which is the beginning of new life; Confirmation which is its strengthening; and the Eucharist which nourishes the disciple with Christ’s Body and Blood for his transformation in … A Godparent is a confirmed Catholic who lives their faith and is willing to accept the privilege of supporting their Godchild during their formative years of learning and living the faith. Please arrive by 2:45 p.m. to check in with a hospitality minister. Water is poured in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.". (Christian Initiation of Adults, #222A), Baptism frees us from the bondage of original and actual sin. (John 3:5), 4301 88th Ave SE, Mercer Island WA 98040 |, © 2016-2020 St Monica Church  |   4301 88th Ave SE, Mercer Island WA 98040   |, Baptism/Confirmation Sponsor (Godparent) Form.